- 期刊名字:合成橡胶工业
- 文件大小:607kb
- 论文作者:余天石,林嘉平,杨典志,王彤
- 作者单位:华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,上海氯碱化工有限公司技术中心
- 更新时间:2020-10-26
- 下载次数:次
研究快讯 C合成橡胶工业,2003-07-15,26(4):249CHINA SYNTHETIC RUBBER INDUSTRYSynthesis of vinyl chloride/acrylonitrile copolymerYu Tianshi, Lin Jiaping, Yang Dianzhi, Wang Tong?(I. School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China;2. Technical Center of shanghai Chlor- alkali Chemical Co Ltd, Shanghai 200241, China)63|ADue to the inflammable property and cool like appearance of monomers without the character of the polymerization of the VCthe vinyl chloride(VC)/acrylonitrile(AN)copolymer, it was monomer 2.3widely used in the inflammable textile and artificial fiber. The Table I gives the conversion of the two monomers respecpolymer was usually synthesized by emulsion polymerizationtively. All the data were calculated according to the elementsIn the reaction system, the activities of the two monomers diffnalysis(C, H, N)appreciably with eachTable 1 Conversion of monomersmerization method was adding AN monomer by two steps. That9 Mx 10 Cve/%CAN/%is to say adding part of total AN monomer before the reaction One-step3.05and pumping into the another part during the polymerization In Two-step32.0065this way, the two monomers may copolymerize with each other Step-by-step 43.785.38.166824well to get a proper composition. In the paper, three differentmethods of adding an monomer were compared, one -step,In Table 1, the one -step method got a relatively highertwo-step and step-by-step (according to the adding pro- conversion, both of the total and the monomers, due to fewercess of the AN monomer), to give a comparison and provideN monomer in the system. However, in the other two methsome useful information to the synthesis of this kind copoly- ods, An monomer was continuously added and reacted muchmer. And it was coneluded that the step-by-step method faster than the VC monomer. Therefore, theon of vcprovided a higher conversion of the system than the other two monomer was much lower than the one -step method. As faroccasion. The step-by-step method was not reported so far. as the two-step and the step-by-step methods were con-The polymerization process was followed by tracing the difrmed, the both two methods got polymers with similar relaference of the cooling water temperature( Ti)and the autoclavere molecularhat was much higher than the one-steptemperature( T2). Fig 1 shows the relationship between thethod, and the conversions both of the system and there difference and the reactiomonomers of step-by -step were higher than the two-stepto sAAN monomer was a better method to synthesize the VC/ANcopolymer to get higher conversion both of the system and the0.5monomers. Owing to the higher conversion, the cost of vcAN copolymer can be lowered in step-by -step method whilethe relative molecular mass of the copolymer is similar to thatof the two - step methodJ-one-step; O-two-step: A-step-by-step1Us,US2420330Fig 1 Difference of temperature between cooling water and2 Xie T Y. Joumal of Vinyl Technology, 1991, 13(1): 1-253 Gurkan Karakas. British Polymer Joumal, 1989, 21: 99-406氯乙烯/丙烯膽共聚物的合成余天石,林嘉平As it could be seen, one-step method led the copolymer-杨典志,王彤2(1.华东理工大学材料科学与工程学lacf a to be much more heated than the other two, due to the院,上海20037:2.上海氯碱化工有限公司技术中心,上of the an monomer after about4h. After reacting4h,海200241)采用3种不同的丙烯腈的加料方式合成了氯almost all an monomer was reacted and the reaction wa乙烯/丙烯腈共聚物,并通过对冷却水温和聚合釜温度的mainly controlled by the polymerization of the vc monomer监控,描述了反应进程。同时,通过元素分析手段得到了Therefore, VC monomer got more time to re聚合体系和单体的转化率。通过研究采用逐步加料方式he other two methods. And the character of the reaction just画者相对分子质量接like the polymerization of the VC monomer, which haan obvious character of an abrupt increase of the reaction iF中国煤化工:加料方式temperature.And in the other two occasions, the whole reac-CNMHGzation of the twoBiography: Yu Tianshi, Ph D
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