Brief Analysis of the Differences in Chinese and Western Kinesics
- 期刊名字:都市家教(下半月)
- 文件大小:667kb
- 论文作者:郑波
- 作者单位:河南农业大学外国语学院 河南 郑州
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
- 下载次数:次
教研争鸣Brief Analysis of the Differences in Chinese andWestern Kinesics450002河南农业大学外国语学院 河南郑州郑波Abstract: Kinesics plays an important six. But Americans will use one hand plus one inferiors to laugh first. In the USA, what peoplerole in communicating. Some are universal in finger of the other hand to symbolize it. Under this can’ t tolerate is being intruded into their privatethe world; some are peculiar to the specific situation, Chinese and Americans are far more space. Even between parents and children,cultures. Understanding the differences of likely to cause communicative barriers.intrusion is impolite and improper. Before enteringkinesics in diferent cultures can better eliminateAlso, unique kinesics to one culture can children ’s room, parents should knock themisunderstanding.also result in communication gap in interculturaldoor. So the behavior of almost zero body contactKey words: kinesics; understanding;different culturestourist puts his or her thumb up by the road in2. Linearity vs. SpiralityChina, no car will stop. If a Chinese pinches theGenerally speaking, the mode of thinkingKinesics includes facial expressions, thumb on the lite finger, a ltte part of which is of Chinese is spirality. Part of the reason is thatgestures, postures and eye contact,etc. Kinesics is left out, his or her American partner may take it as China has been under the impact of Confucianism,an important form of non -verbal communication. nothing.Taoism and Buddhism for a long time. These threeUsing Kinesics wrongly can lead to failure in,Cultural Analysis of the thoughts emphasize the power of understanding,interpersonal communication, or even conflicts in Differences in Chinese and Western which lead to that Chinese are implieit andinternational communication.Kinesicsemphasize euphemism. At the same time, the1. Communicat ive Prob lems CausedMost kinesics is formed during the process behavior and mode of thinking of W esternersby the Differences in Chinese and of growing u and can be transferred from one are greatly under the impact of Aristotle logicgeneration to another. At the samne time, diferent and rational thinking. So in contrast, the mode1. Misunderstandingnations have different histories, religious beliefs, of thinking of Americans is linearity, whichSome kinesics in different cultures may values and modes of thinking. The diferences in means that Americans like to show and exposese and Western kinesimeanings. For example, in terms of interpersonal different cultural backgrounds.the habit of guessing what others are thinking,space, in China, being close in distance means1. Collectivism vs. Individualismw esterners prefer to be frank and speak what theybeing intimate in relation; in the west, appropriateTo Chinese, cllctivimn is more important are thinking directly.distance means respect.than individualism. At any time, the individualIn China, during a talk, even if one .Especially when comparing