An OGC standard-oriented architecture for distributed coal mine map services
- 期刊名字:中国矿业大学学报(英文版)
- 文件大小:272kb
- 论文作者:SONG Xian-feng,RUI Xiao-ping,H
- 作者单位:Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,The Academy of Opto-electronics,School of Resources and Geoscience
- 更新时间:2020-06-12
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Availableonlineatwww.sciencedirect.comOURNAL OF CHINA UNIVERSTY OF氵. ScienceDirectMININGTECHNOLOGYEVERJ China Univ Mining Technol 18(2008)0381-038ww.elsevier. com/locate/jcumtAn oGC standard-oriented architecture fordistributed coal mine map servicesSONG Xian-feng, RUI Xiao-ping, HOU Wei, TAN Hai-qiaoGraduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100The Academy of Opto-electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100086, China3school of Resources and Geoscience, China University of Mining& Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, ChinaAbstract: GIS or CAD-based technology has been widely used for cartographic maps in coal mines, but structural gaps betweensuch maps make it difficult to provide an integrated map service, for any specific purpose, at higher levels. There is no uniformplatform that can be used to manage all involved maps. The main reason for this is that datasets are submitted by individual coalnes using their individual, diverse software. No consistent model is used within the software for data abstraction andsymbolization. This paper first reviews all the essential specifications concerning OGC(Open Geospatial Consortiumteroperability. Then an OGC standard-oriented architecture is proposed to provide distributed coal mine map services. within thisnew architecture the management of spatial data archives, and the integration of coal mine maps, are achieved through theinterfaces of geospatial services. Finally an open source geospatial approach is suggested to implement the proposed scheme. Acase study of the Huaibei Coal Group is used to demonstrate the proposalKey words: coal mine map services; service oriented architecture: OGC interoperability specifications; open source geospatialsolution1 Introductionniently managed and it is difficult to integrate themfor any specific purpose by using traditionalThe coal mine map provides basic information methods". The data abstraction model and dataabout coal mines and represents the comprehensive storage format used for the various digital coal minecompilation of a geospatial dataset. It shows not only map products are quite different. One relies on athe nature of physical surfaces, but also the CAD system while the other on a Gis system. It ischaracteristics of underlying rocks, faults, human- unfeasible to merge the spatial data from one systemmade subsurface constructions and coal mining into the other system through the traditionalprogress. To some extent, coal mine maps are the import/export methodology. There aremost complex and vital map productsstudies where web services are employed to extendThere are several kinds of proprietary cartographic proprietary systems over the web; Subsequently thesoftware that presently dominate the coal mine work flow engine chains those services for a specificmarket in China. It is common for coal mines to use applicationeven when the mines are under the same Coal architecture to poses a geospatial service orienteddifferent softwares for the same cartographic purposeAdministration Agency. Consequently, the digital heterogeneous data structures. The architecture wasmap products among coal mines are incompatible designed following interoperability specifications ofwith each other. The coal mine maps are normally the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and wassubmitted periodically via FTP, or some other method, implemented using an open source geospatialand the agency must have licenses for all the different solution in which the software adopted was mainlycartographic software to view those heterogeneous incubated by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation(OSGeo). The prototype system reuses the existingMoreover those map archives are not conve-中国煤化工 hives at each coalReceived 12 December 2007: accepted 20 March 2008CNMHGProject 40771167 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaCorrespondingauthorTel+86-516-83883893;E-mailaddresstan3893@163.comJournal of China University of Mining TechnologyVol 18 No.3mine so cartographers do not need to make anyTable I OGC geospatial service componentschanges to their familiar work flow. This approachaves running costs and improves the workingatalogue Service for Webata/service catalogueefficiency of the agencyWeb feature serviceWeb coverage serviceRaster data access2 OGC standard-oriented architectureWeb map serviceThe coal mine maps are important in the planningWeb authorization serviceof coal mining in two significant respects: 1)TheWeb security serviceService securitymap is updated in time following the mining progressin order to represent the latest changes of geologica 2.2 An open architecture prototypeconditions; and 2)The map must record any spatialscales of geological structures that may affect coalWe propose a conceptual architecture of WebGISmining, i.e., a fault throw in metersfor distributed coal mine map services based uponThese characteristics imply that the volume of the geospatial services(Fig. 1). The open architectureaps may become very large as their version prototype system provides the Coal Administrationncreases