An Experimental Analysis of Water and Soil Conservation Effected by Micro-landscape Structure
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2012Agricultural Science &Technology2443Table 1 Estimated erosion hazard classes in Amhara Regionmass, organisms in the landscape,and the runoff and nitrogen cycle asErosion classesRange of soil loss rateArea Coveragewell5l. Therefore, a second considera-kg/hm/per yearx102 hm?Percentage// %tion is taken into the combination ofVery high> 2x10*1 66010site conditions and conservation stru-High5.1x10*-2.0x10*47962ctures. Landscape mosaic patterns,i.e. site conditions and conservationModerate1.6x10*-5.0x10*5 2843structures are with Amhara character-Slight0-1.5x10*5 25stics.Total9x10- 3.0x10*16 760Source: Abegaz Gizachew (1995)Results and AnalysisTwo years' experiment data fromvation in the long run. This means that spatial patterns of micro-landscapethe site practice are listed in Table 2in adition to technical research to structure, such as woodland, grass-and Table 3.Site-specific plots experiment inidentify productive and alternative land plot, cropland, and bare land, onmanagement technique for diverse runoff, soil erosion, and locomotion2003 and 2004 at SEC stations led byfarming circumstances, research is movement of mass have relatively se-Chinese Experts Team in the regionshows:needed to study physical conserva-rious differentiae. Research on the ef-tion, agricultural planting structure and fect of micro-landscape structure on(1) Soil loss rates are betweenalternative farming practices, such as soil erosion and the spatial locomotion4.0x102 and 2.12x10* kg/hm2 per year,which depend on the soil type, slope,appropriate crop rotation, intercrop-and distribution of soil nutrient, is thusping, etc. according to various sitea hotspot in landsceape ecology study. vegetation and type of conservationstructure (Table 2 and Table 3).conditions.Site selectionUnder the South- South Coopera-Three Soil Erosion Control (SEC)(2) Grass cover tremendously re-tion program, the tripartite project of experiment sites are selected, namelyduces soil loss, as runoff is significant-soil erosion control (SEC) in Jari Ambassel, Tehuledere, and Hyke, allly diminished; implying that more waterDemonstration Area sponsored by of which are respectively 2, 3 and 15finds its way into the soil.(3) Land under cereal cultivationFood and Agriculture Organization km from Jari Demonstration Area,(FAO) of the United Nations, the Peo- each has an aproximate alitudte (900 elso has higher soil loss rates thanple's Republic of China and the Fed- m ASL), to evaluate water and soilland under legume cultivation (Tableeral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia conservation effected by micro-land-2).(4) On the other hand, the experi-has entered into a collaborative re- scape structures.search agreement to undertake the Combination of soil type and cropment indicates that the conservationstructures significantly reduces soilwater and soil loss research on SUS- speciestainable land management in the high-Soil type and crop species are twoloss, with fanya juu terrace,‘ throwinglands of Amhara region, Ethiopia. The major factors which have directly ef-up the slope' in local language, per-primary purpose of the research pro- fects on the runoff, and the runoff hasforming better than graded bunds, butject is to identify effective technologies a positive correlation with soil loss ratenot better than grass strips (Table 2).