A Brief Analysis to the 3-Step Translation Process
- 期刊名字:青年文学家
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- 论文作者:丘胜祥
- 作者单位:云南省公路开发投资公司
- 更新时间:2020-11-11
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A Brief Analysis to the 3- -Step Translation Process丘胜祥云南省公路开发投资公司 650200Abstract: With the development of science and technology, the culture of translation stl is muliplied con- -tinuously. However, how can you translate a good target text quickly and accurately? We should master translationskills and seep basic steps in translating. As the matter of fact, translation is expressed language actives through using2 language to another languagc exchanged with the accuracy and integriry of thinking. Some call it an毗and yetsome others ake it as a career, but no matter what the purpose is, the process of translation has is certin steps. Atanslator will have to understand the source text first, and then conduct her/his tanslation and then, proofead thesource text. In addition, translation standard, which is Faithfulness, Expresiveness, Elegance, play an important tolein the translaion process. A brief analysis of the problems mentioned above is made.Key words: Translation, process, analysis, step, language, expresion and word.[中團分类号]H159 (文献标识码]A [文章编号 1002 -2139(2009)04- 0067-03ACKNOWLEDGEMENT“银河"。In wring this paper, I have benefted from the support of myLet "Wet paint! ”and“Wet foor! " mean“湿的油漆! "and"“湿teachers, my classmates and my friends. They generously helped me的地板! ". This expression is sif. It is stiff translation standing oncollet materials I needed and many invaluable suggestions. I herebysource text. The two senlences are warning languages that warmextend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which.Pedestrian to walk erlully. They should be“油漆未f! "and"小心this paper would not have been possible.地滑!Particularly, I would like to express my gratitude to Miss ZhaoSmoothness is also basic principle of translation. Actuallylong, my supervisor, who guided me throughout my writing of thissmoothness is ft of source text, and target text should be accessiblehesis.s Her encouraging support and patience, her careful reading ofby writers. At the same time, target text is ft of Chinese impress-the whole draft and detailed comments has really impressed me, and Iments.hope this paper will not let her down as I personally did.For example, He wanted to leamn, to know, to teach.Introduction原译:他博学广阔,喜欢追根穷源,并且好人师表。In Tang dynasty, there is a debate between expressiveness and改译:他很想学习,以增长知识,教授他人。faithfulness. The expressiveness emphasizes rhetorical devices andThis is over- -translation in the sentence, we seen to read the sen-smoothness in the translation process, the faithfulness emphasizes isence smoothly and easy, and have expressed the source of mean. Butcoresponding to source text. So far, the culture of translation still isentence was added to unnecessary mean.muliplied; we go on analyzing and recognizing on translation.In my opinion, principles and requirements of translation are im-The basic translation theory, the diferences belween English andportant for transators, which are precondition for their work. DuringChinese language and the common translation skills should be ma8-the translation process, we should know basic principles and require-tered. The paragraphs or discourses of the source language withments of translation.medium dificulty can be translated into the larget language fihfully2. Comprehenslon of Source Textand smoohly within the time limit of 250- -300 words per hour.Comprehension of source text is the first step in translation, andWith the development of science and technology, the culture ofis important step. During the stage, translators must analyze and un-translation still is muliplied continuously. At the same time, there are derstand source text of word meaning, grammatical structure, logicdiferent ways in translating skills. Sone people will rely on tools fromabout the text and writing style.internet. As a result, the target text is made up of words, which is notAs the matter of fact, they will be ready for diferent themesnamed text. So far, translation is important for our communication.about source text. For example, Medical translation is rigorous veryPeople speaking different languages will be enabled to communicatemuch, the source text should be translated by translators of learningfrendly through the help of translation. So we should master transla-medical, and the translator must have medical glossary. In all, difertion skills and seep basic steps in transaing. This paper will herebyent theme is corresponding to diferent professional backgroundprovide a brief analysis to the 3-step translation process.knowledge. So comprehension of source text is necessary in translat-1. Basic Principles of Translationing process for translators.Yan Fu set an example for translator. He is not only a lranslator,2.1 About Polysemous Wordsbut also a translation theorist. Yan Fu involved "Faithfulness, Ex-There are many polysemous words in English. Particularly, wepressivenes, Elegance", which made great contributions to explo-can often meet and use words. We' d better study the polysemousration of Chinese translation theory.ords, w中国煤化I in rnsltiggWe should be faithful to source text. Don't change, distrt, in-ided in the head.crease and decrease source text. Faithful is the most basically stan-HeYHCNMH Gdard in translating work. At the same time, translators must persist