912Ogunleye et al. 1J Zhejiang Univ SciB 2007 8(12):912916Joumal of Zhejiang Universily SCIENCE BISSN 1873-1581 (Print; ISSN 1862-1783 (Online)www.zju.edu.cMjzus; ww.pringerlink.comEmil: Jzus@zju.edu.cnJzusEvaluation of the dust and methanol extracts of Garcinia kolaefor the control of Callosobruchus maculatus (F)and Sitophilus zeamais (Mots)OGUNLEYE RE', ADEFEMI S.O.('Department of Zoology, Uiniversity ofAdo Eit, Ado Ekit, Ekiti Slate 234, Nigeria)(Deparment of Chemisty, Uiniversity ofAdo Bhiti, Ado Ekin, Ekiti Slate 234. Ngeria)E-mail: droluwaleye@yaboo.com; adefemisamuel@yahoo.comReccived Aug. 27, 2007; revision acepted Oct. 18, 2007Abstract: Insecticidal efects of different doses of the dust and methanol extracts of Garcinia kolae on Callosobruchus macu-latus and Sitophilus zeamais were tested. The dust had no significant effect on the two insects; none of them died even at 3 d afertreatment. The methanol extracts, however, had rapid lethal efects on both C. maculatus and S. zeamais. The mortality of C.maculatus by the lowest concentration of methanol extracts ranged from 95%~100% whereas in S. zeamais, the mortality rangedfrom 87.5%~100% and 70%~-100% in concentrations of 1 g extract+3 ml methanol and 1 g extract+S ml methanol, respectively,from 24 to 48 h. The least concentration of I g extract+ 15 ml methanol had no significant lethal efliect on Sitophilus zeamais.Key words: Insecticidal efect, Garcinia kolae, Sitophilus zeamais, Callosobruchus maculatusdoi:10.163 1/jzus. 2007.B0912Document code: ACLC number: S767.3INTRODUCTIONmaculatus causes a major loss. Infestation of storedcowpea could be as much as 98% in markets and inCrop products are the end result of a sequence ofvillage stores (Albeek, 1996). The magnitude ofhusbandry operations in the field, starting from landdamage that can occur will depend on many factorspreparation to harvesting. After harvesting, it hassuch as the kind of crop and insect storage durationbecome necessary to store the products for some pe-and the prevailing environmental conditions (Hill andriod before consumption or use for a variety of pur-Waller, 1990). Delima (1987) reported that insect pestposes that have been given by Adesuyi (1977).problems in the tropical storage environment areHowever, in the post-harvest period, stored crop greater than those in the temperate climates, pre-products are usually liable to depreciation by pestsumably because of optimal conditions of tempera-organisms especially insects. Most important storage ture and bumidity for pest development found in thepests are Coleopterans and some Lepidoplerans.former.Varying estimates of losses caused by storageMany synthetic insecticides have been reportedinsect pests abound in literature. Appert (1987) re- as effective in the control of field and storage insectported total crop losses (from harvesting to con.pests (Hill and Waller, 1990; Obeng-Ofori ansumption) to be 40% of production in the hot, humid Dankwah, 2004; Ogunleye, 2001; 2006; Anyim,regions of the world and more than 10% in the dry2003; NFMAWR and ODABG, 1996), but theirregions. Estimates of post-harvest crop losses world- adop中国煤化工armers are ham-wide have also been given as 10%- -20% but peredrohibitive costs,25%~ 40% for the tropics by other researchers (Hill inconHCNMHGalandsafetyofand Waller, 1990). In storage, Callosobruchus workers and consumers (Wolfson et al, 1991; GolobOgunleye et al.1s Zhejang Unv Sci B 2007 B(12):912-916et al, 1999). Insecticidcs can also lead to pest re- Application of plant dustsurgence.Twenty grams of uninfested cowpea wereCurrent research focus in stored products pro- weighed into Petri-dishes. Into each of these dishestection includes the development of non-chemical placed were different doses of the plant dusts, 2.5 g,technologies which may eliminate the use of insecti-2.0 g, 1.5 g and 1.0 g, respectively. Twenty species ofcides and have economic and health benefits for theS. zeamais and C. maculatus were introduced intoapplicators, consumers and the environment (Mur-each of the cages. They were them shaken vigorouslydock et al, 1997; Talukder and Howse, 2000; Elhag,to ensure even distribution of the dust on the insects.2000). The use of more natural and sustainableEach of the cages