Chinese and should obey the collective. When the personal communicator dislikes the topic, he will notWestern gestures, it is easy to find that there interest contradicts with the cllective interest, appear to be bored. Instead, he will pretend tomany same gesticulations that have diferentthe individual should give up or sacrifice hisinterested in the topie. Also this is themeanings in W esterm and Chinese cultures. If an interest to protect the interest of the group. In the reason why Chinese and Americans have differentAmerican keeps his fingers erossed before his hierarchy of priority, the group is always prior to opinions towards one action. For example, thechest, Chinese usually take it as the number ten the individual. However, in W estern culture, the action of rotating one’s fingers in China meansrather than the symbol of praying. If a Chinese conception relatedto“T” (self) is grained and showing off, but in America, it means beingrotates his ring to show off his wealth before hisomnipresent. There are many terms, such as self- nervous.American communicator, he may be understood absorption, self-admiration, self- -cultivation and3. Modesty vs. franknessas being nervous while talking. If an American self- -image, ete, whose meanings are slf-centeredThe values of W esterners and Chinese areuses his hand to draw circle around his temple,in English. This is especially true with Americans totallyChinese understand it as the meaning of thinking who emphasize individualism. In their opinion, pay much attention to modesty and harmonyhard instead of the meaning of looking down. everyone is a unique individual, they should have of interpersonal relations and dislike head-onIfa graceful woman in China leaves her lttle individual feedom and personal interest.collision. W hen talking. Chinese like to circlefinger aside when handing a cup to her AmericanIn traditional culture, Chinese hold thearound the core meaning, which leaves Americansguest, the guest thinks that the woman is afraid of attitude of oppressing personal desire and being a deep impression that they don’t know whatmaking her hand dirty. If an American is invited tolerant towards others ’mistake. Confucius Chinese are talking about. In contrast, Americansto a Chinese family, after the meal, the American taught people to be tolerant and broad- -minded. always give the priority tomay have the habit of crossing and moving the A saying goes that to carry forward the heaven’s They will speak what they are thinking in theirhand near the neck to express the meaning“Iam justice and to wipe out the personal desire. mind to reach their goals. Accordingly, Chinesefull”" . However, this gesture in China means to In other words, using the manners of the sage dislike frankness of W esterners and regard thiskill oneself.constraints the personal desire. However, in the frankness as being impolite. Because the value2. Communication gapwest, under the influence of Christianity, people is the core of the culture and is a decisive powerBecause of different cultural backgrounds,pay more attention to personal feeling and need.of the action, this