Discourse Analysis of Commercial Advertising Language
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科技信息人文社科Discourse Analysis of Commercial Advertising Language青岛农业大学外国语学院杜瑞杰[Abstract ]There have been many researches on advertising language; however, few of them are conducted in the framework of discourseanalysis and take insights from sociolinguistics. In this paper I will analyze commercial advertising language, consumer ads in particular, beyondthe traditional way of description, but go a step further- to interpret advertsing and focus more atenion on the reflctivce and consicutivefuncions of commercial advertising language.[Keywords ]advertising language discourse analysis constitutive fiunction1.Introductionthe personal appearances we choose to ereate. When men and women appearThere have been many researches on advertising langunge; however, fewin ads together, the women are often depicted鹤weaker than the male, eitherof them are conducted in the framework of discourse analysis and take insightsthrough composition of the ad or particular situations in the scene. When fe -from sociolinguistics. Frthermore, linguiststputemales appearinads aoneweainnotehestreotypeofthefemnaleasexual,linguistic features of adverising languages, especially advertising English.Linguists have successfully analyzed the linguistic characteristics of the ad-Particular roles and gender constructs are also evident in male ads. Males arevertising language(C.lLech 1996;Vestergard&Schroder 1985;Guylook 1994;told to act tough, hide their emotions, and compete at alll costs (ThompsonTanaka 1994; Tan Weiguo 1994; Zhouxiao&Zhou Yi 1998; etc,). Though1993:146- -7). Nancy Chodorow argues that the atainment of masculinity is asome scholars mention that advertising has three functions (namely, the infor-problenatic ise for boys (1974:51), particularly as boys are taught to dffe-mative function, the persuasive function and reflective funetions, they onlyentiate themselves from others.provide an analysis of the informative function and persuasive function. In thisYou might also explore with your students the role advertisements play inpaper I will analyze commercial advertising language, consumer ads in partic-the development and perpetuation of gender-role stereotypes. Jones (1991)ular, beyond the traditional way of description, not to mention he social- -cul-noted that an analysis of advertisements by Goffman (1976) found numeroustural context of advertising, but goes a step further- to interpret adverising: funtionsofaisand focus more atention on the ellctive and constitutive()functional ranking -he tendency to depict men in executive rolesand as more functional when ollaborating with women;2.Functions of advertising language(2)relative size - the tendency to depiet men as taller and larger thanSome scholars mention that advertising has three functions (namely, thewomen, except when women are clearly superior in social status;informative function, the persuasive function and rflective functions, they on-(3)itualization of subordination一an overabundance of images of wonenly provide an analysis of the informative function and persuasive function. N.lying on foors and beds or as objects of men's mock assulus;Coupland and J.P.Gee have argued the necessity for discourse analysis to go(4)the feminine touch- the tendency to show women cradling and ca-from description to interpretation and have reminded us of pauing enough at-ressing the surface of objects with their fingers;tention to language' s relctive and constitutive functions. N.Fairelough call(5)family - - fathers depicted as physically distant from their families orthe part of analyzing linguistic foms国‘description' and the part, whichts relating primarily 10 sons, and mothers depicted as relating primarily todeals with analysis of discourse practice and social practice as。