- 期刊名字:能源研究与管理
- 文件大小:808kb
- 论文作者:琚烈涛,陶晒
- 作者单位:江西中电电力工程有限责任公司
- 更新时间:2020-07-10
- 下载次数:次
开发与应用能源研究与管理2015 (4)●65●DOI: 10.16056/j. 1005-7676.2015.04.018降低88LKXA-20型循环水泵振动技术分析及应用琚烈涛,陶晒(江西中电电力工程有限责任公司,南昌330000)摘要:宁德发电公司2x:600 MW机组设有88LKXA-20型循环水泵4台,江西中电电力贵溪项目部承接该厂循环水泵维护,从2007年2月正式进入维护至今,循环水泵运行状况不太稳定,运行中泵振动超标,缩短了设备运行导命。不得不从检修技术规程上进行研究革新,打破部分常规工艺方法,使用先进技术,创新工艺方法,目的使循环水泵振动值下降,降低缺陷发生率。通过实践应用得以证明检修工艺技术创新取得实效,改进技术具有实践性和可操作性。技术改进主要针对循泵关键节点和主要检修工艺进行分析探讨,技术创新。近2年项目部采用改进检修工艺大修的3B和3A循泵质量优良,振动值在0.02 mm/s以内,创历史佳绩。关键词:工艺方法;振动超标;技术创新;实践应用中图分类号: TM621.6文献标志码: A文章编号: 1005-7676 (2015) 04- -0018-05Reduce 88LKXA-20 Circulating Water Pump VibrationAnalysis and ApplicationJU Lietao, TAO Sai(Jiangxi Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Nanchang 30000, China)Abstract: Ningde Power Generation Company 2x600 MW unit has 88LKXA-20 type circulating pump 4, Jiangxi Guixielectric power plant project department to undertake the circulating pump maintenance, from February 2007 oficially enteredthe maintenance so far. Circulating pump is not stable operating conditions, the pump running excessive vibration, reducingthe equipment operating life. Had to overhaul technical regulations fom the research innovation, breaking part of theconventional processes, the use of advanced technology, innovative process for the purpose of the circulating pump vibrationvalue drops, reducing the defect rate. Applications can be proved through practice inspection technology innovation toachieve tangible results, improvements in technology have practicality and maneuverability. Technological improvementsaimed at key nodes through the pump and a major overhaul process was analyzed and discussed, technological innovation.The Ministry of nearly two years of the project to improve the use of good maintenance process overhaul 3B and 3Acirculation pump qualit, vibration within 0.02 mm/s, a record of success.Key words: process method; excessive vibration; technology innovation; practical application有检查、测量、更换等工序。拆卸工作主要是对泵1常 规检修工艺概述体进行解体,过程中记录部分修前数据,作为组装88LKXA-20型循环水泵解体检修主要分为拆时的参考数据。如提升量、中心、支架与简体间隙卸、修理、组装3大步骤,在整个大修过程中又含及相对位置(用塞尺测量)、电机支座水平度、电机收稿日期: 2015-07-19 .作者简介:琚烈涛(1986-), 男,江西上饶人,助理工程师,大学本科,毕业于武中国煤化工要研究方向:电力检修技术、创新及管理。MYHCNMHG.
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