difference has great influencesometimes a certain meaningiChinese are tolerantby different kinesics, which may cause being pushed by other people. For examp中国煤化Istemers is diret andcommunication gap. In expressing numbers with the bus, people stand closely to other passermuch talk means morefingers, Chinese tend to use the fingers of one On a crowed bus, you may even feel the b:MYHC N M H Gre catious abou theirhand. For example, Chinese usually reach out of others. When meeting something funny, if behaviors and words. These diferences in valuesthe thumb and the lttle finger to indicate number the leader doesn’↑ smile, it is impolite for the lead to differences in gestures. As discussed都市家教146教研争鸣before, Chinese gestures are moderate while W estern gestures are exaggerating.1课题计划研究步骤及实施时间安排Chinese always think highly of being modest. When others praise you, you should高一至高三三个年级的每节体育课安排五至十分钟not appear to be very happy, even if you feel joyful in your inner heart. Otherwise, you will的课课练的内容。be regarded as being too proud. Chinese have the habit of saying“I am not doing well2研究对象与方法enough.”and pretend to be cealm. In contrast, in America, people will be frank enough2.1 研究对象:全体在校学生to express what they are feeling both in words and kinesics. Under this same situation, an2.2 研究方法:文献资料法、授课指导法,比赛促American will smile and say“thank you!"4. Vanity vs. honesty2.3课题所要解决的问题Since ancient times, Chinese people have been paying special attention to their课课练是增强学生体质,活跃课堂氛围的主要手段faces. Especially during more than two thousand years’feudal period, face can not之一,但是在现实的教学中多运用“快乐体育”、“成be offended. Face is an important principle to adjust and control social behavior. Face功体育”淡化了技能教学和轻视体能训练,是学生的体behavior is an instrumental behavior to maintain the harmony of social relationship and质没有得到保障而下降,为了使体育课课练在体育教学stability. Chinese have atached too much importance to their faces. Sometimes, in order to中发挥更好的作用,我们提出在体育课中进行课课练拓save their face, they would do something against their will. This over- stress on faces can展与实践进行开发与运用的研究。easily lead to vanity. For example, in order to save face, Chinese will not easily reject the3课题研究所要达到的目标request of others. Even if he can not meet the request temporarily, he will also take some提高体育课的效率,切实做好体compensatory action.育课工作成效,真正达到培养学生的When you ask a Chinese for help, he is usually reluctant tosay " no”even if he运动能力,增强学生的体质,是每一体could do nothing to help for fear of losing face. But in America, people would honestly say个体育教师的责任,我们要不断地学“sorry, I can not help you”under the same cireumstance.习,不断地创新,不断地总结。研究育However, it doesn’t mean that Americans don' t care about their faces. Compared课课练增强学生体质的实效性,使学with Americans, Chinese are much cared about this.生能在体育课中更好的学习和锻炼,课5. Long power distance vs. short power distance使学生的体质不断得到增强,让课课Power distance is a dimension that distinguishes one culture from another. Power练内容的拓展与实践成为体育课这一distance is the range of how the power that is socially recognized and accepted is舞台的亮点。