![Potential recoverable natural gas resources in China](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![Potential recoverable natural gas resources in China](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
Potential recoverable natural gas resources in China
- 期刊名字:石油科学
- 文件大小:550kb
- 论文作者:Liu Chenglin,Zhu Jie,Che Chang
- 作者单位:School of Resource and Information,Oil and Gas Resource Strategy Research Center of the Ministry of Land and resource
- 更新时间:2020-09-13
- 下载次数:次
DOI10.1007/s12182-008-0014-4Potential recoverable natural gas resources in ChinaLiu Chenglin* Zhu Jie2 Che Changbo' and Liu GuangdiSchool of Resource and Information, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China2 Oil and Gas Resource Strategy Research Center of the Ministry of Land and resource, Beijing, ChinaAbstract: Natural gas resources in China are abundant. The undiscovered recoverable natural garesources in China are estimated to be 19. 27x10m,. Natural gas is mainly distributed in the middle andwest China and offshore areas of china. The Tarim Basin. Sichuan Basin. Ordos basin. East China SeaBasin, Tsaidam Basin, Yinggehai Basin, and Qiongdongnan Basin are the main gas-bearing basins. Thenatural gas resources are not distributed evenly and are under-explored in China. The deeper horizons ineast China, foreland basins and craton paleo-uplifts in the middle and west China, and the offshore basinsare the main exploration areas in the futureKey words: Natural gas, resources, exploration area, China1 Introduction25.7% in offshore petroleum province and only 6.63% ineastern petroleum provinceThe recoverable natural gas resources of China estimatedy many researchers are generally 10x102-14x10 2 m(Zhai, 2.2 Distribution in basins2002; Shen et al, 2000; U.S. Geological Survey World EnergAs shown in Table 2. the undiscovered recoverable naturalAssessment Team, 2000). A recent investigation on recoverygas resources are mainly distributed in the following 7 basinsrate of oil gas resources in the new round of national The Tarim Basin, the Sichuan Basin, the Ordos Basin. thend gas resources assessment of China has made a east China Sea Basin, the Tsaidam bathe Yinggehai Basinsignificantly increased estimation of the potential recoverable and the Qiongdongnan Basin. The undiscovered recoverablenatural gas resources, and the volume of the technically natural gas resources of other 108 basins account for 24.0%recoverable natural gas resources was estimated to beThe undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in thethe range of 154x10 2-310x10 2m, with a mean of 22.0 Tarim Basin are the largest, with a volume of 5.40x10 2 m3012 m3, significantly higher than 12.75x102m, which was and account for 28.0% of the total undiscovered recoverableestimated in the second assessment of national oil and gas natural gas resources in China. The undiscovered recoverableresources of China in 1994(Zhao et al, 2005: Zhang, 2004), natural gas resources in the Sichuan Basin, the Ordos Basinand higher than 14x10m', which was estimated by China and the east China Sea basin each account for more thanAcademy of Engineering(2004)2 Distribution of undiscovered recoverable 3 Main exploration areasnatural gas resourcesn recent years, with the development of science and2.1 Distribution in petroleum provincestechnology and the theory of hydrocarbon exploration arTill 2004 year-end, the cumulative total recoverable development, many big gas fields have been discovered, suchnatural gas reserves in China are 2.76x1012m'(Shao et al, as the Kela-2, Sulige and Puguang gas fields (Li et al, 20042005), and the undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources Song and Liu, 2006), showing good exploration prospect forare estimated to be 19.27x1012 m3 which accounts for 87.6% gas resources in China. The deep formations in the easternof the total recoverable resourcespetroleum province, the foreland basins, craton paleo-upliftsThe distribution of the undiscovered recoverable natural and stratigraphic-lithologic traps in middle and westerngas resources is shown in Table 1, which shows that the petroleum provinces, and the offshore basins, the Qinghaiundiscovered recoverable natural gas resources are mainly Tibet Plateau, marine strata in the southern petroleumdistributed in middle petroleum province, western petroleum province and some under-explored basins are the mainprovince and offshore petroleum province, with a volume of exploration areas for natural gas in the future(Fu et al, 2006482×102m3,6.76×102m3and4.95×1012m3, respectivelyJia and chi, 2004; Wang, 2005)At least 60% of the undiscovered recoverable natural gasresources are distributed in middle-west petroleum provinces, province3.1 Deep formations in the eastern petroleumas showncorrEspondingauthore-mail:IcizgX(@126.comrecoverable naReceived February 28, 200YHa中国煤化工 f undiscoveredCNMHGtern petroleumPet. Sci.