inThe dinner cost us five dollars a head.fathful during their translating work.Take: This knowledge will help man destroy diseases that todayFor example, Let“Milky Way" means"牛奶路". This translationtake many lives.isn't expressed meaning of source lext. A better translation should beThe box does not take much room.ht is its coating that takes the wear.As the saying goes, translation is logical atvitie. Translation is"Head” is translated in diferent meaning in the sentence.product from logical activities. If we can't understand some sentences"Take" is translated in different meaning in the sentence, too. Differ-in grammatical sentence, at least we could know the sentence in logi-ent sentence use words selectity. When polysemous words are usedcal analysis. As a result, we can improve translating.in the sentence, we have to pay attention to polysemous words. Trans-For example, we can find the expression for the mechanical ad-lators should have a clear goal in uaing the polysemous worde invantage from the equation in the same manner as in the previous Ca8-translation.2.1.1. Word Cassification and Word Meaning译文:采用与前例相同的方法,我们就能由该方程求得机械效There are dfferent words cassifications in Chinese, and many益的公式。words classifications will be concemed by translators. In fact, wordsThe sentence of prepoeitions“for, from and in" isn 't useful fromclassification is important for translating, because word meaning isgrammar to analysis. If we analysis from logical, we can find threedecided by word casification.prepositions that are adverbials. And they modifed predicale verbs. IfFor example, Like: They really like playing foball.we analysis from this aspecl, the sentence will be translated more BC-Every book stands by itself, like a one -family house, but bookscurately.in a library are like houses in a eity.2.4 Writing StryleHand: The hour' hand of a clock goes right round in twelveWriting style belongs to language characters in the whole trans-hours.lation, writing styles is expressed on different language characters.When he found a wallet on his way home, he handed to the po-Even writes may have dfferent writing styles. When we translatelice station immediately.source text, we must understand writing style about source text. At the8ame time, we'd better analysis wring style in order to react style in-prep in the diferent sentences.“Hand" is expressed different wordto the source text.classification in the different sentences. Usually when translatorEvery writer has her/his unique writing styles. Luxun writes withthinks of any words, maybe they use the word. The problem will makehis sarcastic pen, while Lao She expresses his gentle humor, Hemistake in translation. So when we translated text, we must use those Mingwei narrales wild and masculine stories and Togore recites his el-words accurately.eganly. .2.1.2.Style and Word Meaning3. Expression of Target TextThe same word will be expressed in diferent styles and specialtyExpression of target text is important in translating that we usedifferently. Style of science and technology is diferent from literatureanother language to express, and pass our thinking in another lan-style, which is expressed in ordinary vocabularyFor example, But expensive things are not inevitably theAs a translator, she/he should base on a solid foundation on un-province of the rich unless we abdicate society 's power of choice.derstanding of how languages work, translation theory recognizes that译文:但昂贵的东西并非富人所独有,除非我们放弃社会赋予different languages encode meaning in dffering forms, yet guides的选择权。translators to find appropiate ways of preserving meaning, while usingAssumethat the input voltage from the power supply remainsthe most appropriate forms of each language. Translation theory in-constant.cludes principles for translating figurative language, dealing with lex-译文:假定由电源输入的电压保持不变。ical mismatches, hetorical questions, inclusion of cohesion markers,The first sentence is literature style. The second sentence isand many other topics crucial to good translation.physics scientific style. However, the power is expressed with differ-3.1. About Standard Language in Expression of Target Text.ent meanings in the two sentences. One is“authority", the other isTranslators must express target text with its standard language,"electic power". So translators must pay atention to styles in trans-writing styles and thinking of source text.lating process.For example, 1 do not like to be interupted when I am about an2.2 About Grammatical Analysis in Translatingimportant piece of work.The grammar is important in translating. If we understand sen-译为:我不希望被别人打扰,当我正在做一件重要工作时。tence, we must know its grammar structure. And we should find the改译:我在做-件重要工作时,不希望别人打扰。key part of sentence, then, we are ready for translation.Source text is Basic English; main clause is in the front of sen-For example, the woman who said she saw the murder wearsence. There is passive voice in the sentence. However, we like usingglasses.active voice in Chinese; we ually fllw the standard of main clause原译:那个女人说话她戴着眼睛看见谋杀。lies tail part.改译:那个说看到谋杀的妇女戴眼镜。