distributed among the organizations unevenly. Different nations hold different atiudes4本课题实践的重要意义练towards the importance of power, the power distance. Americans don’t pay much atention本课题实践的重要意义在于以下to power and emphasize individual ability. However, because of the influence of more than几个方面:内two thousand years ’feudal system, Chinese prefer power and its great influence. So4.1 体育课课练其本身的功能就有America belongs to the nation of short power distance, while China belongs to the nation of竞争性、趣味性、健身性和教育性等,long power distance. People in the nation of long power distance reckon that power is a fact特别是健身性方面,只要我们有目的的beyond the good and evil and has no relationship with legitimacy. The person who has the有计划而循序渐进的开展课课练,那市power has privilege and has priority over the inferiors. The conception of power distance么就会把健身以及增强体质体现得淋第afects interpersonal distance in communication.拓漓尽致。4.2中学生都具有活泼、好动、好distance is long. Also there are strict regulations about body movement. For example, the胜和积极.上进的心理特征。如果体育展monarch sits while his courtiers stand. Father sits while his son stands. The leader sits教师在教学活动中,能启发调动他们while his employees stand. While in America, interpersonal distance is short. Namely,学习锻炼的积极性,根据每次教学活俊与China belongs to the nation of high body contact; America is in the queue of low body动的内容,课的后半部分利用8-10contact.分钟左右的时间,把学生分成若干兴实I1. Conc lusion趣小组,进行部分项目(如短跑、长跑、践After the analysis of the dfferencee of Chinese and w estern kinesics, it can be .投掷、跳跃、球类等)的练习,一方concluded that kinesics of different cultural backgrounds ereate different interpretations.面保证身体索质的练习效果,另- -方Difficulties arise if the receivers are unaware of the type of kinesics messages the senders面可以帮助学生养成终身体育锻炼的are encoding It is aimed that such comparison of kinesics can provide readers with习惯。awareness of such differences and proper interpretations of some Chinese & W estern4.3学生在集体的配合下,共同前施kinesics so as to ensure smooth intercultural communications. Only when we have a clear进,共同完成课课练,能激励学生的understanding of the similarities and differences on kinesics, we can use kinesics to make学习兴趣。这样,先提高学生的学习方an eficient communication and avoid misunderstanding.兴趣,再增强他们的好胜心理,最后案Bibliography:[1] R. A. Hudson, Sociolinguistics [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language再进行练习,使学生能主动进行练习,不觉得累和讨厌。Teaching and Research Publishers, 20004.4体育课课练如果采用与游戏结[2] E.T. Hal1. The Silent Language [M]. New York: Random House Inc, 2005[3] Ray L. Birdwhistel1. Introduction to body language [M]. Michigan:合,不仅可以提高学生练习的兴趣,而且可以达到体力活动与智力活动相结合、富有良好的学习与促进氛围。Dept. of State, Foreign Service Institute, 1952[4] 张建青.浅谈身势语[M].济南: 山东师范大学外国语学院报(基础英语通过课课练,不仅可以锻炼身体素质,也可以培养学生的品德,增长学生的运动知识。教育),2004, 64.5“课课练”始于20世纪80年代,是在“大纲时[5] 贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997[6]邓炎昌,刘润清。语言与文化[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 1989t”精神指引下开展的。课程改革至今, “快乐体育”[7]胡文仲。跨文化非语言交际[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999 .“成功体育”悄然兴起,人们逐步淡化了技能教学和轻[8]窦卫霖。跨文化商务交际[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,2005中国煤化工课课练”淡出了大家精神,重新进行拓展作者简介:CNMH G郑波(1976~),男,湖北天门人,学士,河南农业大学外国语学院讲师,主5“课课练”内容的选择原则要研究方向为英美文学。5.1根据高中生身体素质发展的敏感期来做选择。147都市家教教研争鸣创设“说”的情景,培养学生思维能力642350四川省安岳县高升乡中心小学周强[摘要]语言是思维的工具,也是思 没有鸭。通过创设丰富的语言素材后,再让 概念进行表述,其中就有许多同学把“有三维的结果。数学课作为逻辑性很强的一门学学生看图说话,这样既培养了学生的形象思条线段围成的图形叫做 三角形。”