(5) Growing Teff accelerates soiland strategies to improve productivity caused by different species on differerosion, as it demands several plow-and to curb land degradation and ent soil types. The spatial combinationings for fine seedbed preparation. Ro-poverty in the highlands of Amhara. of different hydrographic soil types ortation of cereals with legumes andThe other major objective of the re-. can effectively increase soil mois-other crops is practiced in the region tosearch is to generate and test a set of ture and iliation efficiency, conse-improve soil fertility.methodologies on sustainable land quently, decrease soil lossl4-5.management by generating compara-Thus, in three difterent SEC Sites,tive knowledge from different highland three different soil types are selectedConclusionsEnvironmental conditions arregions of Ethiopia and elsewhere in as the experimental factors, respec-comparatively fagile in mountainousEast Africa that can be applied in tively, species selection and land uti-many other circumstances2.lization methods are carefully de-regions, and hence irational develop-signed to focus on the current hydro-ment in these regions can add to eco-Experiment Designgraphic and geological structures andlogical disordersl6l. Agro-forestry thatMicro-landscape structure refers crop structures. The purpose is to ide-can contribute to the contolling oto the combination of various land- ntify the optimum combination of soil-arable land areas decline, alleviatingwater and soil loss, improving the eCo-scape constituents in spatial struc- crop.2.中国煤化工f crucial impor-turel8!. The dstribution of landscape Combination of site condition andtype has great significances to the conservation structureMHCN MH Gevelopment ofLandscape mosaic patterns influ-agricultural process including materialComposite forests and grassplotsmigration, energy exchange and massence the motion mode of energy,are to be established through the se-Vol.13, No.11, 2012Agricultural Science & Technology2444Agricultural Science & Technology2012Table 2 Soil loss estimates for soil erosion control project experiments in South Wello, 2003 and 2004YearSEC sitesSlope//%Soil typeCropRunoff// mmSoil loss rate// kg/hm/per year2003Ambassel16Haplic phaeozemmaize63.64.5x10437Stony Haplic phaeozemBarley/horse bean50.41.12x10543Haplic phaeozemlithosol grass4.0x10234Haplic phaeozemilithosol grass13.91.0x103Tehuledere23Eutric regosollentil273.31.218x1039Chromic cambisol321.21.601x10*48fallow222.9 .6.91x10*Orchic andosol115.34.21x10Hyke12Tef836.01.756x10*grass627.51.44x1022Stony eutric regosolwheat692.21.842x10*28Vertic luvisolbarley989.22.109x1002004barley/beans569.93.60x105wheatbeans374.35.38x10*13Haplic phaeozem-lithosol grass28.20.5x10*64Haplic phaeozem-ithosol grass21.42.0x103Eutic regosol583.52.124x10*703.61.995x10*586.11.426x106382.91.524x10*beans836.74.02x105620.41.6x10*690.77.36x105840.21.992x106Source: Report on Master Design & Investment Budget Estimate of Farmland Water Harvesting & Irigation Project in Jari DemonstrationArea4.Table 3 Soil loss estimates for soil erosion control project experiments in South Wello, 2003 and 2004Year SEC sites and conditionsConservation structure