(20085:83-86Table 1 Distribution of the undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in petroleum provincesRecoverable natural gas Undiscovered recoverable recoverable resources to the totalProvincesresourcenatural gas resources102m3×102m3in China147.28663Middle6.374.82Western7.4735.060.4495Qinghai-Tibet1.03Table 2 Distribution of the undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in basinsRecoverable natural gas Undiscovered recoverable natural I he ratio of the undiscoveredBasinsrecoverable resources to the totalresourcesgas resourcesn China28.0Sichuan2.0212.5Qaidam0.713.7Yinggehai0.71Qiongdongnan0.720.653.3province is 1. 16x10 2 m. The deep formations in the The volume of undiscovered recoverable natural gasSongliao Basin and the Bohai bay basin are the most resources in middle-west China is estimated to be 11 5x10important exploration areas. Deep formations here refer to the m. The undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources arenew formations below the main producing formations. The mainly distributed in the foreland basins, craton paleo-upliftsvolume of the undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources and stratigraphic-lithologic trapsin these deep formations is estimated to be 0.94x10 m,andThe foreland basinsiddle-west China include theonly 3.2% of which has been discovered. The discovery of Kuqa Basin in Tarim, the southwest and southeast of thethe Qingshen gas field shows great exploration potential of Tarim Basin, the northwestern and southern margins of thenatural gas in the Songliao Basin( Zhai and He, 2005)Junggar Basin, the western and northern margins of theTsaidam basin. the western Sichuan Basin the dabashan3.2 Foreland basins and craton paleo-uplifts in foreland and the Micangshan foreland of Sichuan Basin, andmiddle-west Chinathe west parts of the Ordos, Jiuxi and Tuha Basins Jia etTable 3 Distribution of undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in eastern petroleum provinceRecoverable natural gas Recoverable natural Undiscovered recoverable naturalFieldsreservesgas resourcesDiscovery rateas resour10°m3×10°m310Neogene7.6952.50967.21936.253.20Buried hills796116.31108.366.84Offshore114981.82H中国煤化工Total121784CNMHGet. Sci.(2008)5:83-86Table 4 Distribution of undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in the foreland basins in middle-west ChinaRecoverable natural gasRecoverable naturalUndiscovered recoverable Discovery rateeservenatural gas resources10°m3Kuga basin2284.33996.6512.59Southwest of Tarim27.151285,141258.00Southeast of tarimBasin114.0211402uth of Zhungaer1.63195.6019397Zhungaer Basin6.2628.4222.1622.03West of Qaidam Basin171.72102.37Tuha basin25.28139.66114.38Western Sichuan Basin86.326728586.5312.83Dabashan foreland20.37526.60506.23Micangshan fo0.00West of Ordos111.700.645700.105237,518.12al, 2005), with a total volume of undiscovered recoverable in the Junggar Basin, with a total volume of undiscoverednatural gas resources being 514x10 m. The discovered gas recoverable natural gas resources of 2.80x10m. Especiallyfields in these areas are of large scale, high reserve abundance the volume of the undiscovered recoverable natural gasand high per-well productionresources in the Tabei paleo-uplift, central paleo-uplift of theAs shown in Table 5, there are many large paleo-uplifts in Tarim Basin and in the Kaijiang paleo-uplift of the Sichuaniddle-west China, such as the Tabei paleo-uplift in northern Basin is estimated to be more than 400x10 m. These paleo-Tarim, Leshan-Longnvsi paleo-uplift in the Sichuan Basin, uplifts have favorable hydrocarbon accumulation factors