尽管是一科,加强学生思维活动的条理性、语言表达维能力, 又为学生的口头表达提供了依据,字之差, 但表现的事实却截然不同,反映了的准确性、完整性训练,对于准确掌握数学当学生认识了没有可用 “0”来表示时,又要学生对 “围成”的涵义特点没有透彻理解。知识、提高教学效率具有不可估量的作用。求学生用- -句完整的话说明所举例的事物可引 导学生通过摆学具,画图形进行辨析以后,[关键词]生活情景;说;兴趣用“0”来表示,这样又让学生结合“0再让学生对错误表述中的不严密性进行阐述。来联想生活素材,所以只有让学生有充分的如果说语 文学科要求学生口头表达的内容更语言是思维的载体,也是思维的结果语言素材感知后,把枯燥的知识趣味化,把形象、生动的话,那么数学学科要求学生说引导学生运用准确的数学语言表达思维过程静 态的知识动态化,把书本知识直观化,学话更准确、精练。数学语言是一种特殊的语和结果,既可以使数学知识得以内化,又能生才会易懂易掌握, 同时又启迪了学生的思言, 需要准确无误,并且逻辑性强。而学生提高学生的语言表达能力,在教学中,教师维, 使学生会畅所欲言,滔滔不绝。具有良好地口头表达能力和语言的理解能力,要根据学生年龄特点和教学内容,有目的、三、 创设操作情景,帮助学生理清“说”对 数学的学习也有着重要的帮助作用。所以有计划地创设各种情景加强学生语言表达能的思路教学严格要求训练学生说话,有利于学生口力的训练,让学生在课堂中多说,促进思维用出声的外部语 言表述操作活动,是智头 表达能力的提高。发展,最终达到能力和智力的双发展。力活动形成的五个基本阶段之- -。著名教育五、创设游戏情景,激发学生“说"的创设情感情景,鼓励学生“说”的心理学家皮亚杰认为: 儿童的智力来自于动热情作,而动作的发展取决于生理成熟和物体操有位儿童学家说过: “每 个儿童都是一赞可夫曾说过:“教学法- -旦触及学生作。 教师在操作中引导学生边操作、边口述个 天生的玩家。”在教学中,适时创设游戏的情绪和意志领域,触及学生的精神需求,操作过程,借助语言,把思维过程明确、清情景,引导学生在玩中说可有效激发学生说就能发挥高度有效的作用。”为此,在教学晰地表达出来。 例如:在教学- -年级 “同样多、的兴趣与热情。 例如:在上一年级第一册“第中我们十分重视情感情景的创设。在课堂上,多些、少些”时,首先让学生摆一-摆, 即先几” 这节课时,我先让10个学生排好队,并教师用亲切、平等、商量的口吻与学生交流,摆出2个圆形.再摆出和圆形同样多的三角形。做着 -个自已认为最酷的姿势,然后让其他对学生的表现给予及时、恰当的评价;让学许 多同学都很快摆出两个三角形;然后让学学生 说说你喜欢第几个小朋友的姿势,并且生以小老师的身份站在讲台上向同学解释、生想一想,即启发学生想刚才摆的过程:你说说你是 从左边数还是从右边数,这样轮流说明;鼓励学生发表与教师不同的意见和观为什么要摆2 个三角形?学生借助刚才动手说, 学生的兴趣很浓。调动学生的多种感官点,提出与课本不同的看法等等。在这样的操作的演示, 组织自己较简单的语言。这样,參 与学习活动,避免了枯燥乏味的训练,较教学情景中,学生感到的是人格的尊重、自使学生 的感性认识逐步达到抽象化,能借助好地激发 了学生说话的热情。这样学生在轻身价值的存在和智慧的展示以及爱的温暖.较简单的语言把思维过程表达出来,即理解松愉 快的说话氛围中不知不觉中学会了新的从而让学生逐步养成敢于在课堂上大胆地发了 “同样多”的含义,也训练了学生的语言知识。 通过“说"增强了学生学习数学的兴趣,表自己的见解与看法。表达能力。优化了课堂的气氛,培养学生的思维能力,二、创设生活情景,提供学生“说”的四、创设问题情景,培养学生“说”得提高教学效果。严密总之,在数学课堂教学中,教师要把握我们在教学时要让数学语言生活化,生奥苏伯尔的有意学习理论认为:创设处时 机,创设良好的说话情景,适时为学生提活情境数学化,密切联系生活材料,创设情境,于学生 “最近发展区”的问题情景,能够引供说话的机会, 循循善诱,导之以法,让学以兴趣激发学生会说,以事例引导学生会说。发 学生对知识本身发生兴趣,进而产生认知生敢说、 多说、善说,使数学课堂教学成为比如对--年级教学“0”的认识,我先创设情需要,产生--种要学习的心理倾向就能激发促进学生创造思维发展的主阵地。境利用电脑出示四幅图:①河里有3只鸭;学生的学习动机, 如在教学“三角形的特性”②河里有2只鸭:③河里有I只鸭;④河里这部分内容时,教师放手让学生对三角形的运动训练以及运动生理学实践表明,薄弱,内力水平也比较差,如果我们在课课足的情况。比如在排球以及乒乓球教学中,青少年的身体素质发展具有明显的年龄特练之中以此为重点来要求学生, 从促进学生都是 上肢在用力,那么课课练的内容就应该征一运动素质发展的敏感期。这一-时期的身 体全面而平衡发展的角度出发,重点抓好以下肢 和躯干部位为主,这样既可以防止躯对于发展敏感期的素质效果是非常理想的,上下肢腰腹等运动系统的力量以及耐力等薄体局部负荷过大而引起的疲劳,又可以弥补这就像民间俗语“三翻六坐九爬爬”所说的弱环 节练习。比如俯卧撑、俯撑屈伸腿髋、教学内容 在学生身体全面发展中造成的不足。发展是如出一-辙的。运动训练实践表明:十仰撑臂 屈伸、仰卧起坐、侧卧起坐、仰卧举腿、5.4根据课堂教学效果来做选择,至十三岁速度素质发展的最佳期(敏感期):仰卧两头起、俯卧抬上体、深蹲起、深蹲跳在体育教学中,身体素质练习所组成的十二至+五岁是快速力量发展的最佳期;等等,学生的力量和耐力是有显著差异性的,课课 练的内容是需要科学合理搭配的,前后十三至十四岁 是灵敏素质发展的最佳期;所以针对这 种状况我们在课课练的过程之中时间的练习安排也是需要遵循身体运 动规律十六至十八岁是力量以及耐力发展的最佳期就必须 有针对性地选择相应的练习内容作为的, 如果搭配及其前后时间安排的顺序不合(敏感期)。所以在高中体育课课课练的内重点, 因人施教区别对待,以促进这部分同理, 必然会影响学生练习的效果。比如,在容选择上应该以力量以及耐力为重点,并以学的 索质向大家看齐。快速跑、变速跑等速度练习的前面,适当的此作为课课练的内容进行教学,就能使学生5.3根据教材内容来做选择。此十强向小塹量的跳跃、俯卧撑击的身体索质得到显著的提高。我们在体育课的学习之中- -般都是中国煤化工的发展是有益的;在5.2根据学生身体素质薄弱环节的发展来个内 容为主的,这就决定了我们不可能:[Hc N M H C非进行耐力速度的课生身体素质锻炼的面面俱到,这个时候时候礼]量和耐力素质等。从目前我校学生的总体身体素质状况来就可 以选择课课练来起补充作用,同时达到说,上下肢腰腹等运动系统的力量水平比较弥补 主教材局部活动造成的其它部位活动不都市家教148
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生物质能的应用工程 2020-12-06
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JB/T 11699-2013 高处作业吊篮安装、拆卸、使用技术规程 2020-12-06
石油化工设备腐蚀与防护参考书十本免费下载,绝版珍藏 2020-12-06
四喷嘴水煤浆气化炉工业应用情况简介 2020-12-06
Lurgi和ICI低压甲醇合成工艺比较 2020-12-06
甲醇制芳烃研究进展 2020-12-06
精甲醇及MTO级甲醇精馏工艺技术进展 2020-12-06