was replicated three times. Themethods of protecting harvested crops from insect control had no dust.damage is most favored (Golob et al, 1999). A lot ofsuccesses have been recorded in this area (Ogunleye,Preparation of plant extract2000; 2003; 2006; Ogunleye et al., 2003; OmotosoOne hundred grams of pulverised plant powderand Ogunleye, 2006; Obeng-0fori and Dankwah, was soaked in 250 ml of methanol in a 500 ml beaker2004; Elhag, 2000; Keita et al, 2001).for 5 d. The mixture was shaken vigorously at 12-hThis research work evaluates the possible usage intervals to ensure proper soaking of the plant product.of Garcinia kolae extracts and dust for the control of After 5 d, decanting of the extract was done and theSitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus.liquid extract was filtered using a fine cotton cloth.The filtrate was left on the laboratory table for 2d fortotal evaporation of the solvent; a pure solid extractMATERIALS AND METHODSwas left in the container. This weighed 10 g. It wasthen kept in the refrigerator.Insects cultureDifferent concentrations of the extract wereA pure culture of the two species of insects, Si-prepared as follows: (1) 1 g of the extract+2 ml oftophiltus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus, was methanol; (2) 1 g of the extract+3 ml of methanol; (3)maintained in the laboratory. Clean uninfsted seeds1 g of the extract+5 ml of metbanol; (4)1 g of the .of cowpea and maize were kept separately in Kilner extract+ 10 ml of methanol; (5) 1 g of the extract+15jar-like containers. Twenty randomly selected speciesml of methanol.of C. maculatus and S. zeamais were placed in CoW-pea and maize containers, respectively. These were Application of plant extractthen left on the laboratory table under ambient envi-The insect species were put in the refrigerator forronmental conditions of 32 °C and 60% RH. The 3 min to immobilize, being prevented from flyinginsects multiplied in the containers within six weeks.away. Twenty species of C. maculatus and S. zeamaisAll the insects used for these expcriments were taken were placed separately in Petri-dishes. Each of thefrom these containers.prepared concentrations of the extract was appliedtopically at the rate of one drop on each insect. A 5 mlPreparation of plant dusthypodermic syringe was used for the application. ForFive kilograms of fresh, clean seeds of Garcinia the control, only methanol was applied on the insects.kolae were purchased at the central market,The experiment was replicated 3 times. The contain-Igede-Ekiti, a town located in Ekiti State, Nigeria. ers were covered with nets and left on the laboratoryThe seeds were then spread on the laboratory table totable. Percentage mortality of insects was taken onair dry under ambient environmental conditions of32 hourly basis.°C and 50% RH. This was done for a period of twomonths to ensure proper drying. The seeds were Statistical analysisthereafter pulverized using a milling machine, kept inAll data collected were subiected to analysis ofclean plastic containers and preserved in the refnig- varian中国煤化工d, using Fisher'serator to maintain its freshness.least s:YHCNMHG914Ogunleye et al.1J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2007 B(12);912-916RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONMortality ranged from 0% to 2.5% for all thetreatments. This is a clear indication that the popula-The results of the effects of different doses of thetion of S. zeamais cannot be controlled by the dust ofdust of G. kolae on C. maculatus are presented inG. kolae. The effect of methanol extract of G. kolae onTable 1. The plant dust had no lethal effect on theC. maculatus is presented in Table 3. It was generallyinsects as none of the insects died in all the treatmentsobserved that the insects died soon after application ofand the control even at 3 d post treatment. There wasthe extract, except the lowest concentration in whichalso a gradual increase in all the treatments as well as95% mortality was recorded. AlI the treatments hadthe control from the 4th day to the 5th day in which100% mortality after 2 h of application. It was re-the experiment was terminated. The reduction in in-ported that the active principles of an ideal insccticidalsect