The Stady of Legislation on the Utilization of Domestic Sea Water
- 期刊名字:科技视界
- 文件大小:585kb
- 论文作者:苗英霞,WANG Shu-xun,WANG Jing,ZHA
- 作者单位:Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization
- 更新时间:2020-07-08
- 下载次数:次
科技.探索.争鸣科技视界项目与课题The Stady of Legislation on the Utilization ofDomestic Sea W aterMIAO Ying- xia WANG Shu- -xun WANG Jing ZHANG Yu- -shan(Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Uilization, SOA, Tianjin 300192,China)[Abstract ]The contradiction between shortage of waler resource and lack of legislation for using seawaler as domestic waler was revealed. Wstarted our work from present situation of legislation for using seawater as domestic water. Necessity and feasibility of legislation for using seawater asdomestic water were explored which contribute to the healthy development of domestic seawater industry.[Key words ]W ater resource; Domestic seawater, Legislation0 IntroductionThe domestic seawater technology which is the technology ofhe increase of construction scale, the unit fixed investment andapplying treated sea water as domestic water (mainly for flushing) is one ofoperational costs are reduced dramatically. Calculations show that whenthe water supply is relatively low, the seawater utilization facilitythe ffective means of addressing coastal cities from fresh water resourceconstruction cost is higher than that of treated surface water andscareity " The present utilization of this technology is subject to limitedgreywater with the same operational cosls. However at large water supply,Under this context, looking for a reliable and fficient method to mitigatethe operational cost of unit domestic seawater is dratically reduced andthe investment on eapacity -related facility is reduced proportinally.this contradiction becomes particularly important.Therefore, even the residential community demos have proven the1 Review of legislation on uilization of domestic seawater technical feasibilily of domestice seawaler technology, the idutrializationof domestie seawater technology is able to demonstrate is economic1.1 Hong Kong legislation on domestie sea water for flushingadvantages only when popularized in large scale.Hong Kong is serious water scarcity city however holding rich sea 2.3 Hong Kong legislation process and resultwater resources. From the late 50's of the last century, Hong Kong hasstarted using the new system with sear water purification, application ofanti -corrosion water supply pipes to popularize domestic sea water forspecification for water system management. It is speified that allflshing 日Aecades of pronoting, about 80% people are now usingbuildings must have one drinking water supply system and one flushingsea water for flushing. The widespread use of sea water in return hassupply system even for the area temporally without seawater supply.reduced the need for fehwater which large fresh waler saving to Hong Where seawuter supply is ailble, it is obigatong to use sewater forKong凹. Since fresh water is so important to Hong Kong and seawaterfushing however forbidden for other application. It is regarded as afushing has been largely popularized, it is natural for the Government tocommitment of an offence if utilze fresh water for flushing or seawater fortake measures to prohibit the waste behavior of using fresh water for other uilization than flushing. Meanwhile, a mulilevel walter chargingfushing thanks to Hong Kong ' 8 comprehensive legislation system.system is implemented by encouraging the citizens and enterprises to1.2 Current statle of mainland China domnestic seawaler uizaion uilized free charge