Runoff// mm Soil loss rate // kg/hm/per year2003 Ambassel (slope:28%; Soil: haplic phaeozemGrass strip7.70.4x10*Crop: horse bean/ barley/ wheat)Graded fanya juu10.21.2x10Graded bund12.11.7x10control15.61.1x10*Tehuledere (slope: 24%Soil: eutric regosol;57.33.9x10*Crop: baleylentil )113.71.50x10*79.91.46x105182.84.34x10*Hyke (slope: 28%; Soil: vertic luvisol Crop: barley/gibto) Grass strip441.24.01x10495.84.56x10*595.61.440x10*2004 Ambassel (slope:28% Soil: haplic phaeozem19.7Crop: maize )15.90.2x10*15.30.5x10422.00.7x10*Tehuledere (slope: 24% Soil: eutric regosol;607.55.16x10*Crop: peas/ beans )Graded fanyajuu651.35.48x105705.58.56x105685.41.408x10*Hyke (slope: 28%; soil: vertic luvisol Crop: wheat )Graded fanya ju中国煤化工3.61x105*YHCNMH G4.20x10501.01.04x10*-,not etimated. Source: Report on Master Design & Investment Budget Estimate of Farmland Water Harvesting & Irigatin Project inJari Demonstration Area.(Continued on page 2452)万数搪tural Science & TechnologyVol.13, No.11, 20122452Agricuitural Science & Technology2012Railway Publishing House(北京:中国铁University Press(西安:西安电子科技大.Tsinghua University Press (北京:清华道出版社), 2006.学出版社), 1998: 342- -345, 390- -406.大学出版社), 2006: 91-108, 175- -180.[9] YANG ZJ(杨振江). Novel integrated cir- [10] DU G (杜刚). Circuit design and platecuit(新型集成电路)[M]. Xi'an: Xidianmaking (电路设计与制板)[M]. Beiing:Responsible editor: Xiaoxue WANGResponsible proofreader: Xiaoyan wU水产育苗自动控制系统局部改进技术研究高桂生,郑立新(河北科技师范学院 ,河北昌黎066600)摘要[目的]对水产 育苗自动控制系统进行局部改进,以期为该系统的高效稳定使用奠定基础。[方法]对水产育苗自动控制系统的执行和驱动模块进行局部改进,并对改进后的实时监测.数据显示及报警模块等进行效果测试。{结果}试验中,改进自动控制系统的原有设计结构后,可使各元件更匹配,降低了传输电阻,系统的稳定性、灵敏度明显提高。[结论]该研究为水产育苗过程中水温度和溶解氧自动控制系统的使用及故障排除提供了帮助。关键词水产育苗 ;执行及驱动:模块;监测与报警作者简介高桂生(1964-),男,河北玉田人, 副教授,硕士,从事水产动物养殖与软件工程研究,Eailggs1964@163.com收稿日期2012-10-20 修回日期 2012-10-29(Continued from page 2444)Ethiopian Highlands: Amhara Region源科学), 2004, 26: 7-12.lection of different vegetation variety in[R]. International Livestock Research[8] WU HL(伍红琳), ZHANG H(张辉), SUNaccordance with different soil typesInstitute,2000QY(孙庆业). Eftect of arifical vegetation[2] FANG z, WANG y, YAO JG. Report onon the soil and water consevation andand gradients. 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Resources Sci-conservation in loess hilly and gully .ence(资源科学),2004, 26: 34- -38.area on agriculture(黄土沟壑斤陵区水[7]CAI QG (蔡强国), BU CF(卜崇峰). Ben-土保持对农业的影响一-以安塞县为Referencesefit of hedgerow agro-forestry technical例)[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural[1] Land Degradation and Stragegies formeasureSciences(安微农业科学), 2012, 40(9):Sustainable Development in the效益分析) [J]. Resources Science (资5512- -5514.Responsible editor: Qingqing YINResponsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU微景观结构对水土保持影响的试验分析汪洋',郑威”(1.湖北生态 工程职业技术学院,湖北武汉430200; 2.湖北省农科院,湖北武汉430064)摘要[目的此项对比试验是 为了探求不同的 土壤类型和植被种植组合前提下土壤流 失效应,为后续在该地区的生态恢复工程提供实验依据。[方法]利用微景观结构对水分的运动影响原理和不同景观因素在空间上的不同组合.设计了3个不同实验地的多种土壤作物和立地条件组合。[结果]不同土壤坡度、种植品种极大影响水土流失量。草地极大地增加了水入渗.减少水土流失;豆科作物比禾本科作物苔麸在减少水土流失有更佳表现。[结论]分析试验数据,为埃塞俄比亚阿姆哈拉州减少水土流失,合理农业种植与保护模式提供科学参考。关键词微景观结构; 径流;水土保持;立地条件;试验中国煤化工基金项目联合国粮食与农业组织、 中国、埃塞偏比亚三方南南合作项目(SCSPS-FA作者简介汪洋(1968-), 男,湖北武汉人,硕士,副教授,从事生态恢复和植物种质资源YHC N M H G28@163.com. *通讯作者,在读博士研究生,副研究员,从事作物遗传育种与技术推广研究,E-mail:nkzhengwei@ 163.com。收稿日期2012-09-02 修回日期 2012-10-02万astural Science & TechnologyVol.13, No.11, 2012
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