Three Industries and water consumption of Beijing
- 期刊名字:环境科学
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- 论文作者:Wang Hong-rui,Wang Yan
- 作者单位:Institute of Environmental Sciences,Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection
- 更新时间:2020-07-08
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环境科学2- E980207日万万数据(hinalnfENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES科技期刊WANFANG DATA环境科学1998年6月第10卷第2期ThreeIndustries and water consumption of BeijingWang Hong-ruiInstitute of Environmental Sciences, Beijing Normal University,Bejjing 100875, ChinaWang YanBejjing Municipal Research Institute of EnvironmentalProtection, Beijing 100037, ChinaAbstract-- Beijing has been experiencing a severe shortage ofwater. At present serious wastes of water resources result fromthe unreasonable structure of water uses in various industriessectors. The current conditions of the municipal water usestructure and its changes in the industrial sectors were analysedand discussed in terms of the indicators, such as direct water-usecoefficient, complete water-use coefficient, water-use multiplierand water-reuse rate, by taking a year of 1990s as the base year.Some response strategies for water conservation have been studiedand the corresponding recommendations were put forward. All ofthese have provided a basis for coordinating the relationshipbetween aquatic environment and economic growth in this city,establishing a system for rational utilization of water resources,and promoting the implementation of a strategy for sustainabledevelopment.keywords: direct water-use coefficient; complete water-usecoefficient; water-use multiplier; water reuse rate.Beijing is serious short of water. The water resources whichcan be utilized in low flow year is only 4.05 billion m3. Thaverage volume owned by per capita in China is 400 m3. Beijingstands at the end of line among 120 big cities in the world, and itis one of the 40 cities which is the shortest of water seriouslyover the country. The shortage of water resources has affected theproduction and people's daily life, and has become an importantfactor that may well hamper the future economic and social1 The survey of water useTable 1 is an annual summary of water use situation of Beijingin 1990s. Fresh water consumed by the secondary industry of thewhole city is 839 million m3 annually, 10.4% lower than that of中国煤化工1980s, which was 936 million m3. Fresh water consumed by theMHCNM HGtertiary industry and residents is totally 561 million m3, 27.5%higher than that of 1980, which was 440 million m3. The percentageof fresh water use shows that fresh water consumed by the primaryfle// vqikan. _htm抽取20k010)jiesj e980207.htm(第1/ 9页) 2009 12-31 2:56:30环境科学2- E980207industry takes 61.5% if total fresh water consumed. Thus it'sclear that agriculture is still a large water-use sector. Lowwater reuse rate (12. 17%) shows there is a great water-savingpotentiality in the primary industry. Fresh water consumed byresident was 112 million m3, taking up 3.1% of the total water-usein a year of 1980s. Fresh water consumed by resident is 4.8% oftotal fresh water use in Beijing, 1.7% higher than that of 1980s.Table 2 shows the comparison of the fresh water between the twoperiods.Table 1 Water consumption of Beijing( 103m3)Type ofThe primaryThe secondaryThe tertiaryAnnual totalHousehold useconsumptionindustryTotal water use74.4125.4743.084.11Fresh water36.3722.378.393.861.75Tap water1.422.421.39Well water22.8217.173.851.44River water8.325.203.12Reuse water38.013.1034.690.25Reuse rate51.1212.1780.526.08Percentage of|fresh water10061.523.110.64.8|consumed,%Notes:fresh water refers to tap-water,well eater and river waterTable 2Rates of fresh water consumed by the three industriesin 1980s and 1990s(%)TimeTotalThe primary industry| The secondary industryResident use1980s61.626.11990sNotes:primaryb industry :agricultrual &mine;secondary industry:manufacture;tertiary industry:services ectTable 2 shows that the rate of fresh water consumed by theprimary industry varies only a little, while the rate by thesecondary industry dropped 3%, and that by the tertiary industryand resident use increased. It is mainly because water reuse rateof the secondary industry rose quickly.