very fast with daily updating following a Agency with a new level of map services supportingspecified time step. To understand, in time, the basic data discovery, data access, data retrieval, datainformation about coal mining, the Coal processing and data visualization. However theAdministration Agency needs to share not only the prototype does not affect the regular business of coallatest but all versions of maps from coal mines minessynchronously. The WebGIS, following OGCspecifications, is at present the extraordinary solutionfor this purpose as the oGC Interoperability ProgramWeb browser(XML,JavascripT.Ajax.CSS.HTML ete.)has demonstrated the great success of OGC inbuilding a framework for inter-operable geospatialprocessing and content storage. The recentWorkflowdevelopment of OGC and w3C (World wide WebConversionConsortium) has allowed WebGis to beginintegrating with Service-Oriented Architecture 4-1LOGC WPS2This enables broad system and enterpriseInteroperability through geospatial services. Thefollowing sections describe such an open standardOGC WPSoriented architecture that supports the geospatialinteroperability framework for coal mine mapOGCWMSCNGC WFS2.1 Standardized geospatial services and comFig. 1 OGC standard-oriented architecture fordistributed coal mine map serviceOGC endorses a full set of geospatialinteroperability specifications. The web servicesThis is a platform-neutral architecture, in whichwhose interface implements OGC interoperability geospatial services are first built at the coal-mine sidespecifications are called geospatial services or to encompass the existing map system. All thegeospatial web serviceshe geospatial service services are collected at the server side for furthercomponent can be composed of Desktop GIS objects integration. Under such an architecture, the oldaccomplishing atomic service processing or cartographic software and map archives remain at thecooperating with each other. OGC facilitates a coal mines and the business work flow of the mine isrepository of geospatial services including data the same as beforediscovery, data access, data processing and data 2.2.1 Data accessvisualization(Table 1). Those geospatial services areThe proprietary cartographic systems are diversecompliant with generic web services, have the Coal mines have their database structure andfeatures of component GIS, i.e., reusability and symbolization model, which may differ from those atre-composition, and lower the cost of system other mines. The key point for distributed mapserviccess interface tounderstandable and can automate the inter-operationthose中国煤化工systems usingbetween geospatial servicesmidCN MH Gny changes to theproprietary carwograpluc intrastructure there are twoways to fetch data from the existing map drawingSoNG Xian-feng et alAn OGC standard-oriented architecture for distributed coal mine map servicessystems. One is to retrieve raw data records from a concems the metadata description of the servicecoal mine database through an OGC WFS interface, functionality. The catalogue service itself is based onthe other is to request maps from the coal mine ISo19225. Based on these available services, usersmap-drawing system through an OGc WMs can customize their work flow for a new processinginterfaceservice or a specific mapping task.2.2.2 Data processing3 Open source implementation approachBoth the map and the raw data should bepreprocessed before data integration. There are a The open source geospatial solution has beennumber of vital processes needed to maintain data blooming in recent years 9-0!. There is no legalconsistency. For example map projection, map-edge relationship between OSGeo and OGC, but a numbermatching, attribute elements conformance and of parties or individuals in OSGeo also work withcharacter encoding must be properly handled. Those oGC standards, and vice versa. One of the explicitital processes are designed as WPS services. All of features of open source geospatial software is tothem have a generic interface, but their functionalities support and promote the oGC standards. So weare refined by their own WPS profiles, each adhering propose an open source geospatial solution toto a unique processing methodimplement an OGC standard-oriented architecture for2.2.3 A seamless map drawing implementationcoal mine map servicesThe classic map model includes spatial data3.1 An open source prototype systembstraction and symbolization. At the level of theThe open source prototype system(Fig. 2)consistsspatial database, there is no good methodology to of a three-layer structure in which: 1)the top level isautomate the integration of the spatial data from the web browser interface for users to manage covarious heterogeneous cartographic systems. For mine maps; 2)the middle level is the central serverexample one system may use axle wire for for retrieving metadata and providing coal mine maprepresenting lanes while another makes use of two services; and 3)the bottom level is the desktop mapsidelines. The former must define a complex drawing system and its web extension, supplyicomposite symbol for lane rendering while the later datasets of each coal mine to the central serverjust uses a single line symbolMap integration is a logic style in this architectureSince all the mapping systems do follow the NationalCartographic Standard for Geologic Map Informationmine mapping system renders its own part of the map Cuiye Db emon 7the look and feel of all their map products are thesame. Within the proposed architecture, each coalBPEL engine (ODE)and then all the map blocks are collected andintegrated at the server side, tile by tile. This isWAS/WSSachieved by cascading ogc wms services2.2.4 Customized work flowThe geospatial services act as service componentsWebexMapserver Remoteof WebGIs. The interfaces of the geospatial servicesare the same between coal mines but the serviceprofiles are different. Those service profiles declareFig 2 Open source geospatial paradigmfunctionalities, i. e: GML encoding, data conversion,distributed coal mine map servicesmap projection and data vision. For the particularmapping tasks of the Coal Administration Agency,3. 