Directions of changes of hard coal output technologies in Poland Directions of changes of hard coal output technologies in Poland

Directions of changes of hard coal output technologies in Poland

  • 期刊名字:矿业科学技术
  • 文件大小:540kb
  • 论文作者:Turek Marian
  • 作者单位:Central Mining Institute
  • 更新时间:2020-06-12
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Mining Science and Technology(China)21(2011)1-5Contents lists available at Science DirectMining Science and Technology(China) of changes of hard coal output technologies in PolandTurek marianCentral Mining institute, 40-166 Katowice, PolandARTICLEINFOABSTRACTThe author presents the results being the effect of the analysis of innovative rate of indivcepted 3 August 2009project: scenarios of technological development of hard coal extractive industry". Afteopening up, development and extraction technologies that are applied in polish hard coalheir classification with regard to innovation degree the author desomanner. He brings attention to the most effective systems for hard coal deposits'opening up, devel-opment and their extraction, including the extraction of the residual coal. The attention is also paid to thesafety level of the applied technologies.Copyright e 2011, China University of Mining Technology All rights reserved.1. IntroductionThe technologies counted among the time period until 2015constitute the optimistic variant of development of the hard coalThe presented analysis of innovativeness of individual technol- mining sector. The technologies implemented with lower intensity.ogies of the hard coal production process was carried out in the ie until 2020 constitute the variant of sustainable development offramework of the project entitled "Scenarios of technological hard coal mining Technologies counted among the time perioddevelopment of hard coal extractive industry"[1. In the framework after 2020 constitute the pessimistic vision of the mining sectorof conducted investigations the division into the following tech- development 5).nological areas was performed(Fig. 1)(21Among the variants of optimistic scenarios of development ofFor individual technological areas the corresponding with them underground deposit extraction technology were counted (Table 1)hnologies were presented according to their innovativeness 16.7)degree with the division into disseminated and development techAmong variants of sustainable and pessimistic scenarios ofnologies. The following innovativeness criteria were adopted [3]development of underground deposit extraction technology werecounted (Table 2)181)2B-Disseminated technologies, medium innovativeness level.2)2C-Disserminated technologies, high innovativeness level3)1A-Development technologies, low innovativeness level.4)1B-Development technologies, medium innovativeness leveL, 2. Extraction technologies5)1C-Development technologies, high innovativeness level.The optimistic variants of extraction technologies constitute theFor each technology group the following time periods of most effective systems for hard coal deposits and extraction ofimplementation of distinguished innovative technologies were remainders.gled out (41The basic systems of hard coal deposit extraction in Poland willemain longwall systems of different forms, with the distinct1)until 2010.2)until 2015The main directions of longwall system development will aim at3)until 2020 andthe improvement of system effectiveness and safety level through4)after 2020.1)improvement of reliability of individual equipment elements,·中国煤化工 lon of self-slIdeable dam1674-5264/5- see front matter Copyright e 2011, China University of Mining Technology.CNMHGdoi:101o16/mstc200908001T, Marian/ Mining Science and Technology( China)21(2011)1-5TECHNOLOGIESIn the sustainable variant of development of extraction tech-nologies possible to implement until 2020 the following technol-1)Fundamental directions of development of short-frend systems will to a high extent be in line with theassumed for longwall systems, however, there wiadditional fields of activities such as [111a)development of a getting system using one -organ cutter-loaders with increased capacity.b)determination of possibilities, determinants and to conduct operations in conditions of a shoi0-30 m)"blind working2)The thick seam deposits of the saddle group in areas that do notequire surface protection should become in the nearest future专|53Ehe terrain for operational testsly the openSignificant is the fact that these systems were and are effec-d for coal seam extraction in the etan orChinese mining industry, often also in difficult mining andFig. 