inteprela-daughters.tion'. (1992).In my paper I will mainly focus on the analysis of the fourth point, that is,the role of the women in the advertising.Although advertising is usually defined by making relerence to its pre- -(1)Some ads tend to has discrimination on women. Aggressive men aredominant function, the conative or persuasive function, which urgrs people toviewed a more powerful in our sociely, while women are viewed submissive tobuy a product, diferent authors have made reference to the crucial mle playedmen. As is listed in the folowing.by other functions, but the basic function of advertising is the infomative1)The happiness of women depends on the appearance pprciation fromfunction, beeause it is the prime function of advertising at the stage of intro-men;ducing a new product. Thus, Cook (1992: 5) argues that advertising also pre-2)The social value of women exists in the family domain;sents functions such as amusing. informing, pleading, waming, ete.3)Great women should be behind men and feel honor for the success of2.2 The reflective funetiontheir husband;Vestergard &Schroder argue in the foreword of their'The Language of4)Many w4)Many women accept the idea that womnen are subrisive to men andAdrertising' (1985) that‘ ad relets certain aspects of that society's valuesshould be ready to sacrifice for their husband.and that society' s structure. Some scholar says that the best way to discoverthe lfestyles of young people in Taiwan is to read several commreial adswhose target consumers are the youth. Vestegard &Schroder (1985) haveKOFsuch an idea as mentioned above, and they only ollcted many examples andfailed to provide detailed analyses. Guy Cook (1994) emphasizes on demon-strating the advertising language”s particular influence on human minds andchanges people' s mental representation of resarch on‘ Relevance Theory'and wants to points our how the readers understand the ads. None of themgave a detailed analysis of the relationship between ads and social context. Inmy paper fllowing I will put emphasis on this part.2.3 The constitive functionportrayed a confident, dominant, and determined to get their way. ThoughThe constitutive function means that how advertising language helpsmore and more ads are showing men half-elothed and sexy, this does not takeconstruct the social gender reality. The following critical analysis will revealaway from the overall view that men are on top in this world, and the more ag-the previously overlooked and underestimated depth of cultural meaning be-gressive, the better. For example the ads of logo: The male model for Kool, ishind contemporary cormercial advertising. Diane Barthel in his book‘ Putingstandingeld u holding his cigarette,on Appearance , focusing mainly on ads for beauty products direted at wom-leaning中国煤化工d ua Hs goen, she demonstrates how stereotypical gender idenities are emphasized andure isounterpart who is relaxing,how advertising itself creates a gendered relationship with the consumer. Sheperched:MYHCN M.H Gair. AS her hans are etgexplores psychological, sociological, and cultural messages in advetising toon her knee and ankle with the cigarette in a low position, his hands are inshow howIting orAppearances is anything but a purely personal matter,more active positions, one upright holding the eigarettand how the social realities in which we are forced to live are conditioned by on his hip with his elbow pointing outwards. His entire ( 下转第191页)- 189-科技信息人文社科号即单词的输人,忽略了语义和句法信息。而好的阅读者只是有选择的读者对文章整体思路的领会;不区分文章中的关键词和关联符号是指处理了那些重要的单词,就可以得出足够的信息判断语盲的结构,理解学生对每个词句都- -样对待,这样就只见树木不见森林,由于过于注重句子的意思,因为单词并不能给句子赋子意义而是从句子的语境中得细节而拖累了阅读速度的加快和对文章中心思想的领悟。所以,在ESP到意义,它必须与句子成为- -体。 因此,单词的积累要伴随着大量的阅读教学中要帮助学生解决其阅读问题,加强学生阅读微技能的培养,ESP泛读训练,使学生融入到广泛的目标语境中以提高其阅读理解能并提高其理解与记忆所读的内容。督促学生合理使用略读和寻读的激力。情,复习先前阅读的笔记、注释,积极阅读找出文章主题并快速做出笔最后,提高学生的阅读速度和理解力。许多人认为慢速阅读可以让记综上所述,由于社会对大学生的专业英语应用能力要求的提高,加他们理解得更好,实际上,阅读速度越慢,读者容易很快变得厌烦失去阅读的兴趣,理解得少而忘记得多。Nttall 在1996年提出阅读者的阅强大学ESP阅读课程的教学,提高学生的ESP阅读能力是非常必要读速度在阅读学习中的重要性,图1和图2所示,“当阅读者读得很慢、的。加强这部分的教学,首先要选用适合学生专业水平的ESP阅读材阅读量就少,从而理解得少,最后导致不喜欢阅读.阅读速度就慢,这样料。其次,要处理好单词的教学和读者理解力之间的关系。最后,提高学就形成了差阅读者在阅读上的恶性循环。而好的阅读者是喜欢阅读,读生的阅读速度和理解力,帮助学生解决其阅读中的不良习惯,从而促使得就快、阅读量就多、理解得多从而更喜欢阅读形成了阅读的良性循其ESP阅读能力的提高。环”。如图所示,读者的阅读量.理解力阅读态度、和阅读速度之间是相辅相成的关系,只有在整体上协调它们之间的关系使之处于- -个良性参考文献的循环状态,才能真正提高学生的专业阅读能力。所以,在教学中要注[1]Betts, EA.Foundaions of Reading Instruction[ A ].In A.Melnik and重学生阅读速度的针对性教学,加强其泛读的能力,促使其阅读技能进J.Merrit, eds. The Reading Curiculum.L ondon: Univesity of London Press,人一个良性循环当中。1957.[2 ]Dudley-Evans, Tony & Maggie Jo St John.Developments in ESP:A muli-disciplinary approach[M ].London: Cambridge University Press,1998.