seawater for flushing.legislationRestriet legislation has been effective in promoting tIn recent years, sea waler uilization has received high attention from implementation of seawater for flushing. Today, about 80% ofcentral government and has been listed sin several strategic planning andin Hong Kong utilizes seawater for flushing which result in an annualindustry development guidelines, such as national economy and socialsaving of 300 million tons of fresh water.development strategic planning. encouraged developnThe feasibility of legislation on domestic seawater andeconomy development planning, which provide important support for legislation conceptionseawater utilzation industry development from policy level. However,From technical point of view, the domestic seawater technology isrelated law and regulations are not been legislated.mature enough to set up comprehensive technical specifications. TI2 The necessity of legislation on domestic seawaterresponsibility in the sectors of manufacture, sales, application antreatment of domestie seawater has been clearly defined, which paved the2.1 The maturity of industry development calls for legislationToday, the domestic seawater technology is well understood and3.1 Poliey research on utilization of domestic seawatermastered industrial wise. More and more coastal cities, such as Shenzhen,Implement the promottion of domestic seawater utilization into coastalW eihai, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen, have drafted domestic seawater systemcities govermment strategic planning, clarify the objectives andresponsibilities of govermment in promoting domestic seawater and defineFacing the fast -growing need from industrial development, it isfeasible promoting price, finance and taxation policy of domestic seacrucial important to put in place a comprehensive legisation systemwater.which would clarily the rights and responsibilities on domestic sea waterThe construction of seawater utilization infrastructure and thutilization for government, enterprises and citizens.utilization of seawater will increase infrastructure investment and daily2.2 The function of residential community demos and its scalemanagement cost. For real estate developers, the implementation oflimiationdomestic seawater system means the increase of investment(下转第39页)※基金项目:国家海洋局业务 化项目(ywh -2013- 06);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业中国煤化工2013-G10);海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(201 105026)。作者简介:苗英霞(1979- -),女 ,汉族,天津人,工程师,主要研究方向为海洋环境工程。fYHCNM HG20 | 科技视界Science & Technology Vision项目与课题科技视界科技.探索争鸣多是本科- -年级新生,对经济学知识的应用能力不强,因此教师需要提识的掌 握和学习兴趣的提升,并希望能够引人更多的案例研讨课,但供一些讨论导向和参考资料,以免学生不知道从何谈起。同时,课堂研讨是有 21.3%的学生认为案例的选择还需要进一步 斟酌,部分学生希望对教师的课堂掌控能力也提出了更高的要求,教师不仅要控制课堂讨论能够引入一 -些国外的现实经济案例。的节奏和讨论内容的范围,避免讨论中的泛泛而谈或是言论偏激、有违第二,性别和大学所学专业对于学生的《微观经济学》课程学习积常识,还要及时、客观点评学生讨论的效果,在师生之间建立起一种平极性影响不大, 但是高中阶段的文理分科会影响到学生的学习效果和等、信任和尊重的氛围,便于日后教学工作的开展。学习状态。数据显示,理科生对《微观经济学》的学习兴趣要高于文科第三,跟踪调查研讨式教学法的教学效果,以调查问卷的形式获生 ,他们也愿意花更多的课余时间去搜集研讨中的案例资料。取学生对研讨式教学方法的满意度和认可度。在授课的过程中,我们第三,尽管很多学生比较认同研讨式教学法应用于实践教学,但是准备采用情景案例的方式,帮 助学生理解基本知识点的含义以及运73.2% 的学生表示课后最多花一个小时的时间去准 备资料,大部分学生用,鼓励学生发现问题,提出猜想,讨论热点经济现象。在学期期中的只是把网络资料做了简单的复制 粘贴工作,却很少有学生愿意花更多却很少有学花更多时候,从学生感兴趣的问题中限定2- 3个案例,要求学生在课后搜集时间做独 立的思考和资料的整合工作。63.4%的学生表示虽然能够理解相关信息,尝试运用所学知识分析和解释这些经济问题的原因、影响研讨内容的 主题但是要在课堂上准确表达自己的观点存在较大难度。和改进措施。然后,安排1- -2个学时,以课堂分组讨论和分组报告的形第四,几乎所有的学生都认同了研讨式的教学方法,但是有个别式,交流学生思考的心得和研讨的结论,教师在整个过程中,要尽可能学生 在课后与教师的单独交流中表示,增加研讨课会影响课程进度,鼓励学生表达自己的观点,引导学生用经济学的思维方式考虑现实问担心教 师无法完成教学工作量。题,最后对案例进行总结和归纳,加深学生的印象。在学期期末的时综 上所述,我们认为研讨式教学法通过设计设置贴近学生生活、候,以调查问卷的形式追踪学生对研讨式教学法的满意度。