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Bimonthly, StartedPublication in 1992aROIL DEPOT AND GAS STATIONVol. 21. No. 400eNo 122 totallyAug20,2012Honorary Chairman of Editorial Committee: Li Chunguang, Zhang HaichaoContents and abstractsChairman of Editorial Committee: Zuo XingkaiVice Chairman of Editorial Committee: Guo Feiho- STORAGE TECHNOLOGIESng, Wang Wenlian, Wang Weimin, An Shan1. Discussion on the Application of AutomationSpecial Consultants: Lu Pin, Chai ZhimingTechnology in Oil Depot Li YiqingMembers: Zhang Xiulai, Wang Hongchuan, Xu Fubin, Abstract: The existing problems and the developZhang zia, Feng Peiyu, Li Yuxing, Rui Jiqiang, ing trend of the application of automation technolChen Biwen, Yin Chaaming, Ren Shixian, Du Yubin, ogy in oil depot are introduced briefly. And theYang Jiming, Huang He, Li Yiqing, Zheng Jinghua, measures of oil depot automation to obtain optimalJia yuepeng, Luo kaiyong, Yan Hua, Huang bingliLiu Xiangbin, Zhang Tianming, Luo Tonghua, Niu application results using limited capital are dis-cussed. Taking the Xiaohu Island Oil Depot inJingmin, Wang Jinpei, Han Qingyue, Liu Huabin, Wang Guangdong Province as an example, the designMin, Han Jie, Xia Fengwu, Wang An, Dai Fujun, ZhouXuehong, XU Jiangqiao, Liu Sheng, He Ming, Song ideas, content and requirements for oil depot au-Wei, Bu Wenping, Zhang Yi, Du Daolin, Shen Qingqi, tomation are highlighted. The advices for popuDu hongyan, Zhou Jiaxiang Han Jun, Jin Wanganglarizing oil depot automation technology are pro-Director: Zuo Xingkaie. presenting construction or revampVice Director: Guo Feihong, Wang Wenlianoption on basis of sufficient research, selectingEditor-in-Chief: Wang Weiminsuitable program objective and automation levelVice Editor-in-Chief: Jin Wangangfor the actuality of enterprise, paying attention toEditor-in-Charge: Zhang Ytappraisal of design option, on-site installationResponsible Department: China Petrochemical and construction quality, and training of automat-Corporation (SINOPECic control personnelSponsor: SINOPEC Sales CompanyKeywords: oil depot, automation, applicationPublisher: Editorial Office of Oil Depots and Oil 5. Status and Technology Selection of Buried OilStationsTank Cleaning in Gas Station. Bai guangchenDistributor( Domestic): Editorial Office of Oil De- Abstract: According to the status of oil tankots and Oil Stationscleaning in gas station, basing on the analysis andAddress: Building No 6, Guangqujiayuan, Dongchencomparison of existing cleaning technologies, it isDistrict, Beijingindicated that low- pressure water jet cleaning isPostcode: 100022the preferred choice for the cleaning of buried oilTel:(010)67006041;67006042Fax:(010)67006043tank in gas stationE-mail:sykjyz@sina.comKeywords: buried oil tank, cleaning technologyDistributor(Abroad): China National Publicationtechnology selectionImport& Export CorporationOIL AND GAS PIPELINEPrinter: Fei Teng Printing Co Ltd of Langfang8.The“ Tour Inspection System” ManagementAddress: No 25, Yonghua Dao Ave langfangMode executed in Anhui Section of Sichuan toPostcode: 065000East Gas Transportation Pipeline Project. ZhouISSN1008-2263;CN11-3945/TENo. of Ad. License: 0135, Chaoyang District, Abstract The"tour inspection system"management mode for long distance oil and gas transDomestic Price: RMB60 per yearportati中国煤化工 ally the operationCopyright gor all originally published reportsmodeCNMHGlong distance oiland gas transportation pipeline project was intro- duced. Using grey correlation analysis method, theduced in detail, and the practical effect of"tourspecification data of four existing methods for oilspection system"was analyzed. The management vapor recovery are analyzed quantitatively and com-mode could improve inspection effect, and realize prehensively. The results show that the quantitaall-weather, whole process supervision and tech- tive evaluation results by above-mentioned methodnical complementarities of different posts, break are consistent with the non-quantitative evaluationthe traditionalon-selected-site"management results by existing methods in reference. So themode, and meet the requirement for science, safety grey correlation analysis method can provide the ba-and high efficiency of long distance oil and gas sis for quantitative decision of oil vapor recoverytransportation pipeline project managementmethods selection and option design for petrochemiKeywords: Sichuan to East gas transportationcal enterprisespipeline project, managementKeywords: oil depot, gas station, oil vapor recov11. Referential Significance from Management Sys-ery, grey correlationtem for Oil and Gas Pipeline in the US and Canada. SAFETY TECHNOLOGYLi xiang21. Comprehensive Protection against InductionAbstract: The oil and gas pipeline in the US and Thunder for Oil Pipeline Depot. Fu JianzhongCanada and related management system are intro- Abstract The hazard of induction thunder to safeduced briefly which consist of laws and regulations, ty production in oil depot is described, and thetechnical standard and enterprise internal manage- comprehensive protection solution and technicalment system. The supervision institutions, respon- measures for induction thunder easy to be neglectedsibility and supervision method are introduced, and during oil depot construction are focused. In orderthe development of supervision concept is described to prevent the hazard of induction thunder to oil de-which is embodied in the system construction, i. pot, the adopted technical measures should includee.objective rules were gradually increased and the not only traditional methods such as groundingdescriptive rules were gradually decreasedshielding and equipotential bonding, but also instalKeywords: the United States, Canada, oil and gas lation of surge