[3 ]lis,s Rod.Task- Based Language Leamning and Teaching[M].Ox-ford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2003.不喜欢阅读不理解.喜欢调谑理解得好[4 ]Goodman, K.S.Reading: A psycholinguistice Guesing Game [J]Joumal of the Reading Specialit, 1967, (6): 168.[5 ]Nation, L.S.P.Teaching and learming vocabulary [M ].New York:图1差阅读者阅读上的恶性循环图2好阅读者阅读上的良性循环Newbury House.1990.同时,指导学生培养良好的阅读习惯。许多学生到了高年级才发现[ 6 ]Ntll, Christine. (1996).Teaching Reading Skills in a Forcign自己缺乏良好的ESP阅读技巧,这种缺乏妨碍了他们英语的应用能力Language[ M ].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Educaton Press, 2007.的发展,例如,他们无法看懂专业的英文期刊、参考资料等。学生通常的[7 ]Strevens, P Special-Purpose Langunge Lerming A Perpective in阅读问题有反复回看、缓慢的眼睛扫视、唇读、停下来查词不区分文章language teaching & linguistics: surveys [M ].Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-中的关键词和关联符号。这些阅读问题都需要教师的专业指导,才能让versity Press, 1988.学生有意识的再阅读中监控自己的不良习惯,以逐步改进,从而达到提[8]蔡基刚. ESP与我国大学葵语教学发展方向[].外语界, 200(2) .高阅读速度和理解力的目的。反复回看是读者养成了复读短语或句子22- -28.的习惯,会导致阅读速度下降,打断了阅读的思路;缓慢的眼睛扫视是[9]刘润清21世纪的英语教学--记英 国的一项调查[J].外语教指读者的视幅不能抓住- -组词并快速切换到下一组词,这样眼睛的看学与研究.1996.(2).不能与大脑的思维并用致使阅读理解力下降。唇读是读者为了不落下[10]束定芳.外语教学改革:问题与对策[M].上海:上海外语教育每个词语,而用嘴唇-个-个词来念。唇读的最高阅读速度是150 -175出版社,2004.字1分钟,但它还是属于慢連阅读的速度;停下来查词是许多学生遇到[11 ]张尧学加强实用性英语教学提高大学生英语综合能力[J].中陌生的词汇时采用的常用方式,但这样会打断阅读的进程并且不利于国高等教育2002.(8.(上接第189页)posture is more open and inviting, practically confidentmeasure the development of the society? The most important measure shouldand agressive. Hers is more reserved and sill, except for the motion of herbe the degree of the soul civilization of women, the equality of men and womenhair, and she is presented more doll like. Perhaps this reading is also what Iand the constructive complementary between the genders. It is not right to putbring to it as the viewer because of social inluence.(Ravi Singh).sole emphuasis on men, but it is also not a reasonable choice to strengthen the(2)The images ol the women in ads are mainly classified into the followingsocial role of women. We should pay atention to both ol them.categories.1)beautiful girs:2)able and virtuous housewife;3)benevolent mother.3.ConclusionIn ads a girl usually appearances as the person a boy likes in his heart. Alanguages, especially advertising English. Linguists have sucessfully ana-mother usually appears in the household apparatus to present the image of alyzed the linguistic characteristics of the advertising language. And somevirtuous housewife.scholars have analyzed the first three functions of the advertising language; fewIn contrast, the images of men in ads are professional men. They are cool,of them have pay enough attention to the constitutive function of the advertis-in west suit, with necktie, a cell phone in hand and going anywhere in the ear.ing language. In my paper put emphasis on the analysis of its constitutiveIt seems that itis‘ a world of men' and implies that in the social structure offunetion and try to reveal the social structure in modern society through adver-the society, men are dominant at job while women at home.tising language.In the present society, in fact, the employing opportunities of men andwomen are more and more equal, but the ads tell the information of the greatReferencessoeial position gap between women and men, which relects the social strata.[1 ]Jaworski, A. and Coupland, N.The Discourse Reader. Routledge:The thriving of the ads represents the high development of the social e-conomy. The ulimate objective of the social development is for equality, in-中国煤化工ed lngitsiss and Dicomecluding the equality in gender and race, but it is ironical that the adverting,Analyis1990.Vol.2which is one factor for social development, is strengthening the inequality be-TYHC N M H G, Educationm an ltodoctiontween women and men, which goes in the wrong track.to Theory and Practice in Critical Discourse Analyis,1995On the whole, this society is composed both men and women, none of[4]陈燕如广告中的女性社会角色.厦门大学学报,2002年第一期which can be the whole world. But most standards and concepts in the system[5]秦秀白英语中性别歧视现象的历史文化透视现代外语, 1996of moderm eivilizations have the stigma of male- domninant socielty. How to年第二期
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