1. Technological areas.geological conditions.Basing on European experience there exist the possibility to3)development of the plough technique for the needs of extrac. start in the polish mining industry operational tests to use thetion of seams with thickness below 1.5 mlongwall sublevel caving system and open end-sublevel caving4)modification of driving and improvement of maintaining of system. Detailed analyses will require some elements of thisgate roads including crossings with the longwalltechnology mainly connected with occupational safety and mined5)improvement of thick coal size yield.coal contamination. To them belong among others[1216)better adaptation to natural hazard conditions, especially 1) assessment of impact of this system on the fire and rockburst7)use of remote steering systems and automatics.hazard increase and indispensable prevention scope relating tothese hazardsRemainder deposits, located within pillars and seam parts with 2)modification of construction of powered(sublevel cavingirregular forms will gradually force the use of short-front systemsrelated) support with respect to geological and mining condiespecially open end systems (pillar-open end)and roadway 3) development of an effective system of mined coal trans-portation from the longwall using one or two chain conveyors1)possibility to use the known and commonly applied mechabasing on the analysis of deposit use coefficient and mined coalnisation of mining operations,2)considerable elasticity from the aspect of adaptation tochangeable mining and geological conditions of coal seamIn spite of high innovativeness, among the pessimistic variant of3)possibility to extract seam parts with complicated forms.development of extraction technologies should be counted the4)possibility of mining and power plant wastes disposal in post- coal gasification.chamber-pillar system with capacity >1000 t/day and undergroundextraction voidsMainly because of relatively difficult geological and mining5)considerably reduced impacts of extraction on the surface conditions we can assume that the adaptation of the chamber-pillar(roadway system).system to coal seam extraction in Polish mines will not be possible.Underground coal seam gasification is undoubtedly a develop-ment technology. However, the current state of resources andtechnological reasons indicate that in the nearest future theUnderground deposit extraction technologies of optimistic scenarios.TechnologiesUnderground deposit extraction technology of sustainable and pessimisticwith respect to openingscenarios.technologiesOf sustainable scenariosOf pessimistic scenariosh innovativeness on the level 2BLongwall sublevel caving sysith capacity >6000 t/daycapacity >1000 t/day, withinnovativeness on the level 1Bderground coal gasification, withwhth innovativeness on the level IA中国煤化工 tiveness on the level 1Bstructure of deposit openingMixed structure of deposit opening Roadway sublevel caving systemCNMHGwith innovativeness on the level 2B with innovativeness on the level 1Binnovativeness on the level IB. Marian/Mining Science and Technology(China) 21(2011)1-5implementation of this system on an industrial scale should not be Table 3xpected. The determination of determinants of application of hard Optimistic technologies available to implement or developing.coal underground gasification in Poland and development of anappropriate for it technology should be, however, the subject ofInnovativenessimplementation of this extraction system will follow after 2020er-loaders of high capacitSimultaneously with deposit opening and development systemsand its extraction in the optimistic variant should be developed and Transportatioimplemented the specified in the scenario mechanisation systems,ating reloading on transport waysand allow achieving a sufficient level of Polish mining. AmongVerticalort devices with steeringoptimistic technologies that could be implemented or quickly3)l13]Automated extraction technology usingAmong sustainable mechanisation technologies was counted powered s of high effectivenesonly the installation of the energy-cooling system with the use ofmotors supplied with methane with innovativeness on the level 1C.of the cutting process and increasingAll technologies mentioned above will be applied in extractionsystems in connection with system technologies of supply, infor-matics and automaticsdust extraction in roadway workings.3. Deposit opening, development operations and theirmechanisationSystems of roof bolting mechanisation alongThe most optimistic variant of opening technologiesTransport system with the use of self-propelled tyre cars 1Bopening using inclines from the surface and openingstructure: they are characterised by low execution costsrealisation timesteering systems and control of technical condition and system forIn roadway workings are commonly used and will be in thehe control of profile of the driven working, one shouldfuture two basic technologies of roadway working driving, i.e., experience relating to the application of neuron networks.heading machine technology basing on the use of headIn the case of arm heading machines getting point-wise in orderqalised,and the blasting technology, where rock getting will be to increase their effectiveness, will be developed and applied first ofwith the application of explosives. The main factor all self-propelled working platforms for the transport and assemblyeciding about the selection of driving technologies will be the of roadway support, and next the temporary hydraulicallyproperties of rocks occurring in the cross-section of the driven roadway supports.working(workability, occurrence type and their structure). AmongThe above mentioned scenario of development oftechnologies basing on the use of heading machines we cartechnology mechanisation of roadway workings throughusing arm heading machines by means of the millingconstitutes an optimistic development variant3. 