An Analysis of Errors in Second Language Acquisition
- 期刊名字:海外英语
- 文件大小:342kb
- 论文作者:封杰
- 作者单位:西安外事学院外国语学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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hwsy@overseaen.comISSN 1009-5039ht:/://w .overscaen.comOverseas English海外莫请Tel:+86- -51-5690811 5690812An Analysis of Errors in Second Language Acquisition封杰(西安外事学院外国语学院,陕西西安710077)Abstract: It is natural for language larmner to make erTors in the process of second language acquisition. But dfferent linguists hold dfferentviews on the nature of errors and the methods of dealing with learmer’ s ertors. Three main Westem theories on errors are ContrasiveAnalysis, Eror Analysis and the Interanguage Theory. This paper first examines three most infuential error theories, and then probes intotheir enlighterment on second language teaching.Key words: error, contastive analysis; error anlysis; interlanguage theory中图分类号:H319文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009- -5039(2012)12 -0249- 01It is believed that erors are an indispensable part of language crucial t0 make a distinction between mistake and error (Brownacquisition. The phenomenon of errors atracts the interest of re-205), In 1967, Corder made use of Chomsky' s the“competencesearehers in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Tradi- vensuA performance" distinction by defining errors as failures intinally, rrors are considered as old habits that get in the way ofde- competence and mistakes 8s failures in perfomance. Corder be-veloping new habits or as the linguistic phenomena deviant from thelieves that learner' 8 errors are precious 10 the study of the lan-language nules. Presenly. erors are no longer undesirable; instead guage. They tell the teacher how far lowards the goal the leamer hasthey are believed to be evidence of the leamer' s progress In the progressed and what remains for leamer to leam. They provide evi-field of SLA, there exist three influential error theories, namely Com- dence of how language is learned or acquired, what strategies or pro-rnstive Analysis (CA), Eror Analysis (EA) and Interlanguage Theo~ cedures the leamer is employing (Elis 35). Alhough EA has exet-ny (1L. theory) resetively. Fron CA to IL theory, the focus of eror ed enormous impact on SLA, it al sufese many cnticis. It wastheories shifs from teaching perepective to learning perspective. critcized because it was troubled with meholological poblems. AI-This paper is devoled to the reriew of early research on linguistic er-so, EA does not highlight the developrental route leamer lakes.rors of second language learmers and the enlightenment of these即r1.3 Interlanguage theoryror theories.The concept of interlanguage (L) is put forward by Selinker. It1 Review of Error Theorieshighlights that the leamner' s language is u distinet language vani-ety with its own partirular characteristics and nulcs. As to errors,1.1 Contrastive analysisThe period between the 1940s and the 1960s witnesses thethey are set in terms of the rules in the TL, not the rules of languagesystem constructed by the learner himself. Researchers think thatprosper of CA. Based on hehaviorist leaming theary, the CA re-errors are the external manifestation of the hypothesis- testing pro-searchers believe that language acquisition is a product of habil for-cess, in this sense, erors are the symbols of language developmentmation. Thus, second language learming is simply a process of over-of the learmer. The IL theory is signifcant in that it realizes a comcoming the impact of habit of the native language, instead, develop-plete shift of the focus frmom teaching perspective to learning per-ing a new set of habits. The researchers conclude that the mainspecive in SLA. The I. theony is also troubled with problems, suchdrawback of SLA comes from inteference of the native language,as the focua on morpho- -ynlatic development (Ellis 69) and thefrom the old habits that get in the way of developing new habits.failure to deal with semantic development and failure to develop ef.Through systemaically comparing leamer’' g native language (NA)fective approaches elc. New methods should be found to reveal theand larget language (TIL), educators are supposed to anticipate possi-nature and principles of the leamer' B interlanguage.ble lerming dificulties leamner might encounter. While, the cniti-2 Enlightenment on Second Language Teachingcisms came in the 1970s. There were the douhts conceming theability of CA to predict errors and theoretical criticisms regarJing21 Enlightenment