Destruction mechanism of gas explosion to ventilation facilities and automatic recovery technology
- 期刊名字:矿业科学技术(英文版)
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- 论文作者:Wang Kai,Jiang Shuguang,Zhang
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- 更新时间:2020-09-15
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Intemarional Journal of Mining Science and Technology 22(2012)417-422International Journal of Mining Science and TechnologyELSEVIERjournalhomepagewww.elseviercom/locate/ijmstDestruction mechanism of gas explosion to ventilation facilities and automaticrecovery technologyang Kai, Jiang Shuguang, Zhang Weiqing, Wu Zhengyan, Shao Hao, Kou LiwenState Key laboratory of Coal Resources and Mime Safery, China Uniersity of Mining G Technology, Xuzhou 221008. hineSchool of Safery Engineering China University of Mining F Technology. Xuzhou 221116. ChinoARTICLE INFOABSTRACTReceived in revised form 15 November 2011Available online 22 May 2012estroy of the air doorwed that the reserve air door normally opened and could closapicalo 2012 Published by Elsevier BV. on behalf of China University of Mining Technology1 Introductionand demonstrated that the gasvariety of disasters occur in coal tspread of shock waves in pipe networut 70% of the big accidents with mdeaths 1.21 explosion is characterized by instar二,品he gas explosion process is very complex and many scholars have existing gas explosion theory was mainly obtained by simulationining staff fatalities are mainly caused by blast ovad highsuper-pressure [3-5] Xu Jingde studied the physical mechanisms explosion decay away very fast, only the staff near the explosionare harmed [141 Gasajor incentives to flame zone and non-flame region 6]. Ye Qing showed that more than 70% of the staff are suffocated in gas explo-ind Zhai Cheng indicated that the turning roadway were inspiring sion accidents [15, 16)studyingal results of the impact of type, U type, Z type and other complex the injury problem of gas explosion from the perspective of theand smoke plume movement and ccombinatShuguang and Wu Zhengyan studied the characterthe blast overpressure propagation at different gas中国煤化it is difficult to build temporaryCN MH Gher exPlosion ot conti gur exponding author, Tel: +86 15862ys. It is imperative to develdwangkai8503210163 com(K, wanghautomatic recovery ventilation system in case a disaster occurs5-26865ant matter o 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining Technolegy.K, wams et al/lntemational Joumel of Miming Science and Technology 22(2012)417-4222. Destructive effects of the gas explosion blast wave and the propagation process of the blast waview of complex piphe control mechanism after the wavenet, made a numerical calculationAfter a gas explosion accident, the blast wave not only damages of the fume after gas explosion,highlypment but also the tunnel nearby due tondrapidly propagates, much of the combustion in pected to provide the basis for the design of automatic recoverynine is caused by the explosion which can promote development equipment for the ventilation system2.2. Experimental study of gas explosiare concentrated, it may result in a large number of workers as- tilation equipment no wave overpressure destruction or n systemThe destructive effect of gas explosion on the ventilationand failure lawsin complex pipe2. 1. Model analysis for the ventilation equipment damaged by gasng the eIt is reported that the of firedamp explosion that occurred in thering1991-2000,hecurred in the heading face42.25: 52 explosionsgas concentration.nting for 38.5%and 26 explosions occurred The measurement system principie diagram of blast wave over.atistical data, most of gas explosion accidents occurred in headplosion characteristicN3 mining area based on experiments carried out by Jiang Shugrast model. Throughon systems of the heading face and working face which are- of overpressure at the same position fluctuated greatly. we sethen drew the explosion characheading face and field condition in Figs. 1 and 2, we studied the different conditions of pipe net as shown in Fig 5Flg 1. Gas expasion modis in heading faces in diflerent ventilation networks strucrures(I. explosion source point: 2. tunneling place: 3, fan drum: 4, retum airway: 5.6, intake airflow roadway 7, partial venti中国煤化工CNMHGFig 2. Gas explosion models in working faces in diferent ventilation network structures(1. working face: 2.facegateway; 3. explosion