1. Mining using heading machines by means of the milling3. 2. Mining by means of special heading machines using non-comventionalIt should be expected that the number of applied arm headingmachines, mining point-wise, of medium and heavy type, will Taking into consideration the experience regarding the appli-increase. This will concern mainly the development of systems of cation in the world of heading machines using the technique of theremote steering of heading machine work, remote machine opeso-called back undercutting and their possible competitiveness ination from the surface and communication with it from an optional relation to currently used heading machines, especially during theplace for monitoring and control of its technical condition, steering driving of roadway workings in compact and very compact rocks,of the direction of workings driving with the use of a technology their further development and wider application can be predicted.similar to GPS or an altemative one, system of monitoring andThese machines, in conditions of lower energy consumption ofcommunication for the automatic control of absorbed power of the the mining process than in the case of currently used headinggetting organ, vibrations of machine elements, temperature, machines allow to drive roadway workings in rocks with highsystem for profile control of the driven working or systems for compactness and uniaxial compressive strength, exceedinginvasionless determination of rock type and properties as well as 160 MPa. They allow obtaining very high daily advances, which maoccurrence of gas outburst and water hazard at the workings life amount to more than 25 m. they allow, when using the micro-(in terms of distance )of georadar type.processor steering system, to drive workings with facultative cross-Using the experience of domestic producers and users of arm section.heading machines as well as the results of investigations carriedHeading machines of these types are designed first of all to driveout in Polish research centres, should be performed elaboration and workings in difficult and very difficult mining ability conditionsexecution of construction of drivers cabin equipped with an air- Taking into considerationonditioning installation, adopted to work in conditions of rock1)the necessity to drive in the nearest future several roadwayMoreover, conceptions should be developed relating to newlutions of getting tools such as: bit tools, disc asymmetrical 2)the中国煤化工mmachine solutions itminitools, solutions of lubricated cutter holders in order to workrelaout new getting techniques and organs to be applied in the case of3)theCNMHns advanced solutionscompact and very compact rocks. when working out machine workregarding the materials and technologyT Marian/ Mining Science and Technology(China)21(2011)1-5It should be expected that in thetime numerous implement systems of invasionless determination of the type andchanges relating to the construction and work technology of both properties of rocks and appearance of these hazards at the workspecial heading machines using active tools and heading maings life(in terms of distance)of georadar type.getting by use of the back undercutting method will be introIn order to increase daily advances, when using autonomousAfter the application of these changes using active toolroadway complexes, will be developed, executed and applied in thtechnologies and machines can be successfully applied in the Polish first sequence self-propelled working platforms for the transportmining industry when opening new deposit parts.and assembly of roadway support. Furthermore, this will allowThe above described scenario of development of driving facilitating and increasing the safety of workers employed at thetechnology mechanisation of roadway workings through mining faceusing special heading machines applying non-conventional getting In the next sequence will be developed, executed andtechniques constitutes an optimistic development variant [14]temporary powered hydraulic roadway supports, protectimachines working at the face and allowing additional3.3. Mining using drilling and blasting by means of explosivesdvance increaseThe above mentioned scenario of mechanisation developmentThe technology of blast hole drilling, loading and firing usiof technology roadway working driving technology through miningplosives is currently the only alternative technology for by means of drilling and firing using explosives constitutesechanical roadway driving, possible to be applied in mining and a sustainable development variantgeological as well as organisational and technical conditionsexisting in Polish coal mines,3.4. Modernisation of roof bolterTaking into consideration the remarks presented below, ie,Roof bolting technologies with the use of drilling- bolting1)high manoeuvring ability and mobility of autonomous roadway extension arms installed on heading machines and bolting cars aremodern technologies of the future, which after adaptation