Simulation and Training Package on Corex Process
- 期刊名字:钢铁研究学报
- 文件大小:848kb
- 论文作者:XU Hai-chuan,QI Yuan-hong,YAN
- 作者单位:Central Iron & Steel Research Institute,Baoshan Iron and Steel Co
- 更新时间:2020-11-10
- 下载次数:次
Vol.9 No. 1.J. Iron & Steel Res. ,Int.May 2002Simulation and Training Package on Corex ProcessXU Hai-chuan',QI Yuan-hong' ,YAN Ding-liu' ,ZHOU Yu-sheng2,CAO Chuan -gen2( 1. Central Iron & Steel Research Institute , Bejing 100081 , China ;2. Baoshan Iron and Steel Co , Shanghai 201900 , China )Abstract : A software package has been developed for simulation on the Corex process. Thesimulation and training package on the process of shaft furnace using Corex off gas were intro-duced. The package consists of three main modules , namely the numerical simulation , thesystem modeling and optimization , and the training module , which are integrated with graph-ical interfaces. In addition,the equipment starting and stopping operation and typical trouble-shooting were also included in the package , whereby a practical environment can be estab-lished for training of operation and management stuff .Key words : Corex process ; shaft furnace ; modeling ; simulation ; trainingCorex ,as one of smelting reduction methods ,isNow ,Corex gas was used in chemical industrythe only technological process successfully applied into generating power and heating fuel etc. Corex gasindustrial production. The Corex off gas changed in-may be alternatively used for the production of hotto reducing gas to produce DRI/HBI in a shaft fur-briquetted iron. After CO2 removal the export gasnace would be the way of efficiently using its ener-allows for a sponge iron production with more thangy. In 1999 ,the process using Corex off gas to pro-60 % of the hot metal.duce DRI/HBI in shaft furnace had been fulfilled inCorex- .Midrex process is Corex equipment com-industrial production1. China is active to importbined with Midrex shaft furnace. Shaft furnace pro-Corex equipment. For operation condition choice ,duces DRI by using Corex off gas. So hot metal andoptimization information forecast,and administrator .DRI can be added into electric arc furnace for high-and operator pre-training etc ,a software packagequality steel. Corex/DRI/EAF compose a competehas been developed for simulation on the Corex pro-process. Thus , a standard C 2000 plant would be ca-cess21. In this paper ,the simulation and trainingpable of producing an additional 1 200t of DRI on apackage on the process of shaft furnace using Corexdaily basis in a complete Corex-DRI system with en-off gas was introduced.ergy independence,where also the oxygen require-1 Process of Corex Gas Used for DRI/HBIment and electrical need are covered by the producedexport gas. Fixed carbon consumption is only 360 kgProductionand is very lower than that of BF process. In addi-The character of smelting reduction process istion , the question of coke shortage and environmentusing coal not coke to save cost. In addition ,Corexpollution can be reduced .is widely used for its short process , reducing envi-ronment pollution , and low investment ect. The2 Simulation and Training Packagemain question about Corex is high consumption of2.1 Package functioncoal and oxygen ,then producing much expensiveThe simulation and training package includesgas. The amount and the composition of Corex ex-three function modules : the numerical simulation ,port gas vary within certain ranges depending on thethe system modeling and optimization , and thecomposition of the coal used in the process. General-training module , which are integrated with graphi-ly ,the export gas analysis is approximate :φco+ φH,cal interfaces. Its structure was shown in Fig. 1.>60% , and a net calorific value of 7 500 kJ/m'.The energy consumption comparison between BF2.2 Numerical simulationand Corex is : coal 0.62/1.1 t/thm , O2( 50 + hot中国煤化工reaction in shaft fur-blast )540 m3/thm , and output energy 4/15 GJ/nace|YHC NMH Go phases of solid andthm[3]. So the effective utilization of Corex gas. liquid. 1 he purpose ot shatt turnace reduction is towould sharply enhance its benefits.capture oxygen from iron ore and to produce iron .Biography :XU Hai-chuan( 1968- ), Male , Doctor , Engineer ; Received date :April 19 2001No.1Simulation and Training Package on Corex ProcessMaySimulation and lraining systcm for Corex gas shaft furnaceNumerical simlationProcess optinizationSimulation and trainingShaft furnaceGas separatorInpu*CalculatlionOutputBalance and optimization .Instruct and trainingPractice module .ExaminationOverall processMain equ ipmentSupplementaryTrouble- -shootingFig. 