1.1 Geospatial service at remote nodesthere are specific work flows orchestratingThe various desktop cartographic toolkits weresequence of processes. Herein the Business Procesdopted at the remote nodes in the coal mines. TheExecution Language(BPEL)is applied to chain proprietary web extensions for the software weregeospatial services with our extension that supports used to publish their maps, or to supply spatial data,geospatial long-running processesover the web through OGC WMS or WFS interfaces2.2.5 Data and service cataloguefor example, AutoCAD vS. MapGuide, For thesoftThe catalogue services support the data catalogue devell中国煤化工 standards, wehe service catalogue. The former lists theopenCNMHGmetadata of spatial data archives following arinternational standard (ISo19115) while the late3. 1.2 Data and service catalogueJoumal of China University of Mining TechnologyVol 18 No. 3On the central server a GeoNetwork/PostgreSQL automates the interoperability between the webcombination was adopted to provide catalogue service client and the web service server. The workservices, including data discovery and service flow process includes three parts: 1) the 52 Northdiscovery. The catalogue services are mainly used to package provides secure data access to the geospatialassist users who are browsing the spatial data services of remote nodes and supplies WPS servicesarchives or services. The Postgre SQL/PostGis by wrapping a powerful GRASS GIhe servicedatabase system is for metadata collection from the work flow is carried out by the Apache ODE; and 3)remote nodes where the metadata of the geological the resulting map is published to the web through adataset and the geospatial services are stored map server.following the ISo19115 specification. Themethodology for using GeoNetwork to sea 3. 1.4 Displaying the mapPostgreSQL referred to the previously describedKa-Map was adopted to the browser for displayingmethod of integrating Isite and Postgre SQL coal mine maps(Fig 3). Ka-Map is an open sourcedeveloped by Song(2003)JavaScript graphic library for displaying map tiles3.1.3 Processing work flowand markers in an Ajax style across most web brows-ers without server-side dependencies. It is similar toOn the central server the work flow is the core part the Google Maps or MSN Virtual Earth APIs, but isof the distributed coal mine map services. The implemented with industry-standard methods forgeospatial services from remote nodes are chained geographic data access, such as the OGC WMs orusing the BPEL engine (Apache ODE), which WFS protocols看D收0工具淮北矿业集团m日aaaQ1081区Fig 3 Coal mine map service demonstration in Huaibei Coal Group3.2 Data access securitySAML ticket in accessing protected services fromThe proposed prototype system for coal mine mapservices is based on the oGc standard orientedWMS clientgeospatial services, so its interfaces are very open andmachine-understandable. For the sake of security theGetMapsystem used the secure Https protocol to seal offWSC. Wgeospatial services; the access to those geospatialGetMapSAML ticketservices must go through 52 North security filteringThe 52 North security package(Fig. 4) includesXMLthree core components: Web Authentication Service(WAS), Web Security Service (wSS)and WebSecurity Client for the Web(wSC. Web). The wss中国煤化工authenticates users with a SAML ticket, while theTHCNMHGc∠ wuli county frameworkWSC. Web assists those clients who have obtained aSONG XIAn oGC standard-orientedecture for distributed coal mineThe 52 North framework enables systemdministrators to authenticate users by means ofReferencesuser-name and password. Authentication is based onuser information stored in an XMl file to protect the [1] Nemoto T, Raghavan V, Masumoto S, et allayers of the oGc geospatial services fromDevelopment of an online spatial information system forunauthorized access, including simple spatialmodeling-SISGem. Geoinformatics, 200restrictions to GetFeaturelnfo requests, and to allow4(1): 63-68.(In Japaneseaccess to protected service from any standard[2] Chang Y, Park H XML webased developmentmodel for Internet GISns. internationalgeospatial client. It is also easily extended toJoumal of Geographical Infimplement new authentication methods0(4):371-399[3] Song X, Kono Y, Hirata M, et al. 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OpenCIS-Open72-178considered in the future for a high level of datasource GIs-based web community information systemScience,2006,20(8):885898Acknowledgement[10] Song x, Kono Y, Shibayama M. Environmentalternational Journal of geoinformatics, 2005This work was supported by National Natural63-70Science Foundation of China (No. 40771167), WitConsultancy and Huaibei Coal group中国煤化工CNMHG
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