0D100%010μ000% Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals 2001 ,32(2)●49.100ND%i ↓TAOAtaeA: 1001 -8255(2001 )02- 0049-03A- -uAx i0μA≌T3∈EOW"E%',1o 6”, A个-a', AxA+94UI, TuEeOE!(1. 001UgENSO∈TεcOirNDWεEi ,ETec 200031; 2. 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Ltd. ,Kunshan 215315)中国煤化工ABSTRACT:Leflunomide,a new drug for treating rlMHC N M H Gsynthesized from ethylacetoacetate and triethyl orthoformate by condensation, cyclization, hydrolysis and chlorination to obtain5- methyl-4- isoxazolecarboxylic acid chloride which reacted with 4-trifluoromethylaniline to give the desiredproduct in an overall yield of 41%.Key苏呐数据eflunomide ; rheumatoid arthritis; synthesis