中国煤化工2 Analysis of water-use coefficient of each sectorMHCNM HGDirect water-use coefficient (DWC) is the direct consumptioncoefficient of each production sector, reflecting the directfle// vqikan. htm抽取20k010)jiesj e980207.htm(第2/ 9页) 2009 12-31 2:56:30环境科学2- E980207requirement of water resources by a sector producing unit outputvalue. In addition, each sector consumes water indirectly becauseraw and processed materials, fuels, motive power and mechanicalequipment in the process of productions also consume water in theprocess of being produced. The sum of direct and indirect waterconsumption coefficient is complete water-use coefficient (CWC).It's an important index of water consumed by a sector and reflectsthe multiplex and indirect relation of various sectors.2.1 Direct and complete influence of water used by each sectorTable 3 shows DWC and CWC of the total 32 sectors (The outputvalue of oil and natural gas industry in Beijing is 0).It can be seen in Table 3 that CWCs of several sectors(such aspublic affairs & resident service, passenger transportation,administrative organization and education, hygienics & scienceresearch) are more than 1300. These are large water-use sectors,ranking among the top ten of the total 32 sectors. Some othersectors (catering trade, cargo transportation & posttelecommunication, trading and finance & insurance) with smallerCWCs have great potentiality of demand and development, and shouldbe developed greatly. Especially trading and finance & insurance,whose CWC are 527 and 178, are water saving sectors adapting toeconomic construction and social development of the capital.Table 3 DWC and CWC of each sector(t/104 RMB Yuan)SectorDWCCWC1 Agriculture3187.25Agriculture881.892 Electric power & stream &1339.14Other industry2544.25hor water supply3 Mining industry324.33Food processing indusry2253.034 Admninistrative organization314.42Publie afaics & resident service2106.66S Eduxcation bygienics &238.55Passengers transportation1958.08scientic research6 Non-metalic minerals mining193.62Sewing & leather processing1885.09industry7 Col & Ras product industry180.20Administrative organization1763.578 Building macerials & non-150.38Electric power & steam & hot1745. 78metallic mmineral productswater supply9 Chemical industry144.52Education bhygienics & scientific1343.3910 Metallurgical industry139.85Machinery maintenance1317.16 .11 Coal mining126.12Construction12 Paper & stationery103.61Electric machinery & equipment1245.15manufscturingmanufacturing13 Publice aflairs & residentCatering trade1185.2914 Texile indusry88.14Metal products1141.61 ,15 Cargo transportation 晶poxst83.60Instrument & meter1088. 10& tleommunication16 Food processing industry82.17Transportation rmanufacturing17 Machinery maintenance61.63Textile industry meal中国煤化工18 Instrument & meter59.43Mcchanical industryMYHCNMHG19 Treding .S3.40Coal & gas products industry954.3720 Metal products50.05Building material & non- metallic911.53minerals productsfl:// Vqikan, htm抽取20o8k8oi(00101)/j8 e/980207.htm(第3/ 9页) 2009 12-31 2:56:30环境科学2- E98020720 Metal proxductsSU.US11.00minerals products21 Timber processing & furniture49.95Cargo transportation & post &870.20makingtelccommunication22 Petroleum processing48.67Chemical industry804.4423 Passenger transportation46.72Metsllurgical industry708. 7624 Mechanical industry43.16Timber processing & furiture669.2025 Catering trade42.64Electron & comnunication666.56quipment manufacturing26 Other industry36.10Paper & stationery manufacturing649.5927 Electric machinery &30.14Non-netallic minerals mining640.89equipmentt manufactcturingindustry28 Transportation equipment26.03Metal mining industry600.08manufacturing29 Electrom & communication20.47Trading527.04cquipment manufacturing30 Sewing & leather proessing18.10Coal mining487.7831 Construction8.97Petroleum processing242.3732 Finance & insuranceFinance & insurance178.33Some sectors (food processing, sewing & leather processing,electric power & steam & hot water supply, machinery maintenance,electric machinery & equipment manufacturing and metal products)of the secondary industry which have higher CWC are large-water-useindustries. Some sectors (such as instrument & metermanufacturing, transportation industry, chemical industry, electron& metal product industry and paper & stationery manufacturing)whose CWCs are lower than 1100 are suitable industries according tothe situation of water resources of Beijing from the view of watersaving. Agriculture, as the primary industry, not only its DWC butalso CWC ranking the first among all industries, is the largestwater-use sector.2.2 Analysis of water-use multiplierWater-use multiplier (WM), the ratio of CWC to DWC, is animportant economic parameter. Large WM of a sector means, amongthe products of other sector directly or indirectly consumed bythis sector, that there are series of products relying on water,and the economic relation of the relative sector is closer.Conversely, the relation is weaker. WM of each sector are shown inTable 4.Table 4 Water use multiplier of 32 sectors中国煤化工MHCNM HGfl:// Vqikan, htm抽取20o8k8oi(00101)j8 e/980207.htm(第4/ 9页) 2009 12-31 2:56:30环境科学2- E980207No.Sector .MultiplierConstructicu142.64Sewing & leather processing104.15Other industry70.4841.91Transportation cquipment manufacturing41.79Electric machinery & equipnent manufacturing41.31 .Finance & insurance32.66Electron & communication equipment manufacturing32.56Catering trade27.80l0Food processing industry27.421Mechanical industry23.45Meral products22.81Public affairs & resident service22.25Machinery maintenance21.37Timber processing & furniture manufacturing13.407Textile indusry12.01Cargoes transportation & post & telecommunication10.4119Trading9.8120Paper晶stationery manufacturing6.2721Building material & non- metallic minerals products6.0622Education bygienics & research5.6323Administrative organization5.61 .24Chemical industry5.5725Coel & gas produet industry5.3026Metallurgical industry5.0727Petroleum processing4.9828Coaul mining3.8729Non metalie minernls mining industry3.3130Metallic minerals mining industry1.8531Eletric power & stcam & hot water supply1.3032Agriculture1.22,Table 4 shows water-use multipliers of construction and sewing& leather processing are quite big. Construction is closelyrelative with No.21 (building material & non-metallic mineralsproducts), No. 24 (chemical industry) and No. 26 (metallurgicalindustry) whose direct water-use coefficients are in the topten(Table 3). CWC of construction is 1279.45 t/104 RMB Yuan highlyranking as eleventh, while its DwC is only 8.97 t/104 RMB Yuan,ranking as the 31st. The sewing & leather processing is closelyrelated to No.17 (textile industry), No.24 (chemical industry)and No.32 (agriculture). No. 17 and No.24 a remedium to higherwater-use sectors. For agriculture, both DWC and CWC are higher中国煤化工than those of any other sectors. So CWC of sewing & leatherMHCNM HGprocessing is as high as 1885.09, while its DWC is only 18.1. Thewater-use multiplier is 104. 15, ranking as the secondary afterconstruction.fle//F/ Vqikan. htm抽取200oefore/kjqk<20010)/jese e/980207.htm (第5/ 9页) 2009- 12-31 2:56.30环境科学2- E980207CWCs of above two sectors are most sensitive to the variationof DWC. In addition, water- use multipliers of other industries,such as passenger transportation, transportation equipmentmanufacturing and eletric machinery & equipment manufacturing, arehigher than 40. These sectors need indirect fresh water much morethan direct fresh water.Each sector uses water resources indirectly. Smaller water-use multiplier means less indirect water use. In the sectors ofagriculture, electric power & steam & hot water supply and metallicminerals mining industry whose water-use multipliers are 1.22, 1.30and 1.85, the direct water-use makes up a dominate proportion incomplete water-use. For example, direct water-use takes 82% ofcomplete water-use in agriculture, but 77% and 54% respectively inthe other two sectors. This reflects that these sectors haveweaker economic relation with other sectors.2.3 Analysis of water reuse rate in each fieldWater reuse rate (WRR) of a certain sector is the ratio ofdirect water use volume to total water use volume in a period. Thehigher water-reuse rate means fresh water less consumed. W ater-reuse rates of each sector are shown in Table 5.Table 5 Water reuse rates of 32 sectorsWRRMetallurgical industry89.932Electric power & steam & hot water supply86.06Chemical industry83.63Coel & gas product industry80.48.Texile industry68.64 .Timber processing & furmiture manufacturing63.52Electron & conmunication equipment manufacturing60.80Building material & non-metallic minernals proxducts59.86Mechanical industryS7.740MetaJlic minerals mining industry55.061Electron machinery & equipment manufacturing54.73S3. s53Transportation equiprnent manufacturing53.37Instrument & meter manufacturingS0.545Food processing industry49.41l6Machinery maintenance42.097Petroleurn processing33.978Non-metallic minerals mining industry23.06.9Metal proxducts20.5520Coal mining16.85Other industry中国煤化工AgricultureMHCNMH G2:Public nfair & resident service11.19Sewing & leather processing8.84Administrative organization3.43Education, hygienics & research6.27fl:// Vqikan, htm抽取20o8k8oi(00101)j8 e/980207.htm(第6/ 9页) 2009 12-31 2:56:30环境科学2- E980207Administrative organization8.4321Education, bhygienics & research6.272:Finance and insurance2Construction29Cargocs transportation & past & telecommunicationTrading31Catering tradePassenger transportationAs shown in Table 5, the industrial sectors whose WRR is morethan 80% are metallurgical industry, electric power & steam & hotwater supply, chemical industry and coal & gas produce industry.Fresh water use of the above four sectors take 58.8% of the totalfresh water use of the city. Total output value and net outputvalue of the four sectors respectively amount to 2.01x 1010 RMBYuan and 7.38x 109 RMB Yuan, accounting for 26.84% and 33.64% ofthose of the whole city. Total output value and net output value ofthe other sectors are 73. 16% and 66. 