to the2)possibility of work of autonomous roadway complexes in conditions of the Polish coal industry can considerably decrease thedifferent mining and geological conditionsworkings driving costs and increase the advance of development3)achieved in determined organisational and technical condi- worksufficiently good exploitation resultsWith respect to mechanisation of the bolting technology4)necessity to drive in the nearest future, in short time, a big changes should be expected, which will comprisenumber of roadway workings in difficult mining and geologicalconditions (in very compact rocks)and with large cross- 1)introduction of technologies of simultaneous driving andDIting with the use of heading machines of special construc-5)effectiveness decrease of mechanical getting along with increasetion, enabling the driving of workings both of arch and rect-in the compactness of mined rock solid connected mainly withwearing out of getting tools.2)automation of theprocess,3)monitoring of technical parameters of rock mass and roofIt should be expected that in the nearest time changes in thedoscopic tests, control of workingsconstruction and work technology of autonomous roadwaycomplexes, driving the working through blast hole drilling, loading 4)optimisation of binders, glue and cement charges used for boltand firing using explosives will be introduced. The number ofstening in the rock mass in order to receive appropriateapplied autonomous roadway complexes will increase, includingonnection and short binding times, what will increase therst of all two-arm gadding cars. This will allow drilling quickly, fromworkings driving machine arrangement, blastholes enabling the driving of 5)dissemination of injection bolting technologies and use ofradway workings with large cross-sections. The application offlexible boltsa microprocessor system of control and steering of the extension 6)larger mechanisation of fastening technology in the rock massarms work will allow serving both extension arms from one place.of long rope and string bolts with high load-bearing capacityby one operator. Moreover, the control system will allow obtaining(more than 500 kN ).a better arrangement of drilled holes, and thus more accurateworkings profile and better cooperation of support with the rockThe presented above scenario of development of bolting techmass. For the current use of such systems it will be necessary to nology mechanisation of workings constitutes the sustainabledevelop a system of steering of workings driving direction using development variant.a technology similar to GPS or alternative technology, as wellsystems of appropriate drilling parameter steering in the function of 4. Conclusionsphysico-mechanical properties of the rock, in which the holes aredrilled. This will allow full optimisation of drilling process parame- From investigations carried out in the framework of the preters and reduction of the time of duration of this process to the sented project it results that in polish hard coal mines the develminimum. Any larger changes in the construction and technology of opment of innovative technologies does not depend directly on thenarrow-face side-pouring loaders are expected. Already currently anticipated annual production quantity It has been ascertainedhey are equipped with systems allowing their high effectiveness, for that more and more difficult natural as well as mining and technicalnstance the Load Sensing system reducing power consumption.conditions generate the growth of hazards for people employedOn account of possible work in conditions of rockburst and there aoperation. The assigned tendencies inmperature hazard occurrence for both machines will be required the fiel中国煤化工 t find currently applica-the development and application of reinforced operators cabins, tion inequipped with an air-conditioning system.C NMH Gof technology conditionFor the minimisation of the impact of water and gas outburst allowed tounIons, wnicn will De used in the next yearhazard occurrence it will be also necessary to carry out and The implementation of fundamental solutions will allow increasing. Marian/ Mining Science and Technology( China)21(2011)1-5necessity of growth of financial outlays for investigations anddevelopment as well as purchase of modern technical devicesa Burtan Z Rak Z, Stasica J Priorities in the development of mining systems inshould be anticipated Necessary is to conduct a proper innovais the more important that it not only creates a chance for the /7As/&5 In polish)or in Poland. Mineral Resources Management 2008: 24(tiveness policy through the mining enterprise managements. Thisrces Management 2008: 24in production quantity in competitive cost conditionsgical development scenarios of hard coal extractivedustry, Poland: Central Miions in scenarios ofmechaniReferenceszation in coal mining industry. Mineral Resources Management 2008: 241/[1] Dubinski J. Turek M. Construction mode of the hard coal mining extraction[11] Sikora w. Scenario of development oftechnology in conditions ofal development of hard coal mining industry): 33[In [12] Dubinsky J. 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