souree point; 4, face trackane 5, retun airway of mining area: 6, belt Lane of mining are: 7, track bane of mining area)k Wang er a/inremcrionat Joumal of Mining Scence and technoiog 22(2012)417-4224wave overpressure in complex pipe net(1, ignition; P1-P8 pressure transducer?verpressure in the curved tunnel was much high.312%%CH4mixing of the expiosion gas and the great increapressure value. Similar conclusionsalso drawn by otherscholars [15123. Destructive action of the gas explosion waveSensor positiong4. Explosion characteristic curves of overpressure in straight tunnel at di fferent destructiomethane concentrationsface, places of large gas liberation and places with lots of elemodel of ventilation system was rigid damage, the overpressure96cevel and energy propagation Based on the veFl 5, Explosof overpressure at different cond tions of pipe net.of venreign experts, Xing Yuzhong drew theay anin Eqs. (1)and(2)basingd so on 19]. According to the wound degree an中国煤化工CNMHG(b) Closem down slide: 2, SPRING; 3, adjustable slide 4, dual-fan door: 5, cylinder; 6. roadway reserve space orbit; 7fixed pulley of deor beams: 8, fixed pulley of door; 9. push rod: 10, sensor holder for open-diose to place)K Wang et at/amermarionaf Joumal of Mining Science and Technology 22(2012)417-422structure.Thickness(cmBrick wall of 45.5 was damagedsheck resistance(kPa)AP=19643+14565+9121)After the ventilation system was damaged. the secondary explP-4295649542where AP is the value of blast wave overpressure, MPa; m the quMeanwhile for too fast blastofng face was 1800 mvel of gas explosion was 2-60 kg according to the calculated the system could be restored to normal on time,, the counter flowedessure which was 47.5 kPa when the blastitonsure which was 49.25 kPa when thfrastructure, which will qutgeneral tunnel The overpressure value would be the leeward side from effect of smoke flow. And because of highurved tunnels So, the overpressure value was minimal in this cal- short-circuit, a lot of fresh air flow combined with the reflux countermiddle energy, but the failure probability of thesmall at the same conditions. Meanwhile, it was other factors, which will further increase the risk increase[20].owed that the ventilation equipmemost fragile Frond explosiothe view of ventilation network structures, the dissolutin failure of the whole ventilation system of mining areasust take relevant measures to improve the weak abilityof the blastion system.2. 4. Composition of smoke, fiow path and contro! method of gasazards after the blast wave, thus delaying the best time for relThe main changes in gas explosion are gas compodoor at the conditions of no electricafter the gas explosionshock wave relieved, toxic and harmful gases countercurrentcO. In order to prevent the occurrence of countystem could rapidlv be recove中国煤化工CNMHGystemorkers are concentrated and be imported into a return airwayured condition of the local ventilation system in Figs. 1 and 2, Ink Wang et af /intemational Journe of Mining Science and Technology 22(2012)417-422and the requirements forally open at the site of blocking airits sectional area is equivalent3.1. Installation method and the structure and function of the doorottery can float fill automatically and the systemWe dug a chamber in both sides of the tunnel and cut the roof All of the associated equipments are designed using micro-pmakes the door framwork 7 hlity of the road-ns.(2)In orderly, the surround will be filledthe che door ing and controlling of air door, the doorm oppositekes thehich uses optical fiber communen-ciose act by the wire rope pulling the air door. the air dosion distance anthe wall ofiendly intermine monitoring and cow betweentrol network(3)The control method combines the groundir door is closed We also set one air door when the distansmall and madnd disadvantageson network at the condi-which is shown in Fig. 6.cs are as follows: 1)The air door isMonitoning than seo theoor cannot be affected by thelectromagnetic valve to push or pull the active door where thenkage is achieved by the wire rope.(2)The power source is acompressed gas underground and the high-pressure gas cylindeorm under the infStart timer to delay waitand air door. The beams of the new door go dowDelay to the opened throttle offopen movement space of the air door. The adjustable space is60 mm which is sufficient for most of the roadway deformatio
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