36% of those of the whole city,but WRR of all the other sectors are less than 80%. This situationshould be improved.Compared with WRRs of foreign countries, we could find outwhere we fall short and tap the potentialities to save water.Table 6 is the comparison of WRR of the main industrial sectorsbetween South Africa and Beijing.Situated in arid region, South Africa is short of waterseriously. For the development of city and industry, they do wellin economization of industrial water-use. The WRR of iron & steelindustry heat & power plant, coal & oil refining and chemicalindustry are all over 90%. Though the classification of industrialsectors may differ a lttle between the two countries, someproblems can be found.As sown in Table 6, several industrial sectors in Beijingstill have great potentialities of upgrading WRR. There is a bigdisparity (over than 60%) between WRR of coal mining & petroleumprocessing in Beijing and that of coal & oil refining in SouthAfrica. This reveals that the water reuse level is very low andthe waste of water is serious. If WRR of coal mining & petroleumprocessing is raised to 90% and the output value is on the level of1990s, 1.44x 107t fresh water will be saved. Therefore, raising WRRis very important for water saving in this city.Table 6 WRR of the main industrial sectors of Beijing and SouthAfrica(%)Bejjing (1990s)South Africa (1983)Metallurgical industry89.93 Iron & steel industry97.2Electric power & steam & hot water supply86.06 Heat & power plant中国煤化工Chemical industry83.63 Chemical industryMYHCNMHG|Coal mining, petroleum processing29.92 Coal & oil refining92.7fl:// Vqikan htm抽取20o8k8oi(00101)j8 e/980207.htm(第7/ 9页) 2009 12-31 2:56:30环境科学2- E9802073 Conclusion and countermeasureThe water-use structure of industries and resident life haschanged greatly comparing with 1984. Main reason is raised WRR ofthe secondary industry, while WRR of agriculture changed only alittle. As a main water consumer, WRR of agriculture whose freshwater use is 61.5% of the whole city is only 12%. Agriculture hasgreat potentiality on water saving. In order to deduce fresh wateruse of the primary industry, WRR of agriculture should be raised.Importing agriculture products is a good method for water saving.Meanwhile, WRR of the secondary should be continuously raised sothat much fresh water can be provided for residents.In the secondary industry, DWC of food processing industryranks as the sixteenth of the whole sectors while CWC ranks as thethird. It means that food processing industry has great indirectrequirement of water use. Main reason is that agriculture, as rawmaterials providing for food processing industry, is a large wateruse sector. Therefore, we should import more agriculture productsfrom other provinces to develop food processing industry inBeijing. This is tantamount to transferring water indirectly toBejing so as to lighten the pressure of water consuming.Instrument & meter manufacturing, transportation equipmentmanufacturing, textile industry, mechanical industry, chemicalindustry, electron & communication equipment manufacturing,metallurgical industry and coal gas product industry whose CWC aresmall should be greatly developed. What should be noticed is thatthe wastewater discharge and COD are quite high in the sectors ofcoal & gas product industry and chemical industry. Technologicalinnovation should be strengthened to control pollution along withthe development of the two sectors.WRR of the teriary industry is low. Some sectors consumewater largely, such as public affairs & resident service,administrative organization, and education, hygienics & research.Attention should be paid to the water saving of these sectors.Economic, legal, administrative and technological measures shouldbe taken to raise the percentage of water saving and reusing, andpropaganda should be enhanced to strengthen public's awareness ofwater saving. Trading, catering trade and finance insurance, whoseDWC and CWC are smaller, are high benefit and low water usesectors, and have great potentiality of water saving. They are themajor sectors which should be developed in future.ReferencesChen Mengxiong. Natural Resources, 1990, 6:29-35Fang Pingxian. Environmental statistics handbook. Chengdu: SichuanScience and Technology Press, 1985.111-149Ilkka Kananen. Operations Research, 1990, 38(2):221-228National Environmental Protection Agency. Monitoring and中国煤化工Analyzing methods of water and waste water . Beijing: ChineseMHCNM HGEnvironmental Sciences Press, 1989. 354-357Shang Shouzhong. W ater resource and its exploitation andutilization. Beijing:Popular Science Press. 1993. 73-79fle//F Vqikan_ htm抽取2008oik200101/j/8 e/980207.htm(第8/ 9页) 200 12-31 2:56.30 .环境科学2:E980207Zhong Xiefu, Chen Xikang. Input-output anaysBeijing: Chinesehpinancial and Economic Pess, 1987. 4544(Received for review January, 13, 1997. Accepted September29,1997)中国煤化工MYHCNMHG .
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