- 期刊名字:中山大学学报
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- 论文作者:李忠,张小兵,米杰,鲍卫仁,谢克昌
- 作者单位:太原理工大学煤化工研究所
- 更新时间:2020-03-17
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第46卷增刊中山大学学报( 自然科学版)Vol 46 Sup.2007年6月ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNY ATSENIJun. 2007Studies on Preparation of Methanol-biodiesel& Its PerformanceL Zhong , ZHANG Xiao-bing, MI Jie, BAO Wei-ren, XIE Ke-chang( Key Laboratory of Coal Science & Technology , Education Ministry & Shanxi Province;Coal Chemical Engineering Institute , Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024, China) 'Results showed that the modified biodiesel and methanol can be soluble with each other at any proportion. w ith the methanol-biodiesel( methanol,≤w140% ), the diesel engine can start and run smoothly without any modifcation, and its emission can flly meet the Eu-rope皿Standard. The obstacle on price for biodiesel competing against petroleum diesel fuel on the market was overcome and anothernew way was created for the transportation fuel diversification.Key words; Biodiesel; methanol; chemical mdification; methanl-idieselCLC number: TQ517Document code: A Article ID: 0529-6579 (2007) S1-0272-02Biodiesel, a potential substitute for petroleum to demix after the reaction finished. After washing anddiesel fuel'1 , is more expensive than petroleum dieseldistiltion, the resultant oil phase was called the modi-fuel. To reduce the cost of biodiesel, many meth- fied biodiesel.odsl2-31 , such as waste oil or fat as festocks, prefer 1.2 Solbility testential policy in USA and EU issued to encourage theTwenty gram of methanol was added into 20 gramsconsumption,and through gene engineering to seekof modified biodiesel. If the solution will keep solubleplant with more oil content, were tried in the world sowith each other completely after 24 hours at room tem-faperature, the modified biodiesel and methanol will beThere is at least one unsaturated bond in biodieselthought soluble with each other completely at any pro-molecule. We thought that the biodiesel could be modi-fied chemically through oxidation of the unsaturatedportion, or they will be thought not to dissolve in eachbond to add polar groups on its molecular chain. Ac-other fully.1.3 Performance of methanol-biodieselcording to the principle that the more like in molecularNo-load diesel engine test was performed withpolar the more dissolves in each other, the thermody-namically stable solution of modified biodiesel andR180-1 diesel engine (rated power, 5. 15 kW; ratedmethanol would be got and will be superior to the un-speed, 2 600 r/ min). Load diesel engine test was con-stable solution of unmodified biodiesel and methanolducted with ZS195 diesel engine ( rated power, 8. 8with the help of surfactant4].kW; rated speed, 2 000 r/min). Emission was ana-In this paper, the chemical modificationof lyzed with KM9106 Flue Gas Analyser.biodiesel with oxydol as oxidant and its soluble property2 Results and discussionwith methanol were firstly studied. The effect of metha-nol-biodiesel prepared upon diesel engine was also in- 2. 1 Effect of the reaction temperaturevestigated.Tab.1 Effect of the reaction temperature upon1 Experimentsthe solubility of methanol with modifed biodieselTemperature/ 50560 6:701.1 Chemical modification of biodieselSolubleNioNoAdding Biodiesel and catalyst into a three -mouthflask and heating them to designated temperature in wa-It can be seen from the table 1 that the resultantter bath under sirring frstly. Then, dropping oxydol modifed biodiesel and methanol were not soluble with(H2O2, 27. 5wt% ) into the flask, stling the producteach other completely when the reaction temperature is收稿日期: 2007-01-10作者简介:李忠(1964 年生),男,教授; E-mail: Lizhong@ tyut. edu. cn增刊李忠等: 甲醇生物柴油的合成和性能研究273higher than 65 Cor lower than 60 C. This is becauseunderstood becquse of the heating value of the metha-of the reaction rate is slower when the temperature is. nol-biodiesel is only about 70% of petroleum diesel fu-lower and the reactants can not react completely in theel. However, the emission of methanol-biodiesel candesignated time, or the oxydol is decomposed when the easily meet the Europe I Standard but the petroleumtemperature is higher and there is not enough oxydol in-diesel fuel cant at the same work condition.cluded in the reaction. So, the appropriate reaction3,Conclusionstemperature should be 60 C。2.2 Effect of the quantity of oxydolThe resultant biodiesel modified by oxydol at 60CAccording to computation, the mole ratio of and atmospheric pressure was able to form stable solu-oxydol/biodiesel is 1: 1 when weight ratio of oxydolVtion with methanol at any proportion.biodiesel is 60% , it means that the quantity of oxydolWith the methanol-biodiesel ( methanol, ≤must equal or exceed 60wt% in order to ensure all thew40%), the diesel engine can start and run smoothlybiodiesel can be oxidized. Table 2 shows that methanolwithout any modification. Its emission was superiorand modified biodiesel were soluble with each other though dynamic performance was inferior to petroleumcompletely when oxydol added less than 60wt%. Thisdiesel fuel.is because the oxidized part of the biodiesel can act as asolubilizer. So the most economical quantity of oxydolReferences :is 28wt% according to the data in table 2.[1] CERPEN JON VAN. Biodiesel processing and produc-Table 2 Effect of quantity of the oxydol upon thetion [J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2005, 86: 1097- 1107.solubility of methanol to modified biodieselH20/wt% 6_5(403028264 [2] FELIZARDO PEDRO, CORREIA M J0ANA NEIVA,RAPOSO IDALINA, et al. Production of biodiesel.fromSolubleYes Yes Yes_ Yes YesVo Nowaste frying oils [J]. Waste Management, 2006, 26:487 -494.2.3 Performance of methanol-biodiesel[3] JIA Hu-sen, XU Yi-nong. World biodiesel uilizationThe no-load test results showed that the diesel en-and development strategies in China [ J ]. Jourmal ofgine started very hard and was not able to run smoothlyPlant Ecology, 2006, 30 (2): 221 - 230. (in Chi-when the methanol in methanol-biodiesel exceedednese)50wt% and not to start and run completely when excee-[4] MAKAREVICIENE VIOLETA, SENDZIKIENE EGLE,ding 60wt%. There were no difference on starting andJANULIS PRUTENIS. Solubility of muli componentrunning between methanol-biodiesel ( methanol,≤biodiesel fuel system [].2005, 96: 611 -616.wt40%) and petroleum diesel fuel when they were [S] TTANG Fang kun. Chemistry and Technoloy on Fineused on the same diesel engine.Organic Synthesis [ M ]. Beijing: Chemical IndustryThe load test with methanol-biodiesel ( methanol,Press, 2002: 223 - 238. ( in Chinese)35wt% ) results showed that its dynamic performancewas not superior to petroleum diesel fuel. This can be甲醇生物柴油的合成和性能研究李忠,张小兵,米杰,鲍卫仁,谢克昌(太原理工大学煤化工研究所,煤科学与技术教育部和山西省重点实验室,山西太原030024)摘要: 以价格低廉的双氧水为氧化剂,在60 C及常压条件下,对生物柴油进行了化学改性。结果表明,改性后的生物柴油和甲醇可以任意比例互溶。所制甲醇生物柴油(甲醇≤40%)可以使未做任何改动的柴油机很好地启动和运行,而且尾气排放可以完全达到欧洲3号标准的要求。较好地解决了生物柴油由于其价格较高而迟迟不能在市场上进行大面积推广的难题,为车用燃料的多元化又开辟了一条新的道路。关键词:生物柴油;甲醇;化学改性;甲醇生物柴油中图分类号: TQ517
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