of CA approachthe fesbiliy of cumparing languages and the methodology of CA.One of the strategies typical of second languiage (T.2) leamer isIn facl, some erors predicted didn'↑occur, negative transfer fromto consul his knowledge of NL constantly, and then make efective:NL is not the sole source of erors in TL learning.linguistic comparisons al different stages of language leaming The1.2 Error analysrole of first language (LI) can be either positive or negative. Posi-EA received attention in the 19708- In order to analyze lean.tively, borrowing LI patterme and communication stralegies, theer’s errors from a proper perspective, EA enthusiasls consider it(下转第271页)中国煤化工MHCNMHG收稿日期:2012-04-02修回日期:2012-05- -05作者简介:封杰(1981-),女.陕西西安人,讲师,硕士,专业为英语语言文学,主要研究方向为英语教学与跨文化交际。栳責任婉辑:谢嫒嫒N\感要丽惑249.2012年06月Overseas English海外英博策略方式,也与礼貌交际策路原则相吻合,同时也会发现赞扬的例4版本4.....言语会让对方受损最小。而且还有英语语言学家Thomas指出,颁证员:请二位面对庄严的国旗和同微,一起宣读《结婚誓人们对批评的接受能力根据文化程度的不同也有所不同,然而,言)。人们对于表扬却足普遍接受的。人们大多喜欢听赞誉之词,这双方宣读:《结婚暫言》... .是人之常情。结婚登记颁证词的赞脊对象确有所侧重。(2010.1.15洛帘晚报)例2版本3....在版本1中,颁证员用到“请问您是XXX先生吗?请问您颁证员:今天是XXX年XX月XX日,是你们喜结良缘的是XXX女 士吗?请问XXX先生、XXX女上,你们是自愿结婚好日子。你们在茫茫人海中子觅到对方,牵手走进丫婚姻这神吗?"” 这种简短而有力的问句来询问对h .实际更加间接地表明圣的殿堂。我衷心祝福你们!对对方的尊重和关切。尤其是在版本4里面,更加正式一对新颁证员:常言道:白年修得同船渡.千年修得共枕眠。婚姻人的地位 ,在征得双方意见-致的基础上.让-对新人“ 双方宣是相伴一生的约定.标志着人生新阶段的开始。生活告诉我读{结婚誓宵》"这很有力的体现出其对婚姻的认同和责任意们:美满的婚姻.既有温馨.浪漫和甜蛮.更有义务、责任和付识。 一方面体现出对--对新人的重视,让一对新人从心理上接出。希望你们在今后的生活中不论遇到什么困难.都能以- -颛受领证结婚这- - 事实;另一方面.颁证人员很好地完成[作的宽容的心去善待,包容、和理解对方,共字家庭的温暖,共历人要求, 更好地位一对新 人颁证。从而达到双方交际的目的。生的风雨.请问你们能做到吗?.... (2010.1.15洛阳晚报)3结束语在版本3颁证词中,颁证员不仅有对一对新人的赞脊比如人们在社会交际中难免公存在-些交际问题,而礼貌原则“你们在茫茫人海中寻觅到对方,牵手走进了婚姻这神圣的殿体系的发展和恰当地运用可以更好地帮助人们解决这个乃至堂",让一对新人更加的珍惜对方.而且出现“你们喜结良缘的社会人士普遍关心的问题。礼貌原则的恰当运用使沟通更为好日子”.通过对日子的赞脊让-对新人很高兴地接受这个颁顺利与流畅,让交流更易达到日的。综1:所述.我们叮以看出证的日子,从心理上接受结婚登记.颁证员从而达到交际月颁证词的语用特征。第一.礼貌最大化地体现在颁证词中,颁的。而更多是对“婚姻”的赞誉,间接地反应出颁证员的赞学能证员为达到其目的,一般运用得体准则赞管准则一致准则,.力更有说服力,让- -对新人有-种喜悦的心情更容易接受婚重点强调里面的积极性。第二.另外礼貌三准则在颁证词中没姻这一事实。说明赞誉原则叮以更好地达到双方的交际日的。有明显体现。此外,笔者发现颁证词的礼貌策略值得我们进一步研究。颁证员巧妙运用得体准则赞誉准则、一致准则以达2.3-致准则分析到使他人受损最小,使白身受惠最小的日的。能够提高中国颂强调双方观点的-致作为- -致准则的核心内容。通常情证员的使用语水平 ,从而提高1.作效率,达到成功交际目的。况下.当双方的交际立场非常地接近.而月双方利益- -致时,一参考文献: .方提出的指令和要求吏容易被对方所接受。本着这样的原则,颁证员最终让一对新人达到结婚的这种“求同心理"观点的一[1] 苏宝英,从礼貌原则的角度分析广告语言的语用]郑州航空致性.体现在言辞上更是言必有实。工业管理学院学报,2010(4);69-71.例3版本1...[2]胡爱梅面f,面具- -评语言交际中的礼貌原则[].黑龙江教颁证员:请问您是XXX先生吗?(男方回答)育学院学报200817):119-120.请问您是XXX女士吗?(女方回答)[3] Yule CPramaicsM.0xford:Oxford University Pes0000请问XXX先生.Xx女士,你们是自愿结婚吗?(双方回答) [41 何自然请用学讲稿(MI.南京南京师范大学出版礼.2003..... (2010.1.15洛阳晚报) [s] 何兆熊祈编语用学概要[MI上海:上.海外语教育出版.200(上接第249页)rors may increase the danget of fossilization in the learmer' s inter-leamer ean at least make himself understood .Negatively, L1 inter- language. This phenomenon of tbe non progression of leaming willferes with the leaming proess of 1.2. Therefor, sone knowledge prevent the leamer’' B leaming pgreses.. Secondly, it has beenabout contrnstive studies of the two languages is needed in order to proved unevessary to crret all erors in leamer' 8 langunge. Un-help student foresee some of the problems he may encounterchecked eorretion of every errur may interrupt leamer’. thinkingand cause severe psychological frustration.2.2 Increase of target language input and outputBehaviorist leaming theory emphasizes the importance of ex-3 Conclusionternal environment, while mentalist account of languagc acquisitionIn summary, this paper overviews three mnst infuential errorhigblights leamer' s active participation in the leaming proces.theories in SLA, From CA, EA to IL Theory, enormous researchesEfficient leaming should depend on both cumprechensible input and witnes the early development of SLA. and gradually deepen the in-learmer’8 internal processing o[ input knowledge. Meanwhile, sights into the subject. Since leamer’s leaming is a rather compli-leamer should tmry to increase TL output. Producing the turget lan-cated process, it is advisable to adopl n integration of three 邵-guage ean help the leamer test hypotheses about the TL and contrib- proaches.ute to better understanding of the target language and ils culture.Referencpe.2.3 Feedback of learner' serrors中国煤化工[1] Broming and TeachingM],Errors are considered as a guide lo the leamer’g inner work-JYHCNMHGings of language laming pocecs. In this sense, leaces ure Bup (2] ElrsRod.dndrtanding Second lanpuape Aquistin[Mposed to encourage active participation of the individual learmner inShanghai:Shanghai Foreign language Education Pres,2007.his learning process. Firstly, complete tolerance of leamner’s er.栳赍任编辑:谢嫒镘进NN、逐葛瘪\\271
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