population at this time could be atributed to old plant should not be poisonous to human. The plantages. Analysis of variance showed no significantshould also be easy to cultivate through agriculuraldifference in all the treatment and the control. From procedures. The mortality rates in the control ex-this result, it can be deduced that G. kolae is not ef-periment remained low with 2.5% after 2 h when thefective in its powder form for the control of C. experiment was terminated. It can be deduced frommaculatus. However, the bighest dose, 2.5 g of thethis result that there are some insecticidal properties indust, recorded sigificantly high percentage mortality.the test plant which are not available or potent in theThis is a pointer to the fact that, if the dose is in-powder form. It can however be extracted and madecreased, further, it is likely to show some potency.available by methanol. The insecticidal plant powdersmay be more potent through extraction using appro-Table 1 Mean percentage mortality of Callosobruchiuspriate solvent (Makanjuola, 1989; Ogunleye, 2000).maculatus treated with different rates of the dust ofMethanol has been used by some researchers to extractGarcinia kolaesome active principles from plant materials. MethanolTreatmentMean percentage mortality (%)extracts of G. kolae, A. leiocarpus and V. donianasDay1 Day2 Day3 Day4Day 5were tested and found to have anti-microbial effects2.5g0+0 0+0 0+0 30.0+5.2” 52.2+9.7"2.0 g0+0 0+0 0+0 25.0+5.0* 42.5+8.3bagainst methicilin resistant Staphylococcus aureus,1.50+0 040 0+0 12.5+5.4* 37.5+4.1bvancomycin resistant Enterocollus and mut-1.0)+0 0+0 0+0 30.0+0.0* 35.0+8.76tidung-resistants Burkholderia capacia and Pseudo-0+0 0t0 27.5+6.0* 35.0+8.7bmonas aeriginosa (Oluronke et al, 1999).Means fllowved by the same ltter are nol signifcantly different at5% level of probability using Fisher's least significant difference(LSD)Table 3 Mean percentage mortality of Callosobruchusmacnlatus treated with different concentrations of Gar-Table 2 shows the result of the application ofcinia kolae extracts at2 h after treatmentplant dust on Sitophilus zeamais for 5 d. Little or nomortality was observed on the insects in all the1h2htreatments and control for the 5 d period.1 g extract+2 ml methanol100+0*100+001 g extrac+3 ml methanol100+0”1 g extract+5 ml methanol100+0Table 2 Mean percentage mortality of Sitophilus zeamais treated with diferent rates of the dust of Garcinia1 g extrac+ I0 ml methanolkolae1 g extract+ 15 ml methanol95.0+5.0*Mcan percentage mortality (%)Control2.5+4.352.5+4.3Dayl Day2 Day3Day4 Day 5Means followed by he same ltter are not significantly difcrent at0x0040 0+0 2.142.16 2.5+2.165% level of probability using Fisher's least significant diference2.0g0+0 0+0 0+0* 0吐0P 0+0°1.5g0+00+0 2.5+1.8 2.5+1.8 2.5+1.8020 0吐0010*)+0"Control。020 0+00+020+0*2.5+1.80中国煤化Incentrations of G.Means fllowed by the same ltter are not significanty dfferentt atS.ze5% level of probability using Frisher's least significant differenceYHCNM H Gest dose of2 mlmethanol+1 g extract gave 1UU% mortality after 24 h.Ogunleye et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SciB 2007 8(12):912-916915Table 4 Mean percentage mortality of Sitophilus zea-Golob, P.S, Moss, M.,. 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BYERSISSN 1673-1581 (Print); ISSN 1862-1783 (Online), monthlyJournal of Zhejiang UniversitySCIENCE Bwww.zju.edu.cn/jzus; www.springerlink.comjzus@zju.cdu.cnJZUS-B focuses on "Biomedicine, Biochemistry & Biotechnology"Online submission: htp:///w editorialmanager.com/zusb/mainpage.htmlJZUS-B is covered by SCI-E in 2008➢Welcome your contributions to JZUS-BJZUS- B warmly and sincerely welcome scientists all over the world to contribute Reviews, Ar-ticles and Science Letters focused on Biomedicine, Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Especially,Science Letters (3~4 pages) would be published as soon as about 30 days (Note: detailed researcharticles can still be published in the professional journals in the future after Science Letters is pub-lisbed by JZUS-B).➢Contribution requests(1) Electronic manuscript should be submitted to htp://ww .editorialmanager.com/zusb/. 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