The Stylistic Analysis of Public Speech
- 期刊名字:英语广场
- 文件大小:504kb
- 论文作者:李龙
- 作者单位:武汉语言文化职业学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
The Stylistic Analysis of Public Speech口李龙武汉语言文化职业学院[捕粤] Public spech is a very imporant part in owr daily life. The ablity to deliver a good publicspech is something we need to lean and to have, sesialy, in the serice sector. This paper ateptspto analyze the style of pbbie spech, in tbe bope of providing inpintion to u whenever dlvringsuch a speech.中圈分类号]H0-0文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1006167120700790211 The Features of Public Speechestimes in order to show his confdence o the younger goerntion.e.g. 1: Your generation will enjoyUNIMAGINEDLanguage is the most important means of communication.OPPORTUNITIES because of education.People can cbange tbe way they speak or write according toeg 2: These advnces in technology WLL TANSFORMdifferent situations.LIVES- AND THEY WILL preset you with profund dilemmas.Public speeches sbare similarities with both writtenlanguage and spoken languagc. On most ocasioas, they are2.2 Lexical Featureswitten in advance and delivered in spoken form, so in manyAs a kiod of formal activity, public spech placcs greatways, they are more formal than daily conversation. For example,emphasis on diction. According to the American expert 0ntbe sentences are more complicated and the content is more logic.public speech, Stepben E. Lucas proposes that wben choosingCompared with written language, public speches have to adaptvoeabulary in publie spech, we should take the fllowingto the audience' s feedback and rely on siful oral delivry.elemeats into sccount: (3) cboose recogmizable words; 0) chooseconcrte words; (c)eliminate clutter and (d) ensure politial692 Stylistic Analysiscorrectness.The linguistic decription of any chosen speecbes wil becried out in terms of phonological features, lexical features andMore recognizable words are to be shown in a spech,rbetoric devices.this way, it is easier to be understood by audience; using moreThe speech of George w. Bush畔thedifcult lexis will make the spcch less callengng to understand.Ceremoay in Oklaboma University will be chbosen 8如cxampleHowever, the diction is greatly influenced by the educatioalto show the sylistic features of public speech.background of the audience. Faced with the universityundergraduates, words in Bush's spech such 8 uprogressive,2.1 Phonological Featurescruet, infuence can be casfid as familiar words.During a speech, the speaker communicates to the audience2.2.2 Politial Correctnesswith oral inoation epessions and the reeivig, as well as tbePolitical correctness is essential wben delivering 8 spechunderstanding of the speech should be caried out simultancously.Speakers should be careful when delivering their choice of theAccording to Nida's communication data theory, the increasewords, especially conceming religion, sex, culure and so on. hnof comunication das will result in the endience's dificlt inthis speech, Bush uses Afrcan Americans (darxk skinned) insteadunderstanding. Therefor, the speakers should pay much atentionof Black people and Negro(term for African descendents whoto their pounciation and intonation in order to corvey all thenow live in America) to avoid the insut on the minority groups.ideas to the audience scssall.Except for these point, Busb' s spech is full of concrete words,In this speech, Bush's pronunciation is very clear withand cutters or dificult phrases cannot be found.few swallowing sounds. In the first four paragraphs, his spechis delivered at mn average speed. And there re frequeat pauses3 Rhetoric Devicesafter ceach sentence. Anotber prominent feature is the rare casesRhetspecbes in orderof contractions used to try to achieve some kind of formalityto atract中国煤化otabaeand solennity, Bush also alered his emphasis on sylables quiteTYHCNMHGT赫第72页)ofen. In this seech, Bush emphasizes his stress levels several作者简介:拳龙,武汉语言文化职业学院。