andYimeng paleo-uplift in the Ordos Basin, Luliang paleo-uplift conditions to form large gas fieTable 5 Distribution of undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources in large paleo-uplifts in middle-west ChinaRecoverable natural Recoverable naturalUndiscovered recoverableFieldsDiscovery rategas reservesgas resourcesnatural gas resources10m10Tarim Tabei paleo-uplift 152.16610.52401.3924.92Central paleo-uplift734.39675.268.0514.3639.2426.79Sichuan Kaijiang paleo-upliftBasin239.5719.37479.8633.29Luzhou paleo-uplift17.3231.18cmpp1895047891289413957OrdosYimeng paleo-uplift213.5213.59Weibei paleo-uplift280.8980.890.0011.54Basin Central paleo-uplift3665371.0933444988Total720.173578.81. yH中国煤化工2CNMHGPet. Sci.(20085:83-863.3 Offshore basinsin Ordos Basin. Acta Petrolei Sinica. 2006. 27(6): 1-4 (in Chinese)The undiscovered recoverable natural gas resources areJia C z, Song Y and Wei G Q. Geological features and petroleumabundant in offshore basins in China, including the eacumulation in the foreland basins in central and western chinaEarth Science Frontiers. 2005. 12(3): 3-12 (in Chinese)China sea basin, the Yinggehai basin, the Qiongdongnan Jia C Z and Chi Y L Resource Potential and Exploration Techniquesbasin and the Pearl River Mouth basin(Zhang, 2005; Xiaoand Chen, 2003), with a volume of 4.95x10"m. The biof Stratigraphic and Subtle Reservoirs in China. Petroleum Science2004.1(2):1-12structural traps and stratigraphic-lithologic traps are the main LijM. Liu s z, Li, D X, et al. Exploratory situation and developmentalexploration areas in the next 20 yearstrend of China's natural gas. Natural Gas Industry. 2004. 24(12): 13.4 Under-explored basinsShen p p. Zhao w Z and dou l r. oil resoureforecast in China in next decade. Acta Petrolei Sinica. 2000. 21(4)The volume of undiscovered recoverable natural gas 1-6(in Chineseresources for 81 under-explored basins is estimated to be Song Y and Liu S Exploration status and directions of gas exploration in1.76x10m'in the new round national oil and gas resourcesChina. Natural Gas Industry, 2006. 26(12): 20-25(in Chinassessment of China. The undiscovered recoverable natural U. s. Geological Survey World Energy Assessmentgas resources are mainly distributed in the Qiangtang Basin, geological survey world petroleum system 2000-descrthe Changdu Basin, the Cuoqin Basin, the Biru basin, the results. 20Chuxiong Basin and the Simao Basin, and the resources of Wang T B. Main control factors of large and medium gas fields andeach basin are more than 0.12x10 2 m3exploration domains in China. Oil Gas Geology. 2005. 26(5)572-583 (in Chinese)4 ConclusionsXiao G L and Chen J w. Natural gas exploration of offshore ChinaThe results of the new round national oil and gas resourcesMarine Geology Letters. 2003. 19(8): 47-52 (in Chinese)assessment of China suggest that the natural gas resources are Zhai G M. Prospect of hydrocarbon resources of China in 21st centuryabundant and could be found in 115 sedimentary basins. TheXinjiang Petroleum Geology. 2002. 23(4): 271-285 (in Chinesevolume of the recoverable natural gas resources is estimated Zhai G M and He W Y. Regional structural background and China's oito be 22.03x10m' and the discovery rate is only 12.6%and gas exploration orientation. China Petroleum Exploration. 2005showing great potential of natural gas resources in China.(2): 1-9(in Chinese)With the advance in exploration and development of natural Zhang G C Geological features and new exploration realms of offshoregas, natural gas will be one of most important energy sourcesgas in China. China Offshore Oil and Gas. 2005. 17(5): 289-296(inin the coming twenty to thirty years in ChinaChinese)Zhao Wz, Wang Z C, Wang ZY, et al. Progresses and significances ofReferencesresearch on high-efficiency gas reservoir formation in China, EarthScience Frontiers. 2005. 12(4): 499-506(in Chinese)China Academy of Engineering. Research on sustainable supplying of Zhang Y W Potentials and Exploration Prospect of China's HydrocarbonChina petroleum resources. April, 2004. Beijing(in ChineseResources, Petroleum Science. 2004. 1(1): 1-7Fu J H, Wei X S, Ren J F, et al. Gas exploration and developing prospect(Edited by Zhu Xiuqin)中国煤化工CNMHG
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