问卷调查富 有吸引力的情境,提出有思考价值的问题,有利于高校课程教学的将采取随堂调查的形式,可以保证拒访率不会太高,而且可以降低一效 果提升,同时,也给教师和学生提出了更高要求。一-方面 ,要求教师对一访谈的时间,成本。问卷调查主要涉及以下几个方面:a)性别;b)高及时更新知识,关注社会现实,有全面深刻.独到的见解,了解学生原中阶段是文科还是理科;c)大学所学专业;d)大致花费多少时间用于有 知识基础和能力水平;另- -方面,也要求学生通过查阅资料、研究讨研讨中案例资料的搜集整理和分析;e)能否融入课堂讨论的氛围中,论.独立思考以后尝试提出解决问题的方法。然而实践教学和问卷调能否准备表达自己的观点;f)能否将现实生活中遇到的经济现象与经查的结果反映-普遍问题,即对于大--新生来说,高中应试教育时济理论联系起来;g)能否适应研讨式的教学方法;h.是否认同研讨式期形 成的学习模式,以及文理分科制度会制约学生独立思考、整合资的教学方法。,调查中a-c项从同卷中能够真实反映调查对象的基本情料的能力。 作为高校教师需要进-步提升研讨主题的趣味性和现实况和大致的知识结构.df项也较为真实地获取学生参与研讨式教学性, 创造学生与教师之间的思想沟通和观念碰撞的平台,努力打破制的积极性和学习微观经济学的兴趣,8 h项则属于人们的内部心里信约学生 想象力和创造力的思维枷锁。息,比较难以准确获知,不排除奉承效应,可能需要课后教师与部分学生的单独交流,以便更准确了解学生的心理状态。[参考文献][1]严飞.《西方经济学》教学方式改革与实践探讨[].湖北经济学院学报:人文社3 应用研讨式教学法的教学效果分析会科学版, 2008(3):181-182.我们对湖北经济学院学习人大版《微观经济学》教材的部分学生(2)郑凌燕 案例教学法在高校教学中的应用初探:以西方经济学教学为例宁进行了问卷调查和个别访谈。从这些调查数据中能够大致窥探研讨式波教育学院:学20():3-33“体 o业[3]郑敏案 例教学法在经济学 教学中的应用J]文教资料, 2006(7):37-38.教学法应用于高校课程教学的实际效果,以利于- -线教师改进教学方[4]邹晓消.研讨式教学法在《微观经济学》中的应用与实践]襄阳职业技术学法和教学手段。第一, 在与学生的交流过程中,我们发现学生普遍认同在学习过院学报,2013(2)118-120.程中引人研讨式教学法.92.3%的学生认为情景案例教学法有利于知[责任编辑:丁艳](_上接第20页)on certain pipe works.sea water operational activities.Sea water utilization is a project with environmental and socialIt is highly recommended to reference Hong Kong's experience onbenefits. Promote seawater utilization to smooth freshwater scarcity is legislation process t0 set up domestic seawater infrastructure constructiongovermmental act and should be sponsored by the whole society than toand operational specifications with domestic seawater environmentalFerhesalesandbe borme entirely by the consumer. Hence, considerations should be impact asessmentapplication of seawater with demonstration of fairness. In addition to documented with strict monitoring system for sales qualification,constrictive regulations, preferential policies for infrastrueture construetion subcontract conditions and regulations to be able to encourage reasonableand water price is also necessary.and rational use of domestie seawater.3.2 Principles on domestic seawater4 ConclusionPrinciples on domestic seawater legislation:Respect national and local current law and regulations.Presently, the indutrial technical specification system framework ofFairness rllected in politis and economice policies, especially for uilizaion of domestic sea waler has been formed, the key players andconsumers which are subject to obligatory utilization.legal responsibilities have been clarified which paved the way forOperational feasibility compatible with local speeific situation.necessity and feasibility for legislation. Legislation can be practiced inMarket operation princeiple.certain scope to promote the healthy and rapid development in thisIntegrated planning with uilizatin greywater and other reycled water. field. ( Sand material.[ References]Legislation on utilization of domestic seawater needs firstly to clarily [ 1]Kang Liuilization propect of seawater tiltushing[].cag Exloitation,the production and treatment uilities' qualification. Domestic seawater 2003, 20(6):17-19.treatment uility should have sea waler contained water treatment [2]Total w ater Management in Hong Kong[M].Hong Kong Water supplies Depart-capacities, which are either municipal sewage water treatment plant orment, 2010.[3]Microsoft PowerPoint- seawaePPT1 Hone Kone W ater supolies Department,qualified residential community property management utility. Seawater2010.中国煤化工supply and sewage seawater treatment enterprises must be qualified byrelated municipal administration department before carry out domesticHY HC N M H G在编辑:汤静]Science & Technology Vision科技视界| 39
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