Sustainable Factors Analysis of Restored and Rebuilt Ecosystem
- 期刊名字:东北农业大学学报
- 文件大小:848kb
- 论文作者:WANG Xu-mei,WANG Hong-yan,ZHAN
- 作者单位:College of Resource and Environment
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
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Junr 2004Joumal of Northeast Agriculural UniversityVol. II, No.I 90-92Article ID:1006 -8104(2004)- -01-0090-03Sustainable Factors Analysis of Restoredand Rebuilt EcosystemWANG Xu-mei, WANG Hong -yan, ZHANG Ying(olle of Resource and Environment, Norhest Agriculural Universily, Harbin Heilogiang 150030, PRC)Abstract: This study compared the paddy field ecosystem on developped from basalt area in Jingpo Lake withprimary ecosystem by analyzing some indexes such as sunlight, temperature, moisture, bidiversity and energy. Theresult indicate that the paddy field ecosystem is feasible in improving the environment, energy utility, biodivrsity andeconomy. And also it is a sustainable system, providing theoretical basis and practical reference for the rebuilt of sim-ilar system.Key words: ecosystem; sustainableCLC number: Q14; Q142; X826Document code: AThe field at “Bohai" county in Mudanjiang citylasl, analyze its economic feasibility.belong to stone slabs of basalt, and are mostly primarybare area, later humus deposited on it. Accumulated2 Result and Analysistenperature is higher significantly than that of otherland located in the same latitude. Quality of irrigation2.1 The effect of rebuilt system on field micro-water have reached national standard. Rice annualclimateyield attain 6.5x10 kg. Volcanic eruption formed aTake the results obtained performed in Augustdry and lttle rain climale. Thus, primary bare areafor example.The result showed that: in 8:00 a. m, thewere transformed into paddy field using the method oftemperature of bare area is higher than that of paddy"soil dressing field”。Up to now, 266.67 hm2 areafield. From the Fig.l, temperature difference is 0.4 -have been rebuilt and 4 66.67 hm? area remain to 1.0 C; at 11:00 a.m, the difference increased to 1.0-be rebuilt. Large amounts of profits have been1.4 C; at 14:00 p.m, the difference reached to 1.2-achieved. Our study aims to analyze its feasibility to1.6 C; the temperature diference reduced to 0.8-supply reference for similar system.1.2 C at 17:00 p.m. But the moisture change betweenthe two system is on the reverse. The moisture i1 Methodspaddy field ecosystem is higher than that of bare areaecosystem above 3%-17%. But there is no significantMeaurements were taken during May to Sepetem-difference (only 1% -3%) between day and night. Onber in 2000. The study compared the paddy field e-day, the change is bigger and have low moisture. In tcosystem with adjacent bare primary ecosystem takingword, compared with rebuilt paddy field ecosystem,the method of“soil dressing field" to explore the in-large scope of bare area have higher superficial tem-fluence of paddy field ecosystem on field microclimateperature and lower moisture. So, the rebuilt system(sunlight, temperature, relative moisture), energy utili-an regulate field microclimate better than primaryty (fficiency of light energy utilization, the retum ra-bare area.tio), matter utility, biodiversity (biospecies, the amount"he effect of rebuilt system on energyof plant individual, coverage percent and quantity). AtutilizationReceived date:2003-10-29中国煤化工Biography: WANG Xu-mei(1970-), female, lecturer, master of ecology.MYHCNMHG"nagement and envionmentalprolection. E-mail: wangxumei2003@sina. com.No. 1Journal of Northeast Agricultural University.91●Energy utilization are given in Table 1. It can bedy field can reach as much as 1.007%. Furthermore,seen that biomass in bare land is only 6% of paddythe return of energy per hectare in bare area is onlyfield. Less biomass lead to unique climate with dry air 5 027.286 MJ which is equal to 5.2% of paddy fieldand high temperature. The difference of photosynthetic(96 424.24 MJ). Thus, rebuilding can not only improvebetween two ecosystem is significant. The photosynthe productive capicity of soil and photosynthetic butthetic of bare area is only 0.053%, while that of