Brief Analysis of Chinese Students Errors in English Reading
- 期刊名字:中国校外教育(理论)
- 文件大小:281kb
- 论文作者:袁立耿
- 作者单位:陕西铜川职业技术学院
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
- 下载次数:次
中国校外教育教学方法percentage of uers when giring cach reason, The majority of wearers seem to fel3. 5Non - linguistie informationthat contact lenses are more atactive than glasse. Although the writer purpoelyReading needs both visual and non - visual infomation. If a reader lacksetablishes his contextual relationship within the paragrnph, it may still be difi- non - visual information ( what he has already known about the reading text, 8cult for the students to work out what he reallyl means 10 transfer.bout the language , and about the world in general) , his itrpretation of the vis-3.3Anaphoric expressionsual infornation will be severely limited, because what he can see is his braing in-Anaphorie expresion is another pitll for Chinee studentes in their reading terpretation of the brain (Smith, 1973). This is an interaction between thoughtcomprchension. Accoring to Cui Shichun (1991) , reference, subtitution, e and graphic designs. Therefore, in order to decode those gaphic deigns, alipis and lexical cohesion are ofen tlkled about under that topic of anaphors in reader must be equipped with both the knowledge of language and of the word,Haliday自' and Hasani wring. By reference and subtitution the author means just s Scot (1984) says" reading is esesnially athe fact that a writer reles back or forward to a word, a fact, a sentence or what- by the reader samples the text viually, a teacher may take these two things intoever has been mentioned somewhere else in the text. Besides pronouns, almost account: one is that the reading material should be readable for the Chineseall other parte of speech can be used as relerence worde. Usually these words fol- students; the other is that the necessary prior knowledge should be provided inlow closely the parts they refer to, but sometimee they appear far from the men- one way or another" . .tioned part. Students should be able to idenify the coreference, and, if nece4 Conclusionsary, they should be asked to search the adjacent text unil they find the requiredIn this study I can quote several more retraint which hinders the Chinese. referents.students from eficient reading. However, my intention here is not to make an 03. 4 Diferent ways of thinking and expreasionverall decripion of the known facts , but to bring our atention to some of the pit-Chinese people and English native speakers have diferent ways of thinking flls, which purticularly tap the Chinese atudents into misunderstanding. Toand modes of expresion, owing to their respective and unique social practice and make the reading cla8s more eficient, we have for many years incorporated somegeogmaphie environments. In this connection arise the problems in our studente’foreign language teaching thcniquee into the present framework. However, thiscomprechension of their English texts: because we dont have their experience, does not mean to discard completely the traditional way or adopt an out - and -we dont know what it means, not only lingitically, but also emotionally and out new forcign approach. As we are teaching Chincse students inside of Chins,cognitively.any teaching methodology deriating from the concrete aivation is neither posibleA case in point is the English way of negation. We often come across the nor realistic. The correcet atitude we should have is to adopt advanced foreignstatements which are afrmative in form but negative in content, or vice versa.theoriea on the one hand, and build on the strenghe already inherent in the pree-I know bttrt" means" I dont think so" , while" I couldnt fel better" is under- ent teaching framework on the other. In conclusion, since a reading class is bystood as "Im felig great". The fllowing two sentences may also puzle the nature a text - based one, we should go into further study of the constnints exist-Chinese readers:ing between the students and their texts, so a to help them remore the impedi-You could have come at a better time.ments to the communcation between writers and readers, and enable them to beI hope youfe none the worse for that fall from your horse.come efective readers.To Chinese students, English speaking people have a peculiar way of negs-References:tion in the above two sentence. In my clao only eficient readers can understand[1]Smith, F. Understanding Reading[ M]. New York: Holt, Rinchart &the first sentence胡"You have come at a wrong time" and the sccond one as "IWinston. 1971.hope you didnt hurt by the fll from your horse[2]oodman, K. s. Reading: A Paycholinguistic Cuessing Game: JoumalAmbiguity sometines arises when Chinese people and English speaking peo-of the Reading Specialist ,1967.ple look at thing at diferent angles. Look at these sentences:[3]itlewood, w. Communicaive Language Teaching: An Introducion1 was siting behind a pint.[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1981He was not the eldest son of his father for nothing.[4]Belyayev B. V. The payholoy odf Teaching Forcign Languages[ M].In my class, not all students can understand the first sentence 园"I wasOxford: Pergamon Pres. 1963.drinking beerand the second one 8s " He was[5]Scot, M. et al. Using a " Standard Exercise* in Teaching Reading Com-ther" , influenced by their owmn idiomatie way of saying things , Chinese studentsprehension. ELT Joumal,1984.have an inclination to mistake a English idiom for a Chinese one.(作者单位:陕西铜川职业技术学院)(.上接第41页)对大学生来说,人际交往情感困惑、学业压力、经济负担等处 在心理疾患边缘地位的学生来说,一般的教育和引导已经无法起到有效是引发负性情绪的主要方面,学校可以在人际交往训练、爱情心理生命意的积极 作用时,专业心理健康工作人员的干预和服务就会走向前台,针对义、逆境生存等方面针对需关注的学生重点开展工作.对处于两头的学生,这一 特殊群体进行情绪管理方面的辅导和矫正,专业人员的及时介人可有开展新生入学适应及毕业生就业指导等专题工作。其中尤其要注意对人效的预防因负性情绪 而引发不良后果。际交往的研究,引导学生妥善处理各种人际关系,人际关系质量是影响情参考文献:绪的重要因素,良好的人际关系会为自己创造和谐的精神氛围,缓解心理[1]陈伟伟.大学生情绪智力的初步研究.浙江教育学院院报,2005,压力、调解心理平衡、保持健康愉快的情绪。-些大学生的情绪问题之所(1):107 -112以越来越严重,其主要原因之一就是人际关系质量低下,性格孤僻内向,挫[2]许若兰.论大学生情绪管理和情绪教育.成都理工大学学报(社会折心理无处倾诉发泄,压抑得不到及时调解缓冲所致。因此在情绪管理工科学版) ,2003 ,1(4):116-118.作中,有很多高校引人相关的处理人际关系技巧的课程,教育学生宽以待中国煤化工征的研究心理料学204.2人,真诚相处,懂得如何在社会环境中获得-一个良好的人际关系。3.对已被负性情绪困扰的学生,提供及时的心理健康服务C N M H G学生心态的实验研究.北京建重视对有情绪困扰学生的心理辅导,充分发挥高校心理咨询机构的作筑工程学院学报,2003 ,(6):64 -68.用,高校心理咨询机构是舒缓大学生情绪问题的重要渠道,尤其对于一些(作者单位:江苏南通大学)12/2008 89
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