绍面子挽救理论时提出威胁力为三个参数之和:双方的社会容,解读消息报道之后的真实意义,也给新闻标题的编写、距离、双方的相对权势、要求的强加级别。新闻标题的语言话语的表达提供了理论依据。标题形式与意义之间存在一定总是具有正式性、准确性、适度性、艺术化与陌生化,这象联系,有着象似性理据。似着礼貌的程度和客观的距离。例如:(8) President Hu Vsits Low. income Family (Chin Daily,文献.Dec.30, 2010)1] Haiman, J. Natwral Symtcx [M] Cambridgc: CUP, 1985.新闻标题中报道国家大事提到社会地位较高人物名称] Looch,G. Principles of Pragmatics [M] London: Loogman, 1983.时,总是在人名前加上头衔,从而增加了句子长度,以表现3] 何兆旅新编语用学概要[M..上海:上梅外国语出版社,2000礼貌程度,且运用“low inocome"而非"overty"这样的委婉4] 侯国金.语用象似论p.语言教学与研究, 2072.词体现礼貌与尊重,从而象似社会距离和心理距高的加大。[5] 潘宗成新闻标题与常用修辞格U1-郑州大学学报,19863).6] 钱世宽新嗍标题的修辞艺术0D]修辞学习,1997(6.(9) Black People Require Equal Rights (The Wshington7] 沈家煊.句法的象似性问题01.外研教学与研究,193(1).Post, Nov3, 2004)8] 杨晓红.新闻标题的语法结构和语用价值[I.新闻与写作,在这个例子中,“black peoplc"和“negro"所指是- -样的,1997(2).但前者与后者相比是个委婉礼貌的词汇.“black pople”发音[9] 尹世超标题语法[M]北京:商务印书馆,2001.稍长,显得更礼貌,表现说话人发表言论的正式程度“acgro"是一个带有政治立场的的词,用在新闻标题中则有悖得体,Analysis of English News Headlines fromPragmatic lconicity可能引起误会或歧视,使表达具有政治企图的攻击性。字符长度对应于认知距离,使用较长较正式的委婉语,读者需要Abstract: Iconicity refers to the natural relationship between the较复杂的认识过程才能吸收其蕴涵信息,但这使话语显得更language structure and human's experience or cCoDcept structure.礼貌、得体。News is the representative utterance of a country or society. Fouriconicity pragmatic principles are applied here to the analysis4结论the English news headlines and reasons are given why newshave some particular features so to help readers grasp exact本文通过分析象似理论运用于实际问题的话语研究,information and the underlying meaning of news.不仅让我们更客观地认识新闻标题的语言特点,挖掘报道内Key words: news beadline; principles of pragmatic iconicity72(上楼第69页)specech, a number of rhetoric terms are used, such as parallelism,Metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing isrepletion, metapbor, simile, etc. They will be clearly elaborateddescribed in terms of another. The comparison in metaphorone by one.is usually implicit, while in simile it is explicit. There are nofunction words suchas "Iike" and “as" .3.1 PrallelismIn this speech Bush compares the new times to ncwIt is a figure of speech of retition for syntactically similarchapters, and the traditional virtues to the light bouse,construction of coordinated sentences or phrases. Prllelim is4 Concluslonone of the most commonly used figures of sech, which makesthe language more concise, the structure more balanced, the senseAn eloquent orator is someone everybody desires to be.more prominent and the tone more compelling, Therefore, it isIf we want to make a good speech, we should know the sylisticwidely used in public speech. An example is as fllws:features of public specech. Through brief analyis, we have foundI' m confdent that you will fight for your country wbenthat the language of public speech is more formal than dailyneeded.. I' m confident that your lives will be more rewarding,conversation and also, not as formal as written works.8|and your country more bhopeful. And I' m confdent that you' II .look back and say,1 have served my country wel..铐文献Bush used the term:“I' m confident" (1' m positive) thrce1] Lucas, Stepben E The A of Public Speaking [M]. Bejing: Foreientimes to introduce the clauses, thus, making the structure far moreLangunge Teaching and Research Pes 200.balanced and powerful.2 Nida, Eugene A. Toward a Science of Transating [M]. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreig Language Educs tion Preas, 1994.3.2 Simile and Metapbor[3] Oin Xiubai. Esentials of Englsh Solistics M]. Shanghai: ShanghaiSimile is an expression in which something is compared t切中国煤化工something clse by the use of a functional word such as“Iike"sh Slistices [M]. Bejing;or“as".FHCNMHCra1997
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