protector in the strong and weakpipeline, management system, referenceelectricity systemGAS FILLING STATIONKeywords: pipeline oil depot, induction thunder14. Analysis on Solution of L-CNG Addition in protectionCNG Station. Jiang ning23. Study on Three- Dimensional Training andAbstract: In order solve the problem of that CNG Virtual Exercise System for Oil Depot, Gas Stationstation cannot open business because the gas source and Pipeline Operation. Zhang Leicannot be guaranteed, the solution of adding L- Abstract: In order to improve the safety operationCNG in CNG station is proposed, theefficiency and emergency drills ability of oil depotnology scheme and new equipments and configura- gas station and pipeline, and prevent and controltion are introduced, the problems needing attention accidents, a three-dimensional training and virtualin design are pointed out, and economic benefit is exercise system is developed. The configurationanalyzed. The results show that if there is enough basic function and the effect can be achieved is in-space and rational safety distance in the CNG sta- troduced, i. e. the integrated management of oiltion,the addition of L-CNG is feasible from in re- depot, pipeline and gas station can be realized; thespects of economy, safety, energy saving and envi- oil depot and gas station can be comprehensiveronmental protectionthree- dimensional, multi-angle illustrated byKeywords: CNG station, L-CNG, option analy- ground, underground roaming; the strata can bearbitrary slit and viewed to manage long distanceENVIRONMENT PROTECTIONpipeline; the production schedule information man18. Application of Grey Correlation in Oil Vapor agement and safety supervision control can be realRecovery Evaluation. Guo Weimin中国煤化工 varning andAbstract: The analysis method, related definition forecasting, eand evaluation model of grey correlation are intro- personnel trainHCNMHonal visualanagementoratories, which can evaluate intuitively the detecKeywords: oil depot, gas station, pipeline, virtual tion ability of each laboratory.The ranking methodexercise, three-dimensional training systemis explained through the ranking example of comSAFETY MANAGEMENTparison tests among laboratories27. Analysis on Near-miss Events in Enterprise Keywords: laboratory, comparison test, rankingConstruction and Prevention Measures. ChengmethodMinjunNON-OIL BUSINESSAbstract: According to the status and existing 39. Prospect of Non-Oil Business of SINOPECproblems of near-miss events during oil products s Gas Stations. Chai Zhimingsales enterprise construction, the near-miss events Abstract: On the basis of developing status of carin construction are analyzed deeply, and the effec- population andcontinuous improvement of peoplecitable trend ofare proposed to assure construction safety manage- developing non-oil business and the favorable conmentditions of SinoPec are described, and theKeywords: construction, near-miss event, man- prospect of non-oil business of SINOPEC's gasgementstations is forecasted. according to the strategic re29. Electrostatic Protection in Oil Products Han- quirements of SINOPEC to build world-class en-dling Operation of Tanker. Song Shengkui, Ai ergy and chemical company, it is pointed out thatthe non-oil business in gas stations should be imAbstract:Based on the disaster formation condi- plemented in a specialized operation to a larger scaletions caused by oil product electrostatic and statisti- in an innovate operation mode, so as to form a newal result of electrostatic disasters, the main precau- profit growth point in SINOPEC's gas stationstions for electrostatic disaster during oil tanker han- Keywords: gas station, non-oil business,develdling were presentedoping trend, prospectKeywords: oil tanker, electrostatic, disaster, pre-OPERATION MANAGEMENTcaution41. Application and Analysis of Long Distance EnQUANTITY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENTergy Management System in Gas Station. Zhang32. Discussion on Stabilizing Time of Oil Product Qiang, Wang Lin, Xu MinTank After Receiving and Delivery. Zhao Hairong. Abstract: In order to implement the"Energy ConAbstract:According to the current situation that servation and Emissions Reduction Comprehensivthere is no uniform standard for the stabilizing time Work Plan for the 12th Five-Year Plan Pericfor measurement after receiving and delivery, the execute actively the overall policy of SINOPEC totests of stabilizing time for measurement were de- construct"five in one"supervision and managementveloped by SINOPEC Zhejiang Oil Products Com- system to improve enterprise operation level,Beipany. Combining the requirement of static electrici- jing Oil Products Company developed gas stationty safety, the reasonable stabilizing time data was energy management system by technical cooperagiven, and the stabilizing time of 30 min for mea- tion for the gas stations which manage electric heatsurement after receiving and delivery was proposed. ing in winter, and applyed in trial the system inKeywords: measurement,stabilizing time, test, partial gas stations, by which the energy consumpadvicetion was real -time monitored and managed The35. Discussion on the Ranking Method for Com- application results showed that unit energy conparison Tests among Laboratories. Ke lisumption can be decreased by 30% with significantAbstract: The ranking method for comparison tests energy saving effectng laboratories is discussed. Based on the sta- Keywords: energy management system,long dististical analysis of comparison test results, several tance, energy conservation, gas station,electriccommon statistics and evaluation methods for com- heating boilerparison results are used to rank the participated lab中国煤化工CNMHG
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