1 Module structure of simulation and training system for Corex gas in shaft furnaceThe shaft furnace is taken as the study object , andlimit , the computer can give alarm information tothe phenomena in the furnace , such as momentum ,inform operator to correct the data.neat and mass transfer are studied progressivelyAll input data were saved in database. It canthrough model experiment and numerical simula-calculate through the mathematical model. At thetion.same time , the graphic shows the progressive stepsTwo dimensions mathematics model is set up byand some key data to prompt users. The calculationcontinuous equation and Ergun equation to discussresults were saved in database. Figures show the regas flow character. On the basis of this model ,com-sults directly. Numerical simulation can outputbined with potential flow for expressing burdenstreamline of burden and gas , isobar of gas , and e-flow , considered with gas-solid heat exchange andquivalent distribution of temperature , reduction de-main chemical reaction in shaft furnace ,comprehen-gree , and gas content etc. Technician or operatorsive two dimensions mathematics model of shaft fur-can directly see the distribution of gas and burdennace is set up for analyzing flow ,heat and massflow and can understand deeply process principlestransfer in furnace.etc. Fig.2 showed the equivalence of reduction de-The calculation module of the package was setgree and CO content in shaft furnace.up on the basis of numerical calculation comprehen-The module of system simulation and processsive model above. The model is the key of the pack-optimization can output energy and material balanceage. The calculation module was connected with thereports , and can optimize process energy consump-database of SQL Server for data save ,inspection andtion and operation parameters.results. Two ways are for data input :( 1 )Default2.3 Simulation and trainingThe values of some parameters are put as stan-This module uses graphs and animation to de-dard value ( suggestive values were saved irscrib中国煤化gas in shaft furnace.database ).SimuliYHCNMHGisveryimportantto(2 ) Artificial inputdigest and absorb the technique for the technicianData of parameters were directly changed in theand operator. The system can help learner to graspgraphical of data-input. Every parameter was de-process characteristics quickly and to train and testfined for upper and below limit value. Beyond theprocess knowledge .一17一2002J. Iron & Steel Res. ,Int.Vol. 9.(h)(a)trainer student can be trained to grasp the basic abil-ity of the process of Corex off gas shaft furnace.2.4 Package composed and accomplished waysThe simulation and training package composedwas shown in Fig.3.User interface一+ lUserVB graphic interfaceSQI. databaseKnowledgc resourecC++ computation|l Knowl edge acquire moduleFig.2 Equivalence of reduction degree and COcontent in shaft furnaceProcess modelKnowledge baseDrawing software was used for building processFig. 3 Schematic of simulation and training packageequipment model. Main equipment such as materialsystem , charge system , shaft furnace , HBI/DRI ,3 Conclusionand cooling system etc ,were shown with graphicand writing illustration. The shaft furnace starting( 1 )Simulation and training package on the pro-and stopping operation and typical trouble-shootingcess of Corex gas shaft furnace is especially signifi-were also included in the package. The gas and bur-cant to shorten the development cycle of the tech-den reduction animation in shaft furnace was includ-nique when we import Corex equipment in the fu-ed too.ure. A practical environment can be established forIn the practice module,trainer can calculatetraining of operation and management stuff.system simulation at any conditions. The calculation( 2 ) This package has been checked and accept-results are the material and energy balance reports.ed by Baoshan Iron and Steel Co. The package willTypical operating conditions can show two. dimen-be improved with the development of Corex process.sion calculation results at typical conditions. It in-That is designed with module and easy to improve.cludes flow field ,temperature field , concentrationReferences :field etc. Thus trainer can learn some typical processoperation parameters.[1] QIAN Qi-wen. First Diret Reduction Shaft Furnace with CorexFor the examination module , four set test ques-Gas Put into Production[J ] Sintering and eletizing , 2000 ,25(2): 18( in Chinese )tions were provided. Trainer can choose one to test[2] RU Jia-sheng ,Z0U Zong shu ,ZHOU Yu- sheng ,et al. Simulationhis study effect. Every test includes 20 choice ques-and Training Package for Corex Process[J ] Journal of Universitytions for Corex gas shaft furnace process , equipmentof Science and Technology Bejing , 2000.22( 10):90- 93 (in .and operation etc. Students use mouse to choose sin-Chinese ).gle optionbutton in examination graph. When it is[3] DU Hua-yun. Present Condition and Prospect for Smelting Reduc-ion Technology in Foreign Country[ M ] Beijing : Metallurgicalfinished or the time is over,computer can automati-Ministry Information Standard Research Institute, 1994( in Chi-cally collect the test paper and judge the score. Thusnese ).中国煤化工MHCNMHG_ 18
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