pad also improve input energy to soil which is beneficial◆Temperature of bare area-一Temperature of paddy field一- Relative moisture of bare area- *- Relative moisture of paddy field3(100230501l020J08:0011:0014:0017:00TimeFig.1 The etecet of dferent ecosystem on soil temperature and the relative moisture in AugustTable 1 Comparison of energy uility of being renewed paddy field ecosystemEcosystemBiomassEnergyPhotosynthesis use fficiency(%)The return of energy per hectareBare area1 0643 608.00.0531 202.7Paddy field18 70469 204.81.00723 068.0to culture ecosystem.more abundant than that of paddy field ecosystem due.3The effect of rebuilt system on biospeciesto the restrit of topsoil. Deficient nutrient supplyThe comparison of plant species between twomake plant grow low and gracile. Thus, though moreecosystems can be seen from Table 2. Practical sam-amount of plant individual, the total biomass is onlypling results the biospecies bare area is far from that105.7 g.m, while is 5.6% of paddy field ecosystem.in paddy field. Organisms in paddy area are mostlyTotal cover percent was only 14.1%, that is to saygathered from ridges between fields and irrigating exit.there are 86% of the field remaining bared, no plantThe species are mostly belong to humid -tolerancegrowing.weeds species. Thus, the community have changed2.4 Beneficial analysisrom drought -tolerance artemazulene community toAd中国煤化工m farmer of Bo-humid-tolerant weed community.hai cou|YHCNMH G-rice is 4 023Biodiversity of bare artemazulene conmunity isyuan.hm-. The yield can reach 372.5 kg. The price of.92 .Journal of Northeast Agicultural UniversityVol. 11green- -rice can be sold at 2.66 yuan.kg". The net in-first year of rebuild, the yield can reach 350-400 kg.come per hectare is 8 917 yuan. It is invisitigated thatIf calculate according to 350 kg, the income after re-the cost for rebuild is 12 000 yuan ●hm-. After thebuilding can reached to 8 511yuan .hm-, only 1.4Table 2 Plant species comparison between two ecosystemEcosystemBiospeciceThe amount of plant individualCoverage (%)Biomas( g'm2 )Cif stenosolenium2581.5519.74515.6415.46Bare area dominant peciesLitle Lovegrass4:0.52Bare areaSweet wormwood1:0.171.41Dentes foxtailBare area subordination species Bine meadowrue, Bicolor lespedea, Purslane, Prostrale spurge, Chinese cinquefoilPaddy field donminant speciesPaddy16.7123.11870.4Paldy feldPaddy field subordination species Dwarf mitrasacmne, Green bisterass, Dandelion, Biennial wormwood, Plantain seed, BulnushTable 3 Investigation on planting health paddy cost and beneficial resut of Bohai countyCost (Yuan)Net income(Yuan)SeedFertilizerIncectisideWater costLand taxManpowerTotl600628157300838150040238971year can take back the cost (Table 3).discussion, the rebuilt ecosystem is feasible in agri-culural production, agriculture economy. It is a sus-3 Discussiontainable system. Bohai county utilize its special geo-logical constitution to produc "xiangshui" rice whichThis research rebuilt the ecosystem of stone slabsis famous in the world, rebuilding bare system to ricein Bohai using the method of“soil dressing field" andproducing basement with the aim of sustainable de-compare with the primary bare area ecosystem. Theveloping. Those are important to restore and rebuiltresult show that the rebuilt paddy ecosystem are bet-the deteriorate ecosystem.ter in adjusting microclimate. It can not only improvethe productivity, increase the utility fficiency of sunReferenceslight, but also improve input biomass, which is benefit川Weng Du -ming Small climate and field elimale [M]. Bejingto health ecosystem. There are great difference in bio-Agriculrure Publisher, 1981.diversity between the two ecosystem. But from the[2] Common M, Perings C. Towards and ecological economics of suspoint of species coverage of paddy field organism aretainability I Eeological Economics, 1992, (6);: 7-34.wider than that of bare area. So economic profit of the[3] Handmer J M. Contradictions in sustainabiliy [] Envionmentalrebuilt ecosystem is significant. Thus from the aboveConservation, 1993, 20(3);: 217-222.中国煤化工MYHCNMHG
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