Brief Analysis to the Aesthetic Value Of “To Autumn”
- 期刊名字:时代报告
- 文件大小:818kb
- 论文作者:何宇
- 作者单位:贵州师范大学求是学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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学习研究Brief Analysis to the Aesthetic Value Of“To Autumn'”何宇(贵州师范大学求是学院,贵州贵阳50001)中图分类号: G80文献标识码: A文章编号: 1003-2738 (2011) 11-0105-01Abstract: “To Autumn" is the last eulogistic poem which is created by the 19* century English romanticism poet Keats. In thispoet, Keats breaks through the empahsis of imagination of his early stage poetry, from “ aesthetic" to“truth is beauty" ,he expressesthe theme that the human and the nature harmonious blend, and eventually return to nature ,at the same tine, “To Autumn” reaches theatural and touching aesthetic realm, which establishes the basis for the evelopment of the English ronantic poetry.Key words:“To Autumn”; aesthetic value; romanticsim一、Brief introduction to“To Autumn"and is full of optimistic emtional appeal, from the point o(一) Brief introduction to the author John Keatspursuing for beauty, his eulogizing for aesthetic perception is specifc tueJohn Keats is one of the most outstaning poet in the early 19th century.and healthy.Between 1918 and 1819,he created many eulogistic poem, including "OdeThe feeling and the object that Keats shows in“To Autumn" is sincereto Psyche", "Ode on Melancholy", "Ode to a Nightgale", "Ode o a Grecianand natural, it can attract the readers' resonance and attention, people allUrn", and“To Autumn”etc. these elegant petries not only give thefeel the truth and beauty. At the same time, the pent-up in the peot, andreaders ethetial enoyment qtitscll, but also rigger people's thorough his aprehension for deah at the moment come 0o naught, consequentlythinking to the oiectie worid In the last two hundred years, many scholars it shows the theme that the human and the nature harmonious blend,andat home and abroad give“To Autumn"a comprehensive analysis andeventually return to nature. It reaches one kind of higher life realm.interpretation,and leave many rescarch resuls,all these results have beean the(二) Natural Aesthetic realmplatform and basis for us go on studying Keats and his poetry works.For the romantic poets, taking advantage of a scene to express their(二) Brief introduction to“To Autumn”feelinrtant feature and creation tei technique, in order to express"ToAutumn" is the last eulogistic poem, which is created in the autumn the strong fclig, many romantic authbors make an utmost efort to showin 1819, the teleologists all think this poem can better show the aesthetic their personal colour in their works, using enthusiastic languages, peculiarvalue of Keats' poetry, the content and the form are beeter linked together,imagination, bold and unconstrained exaggcrating tact to figure the qrtisticthe words are all oemneated with beauty, the most important is in this petry,image, to directly show the quthor's feeling. Keats' early works belongKeats broke through his emphasis of imagination in his early period poetry,to this kind of situation, but in "To Autumn’,Keats profoundly Shows hisexpressed the theme that the human and tbe nature harmonious blend,andgentle tone, the tension to the comfort, no crying out, no calling, soft andeventually retum to nature.二、The analysis to the the Aesthetic Value Of“Toindiferent. Which sbows Keats' aesthetic realm in“To Autumn".Autumn"三、ConclusionAll in all, in“To A utumn", Keats goes deep into the animateIn the early creation of Keats ,he emphsised the importance ofautumn, uses his autumn eyes to see the Mother Nature, catches the life ofimagination, he thought the beauty that people though imagination catchAutumn,and with the natural ,smooth verse, he stirs inoumerable readers'is true, this truth can truly exist, it can not exist, it can be objctive,it barsring.can be visional. This kind of beauty have the romantic properties, it hasnothing comtact with real life, and gets by inaginatin. However, with[1]朱炯强,姚暨荣.济慈[MJ. 沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1984. 143.his age growing and his expericnce increasing, Keats feeled the beauty he[2]王昕若,济慈书信选[H].天津:百花文艺出版社,2005. 27.constructed before was so empty and narrow, so he began to suspect the. 济慧的宗教与诗[D]. 天津师范大学硕士学位论文. 2007. 4[4]屬岸.济慈诗选M].北京:人民文学出版社, 1 997. 274.imaginary beauty, and recgonized tbe relationship between the truth andthe beauty.“To Autumn”shows Keats' new realm of acsthetic thought,(接上页)的限制。可以将之看做一一个话题的成分。这种移位和“把"字句和有助于汉语句式分析的统-化。“被”字句中的那种移位是不同的,因为“把”字句和“被" 字句中参考文献:的名词移位后仍然还要收到介词“把"和“被" 的限制。[1]徐烈炯.与空语有的“将的中国之1994, (5) .可见, 不论是连动句还是主谓谓语句,不论是“把"字句还是[2]宋玉柱.现代中国煤化工191“被”字句,如果运用空语类理论,并结合深层语义来分析汉语中的[3]刘道英.汉语YHCNMHG学报.200 (1)[4]乔姆斯基.句法这些特殊句式,我们就能找出它们共同的特点,而这个特点只能通过分析这些句子的深层结构得出。运用空语类来分析现代汉语中的特殊作者简介:张小会,女,(1988-) ,四川宜宾,汉,四川大学文新学句式,这是一种新的思路, 有助于我们的句式分析向纵深发展,而且院10级语言学及应用语言学专业硕士,研究方向:对外汉语。|时代报告2011年11月下| 105.
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