When we translate address, 咖' usually translate larger place.This original translation isn' t accurate; the problem is misunder-Some time and place usually are at the front of sentence.stood on grammar. After analysis, we can know the main cause ofThere is diference in standard language between Chinese andsentence, which is "The woman... wears glasses". Subject is modifiedEnglish. The translalor should have a perfect knowledge of the lan-by ttrbutive clause, which is“who... the murder". The sentence ofguage from which he is translating and an equally excellent knowl-“said" is guiding the object clause.edge of the language into which he is translating. At this point theThe translator should understand perfectly the content and inten-translator must have a wide knowledge in both languages for gttingtion of the author whom he is translating. The principal way to reachthe equivalence in the larget language, because the deficiency of theit is reading all the sentences or the text completely 80 that you canknow中国煤化工a talation witout logiegive the idea that you want lo say in the target language because theand smost important characteristic of this technique is translating the mes-YHCNMHGsage as clearly and natural as posible. So Granimatical Analyis isLogic is necesary for translators in expression of target text. Be-catalysts in translating.tween Chinese and English, there is a great gap which is expressed in2.3 During the Translating, Logical Analysis is Importance.thinking and sequence. So we have to leam logic impressions. Trang-68lators try their best to keep target text matching source text in order译成:1 bllion; 000.000译成:1million.We have to calculate thethat target text is with clear logic concepts.digital. Yen, Yuan and Dollar are useful in translating; we can'tFor example, Scientists defined the temperature requirementstranslate them with Chinese makigs.necessary for survival the black carp.译为:科学家们规定了青鱼生Fifth, when we finish proofreading target text, source text is cor-存的必须温度。responding to target text. This is necessity matter. The conlext sbould改译:科学家们查明了青鱼生存的必须温度。keep consistency style.The original translation of "regulale doesn't ft in logical. TheSo proofreading of target text is the most important step in theproblem is that translators make mislake in understanding of "de-whole translating process. We must check up target text carefuily, wefine". The "define" means "understand, find out". So we must correct should proofread paragraph sentence and words whether those aren'toriginal translation in order to accord with Chinese logic concepts.translated. ls target text corresponding to source Lext? In all, every de-3.3 Corect Use of Punctuationstail is paid a great attention to main points.Punctuations play an important part in translation. Translators5. Conclusionshould not ignore punctuations when they translate text. However,h may be true that professional translalors are not always neces-punctuations are different between Chinese and English.sary, however if the translation is to be accurale and professionallyWe should change English of circular point (. )into Chinese ofcircle (。)on full stop in the sentence. When we make some exam- translations lead to many problems including people misunderstandingples, we should change English comma (,)into Chinese of“Dunhao"texts which ulimately relect poorly on a company or organization. If(、). The elipsis of Chinese ..... )should be changed three pointsyou want your car fixed you lake it to a mechanic, not a car salesman.of Engis.(..).He may know a bit about cars but not enough to address your prob-4. Proofreading of Target Textlems properly.Proofreading is the most important step in the whole translatingWe have realized the translation process; our culure of transla-process. At the same time, it also would consolidate quality of targettion may be developed. As the matter of fact, Translation is expressedtexl. This process plays an important part in a translating process. Af- language activities which use a language expressed arjolbher languageter translaing target text, translators have to proofreading for targetby the accuracy and integity of thinking. However, we must pay greattexts in order to make the targel text accurately.attention to the translating process .The more we concem the translal-First, we should look up un -translated sentences for target text. ing process, the better we can translate target text. However, the 3-Translators do plenty of translatin jobs everyday, they may leak someStep Translation Process still is around by translation.sentences. So we have to correet with the mistakes.As a saying goes, there is process for all things. If you grasp theSecond, it is important that target text is corresponding to sourceone, you can get to destination quickly and easily. We undersland thetext. We should check up the whole text, and correct the context translation process, we translate context easier and more quickly.meaning.Works cited:Third, there are plenty of problems such as over-translation and[]郭富强《英汉翻译理论与实践》机械工业出版社2004年mistranslation which are important for profreading.1.Fourth, names, geographical names, date, position and digital[2]吕瑞昌<汉荚翻译理论与实践》陕酉人民出版社1983 年must be checked up, which is the most important in translation tech-[3]郭尚兴{翻译理论与实践》天津人民出版社2003年nology. Such as, digital isn't sensitively for Chinese. 100000,000(上楼第66页)NNS教师能更好地理解学习者。从学习互动的角度来看,语言和文尽管受到西方文化研究的影响,国内的外语文化研兖在某种化的相同或相似对于课堂文化教学是很有价值的资源,NNS教师程度上得到了一定的提升,但纵观现存的资料.国内相关研究仍比既可以将自己所学知识运用于课堂,有可以结合学习者学习过程较零散,而i且其理论与实践结合也不紧密。值得欣喜的是,《第_二语中出现的问题完善自已的知识结构。言教与学的文化因素》-书向我们展现了西方课堂文化教学的最三教材新进展.涉及到文化教学的许多方面。此外,该书在教学法上采用目前中国对外汉语教学处于一种停滯不前的状态,而其中的多种研究方法和范例,如定性、定最研究以及在建立上大规模材料重要原因就是缺乏适应时代需要.符合外国学生学习规律的全新基础上的统计方法等,这些都为文化教学研究奠定了良好的理论的对外汉语教材。与现实基础。Corazzi和Jin[6]将教材形象地比作教师、地图、资料、训练者、全能的技术者、意识形式。针对三种不同的文化.主张建立三种类参考文献:型的教材,即建立在文化源头上的教材、建立在母标语文化基础上[1] Lado, Robert. Language Teaching; A Scieniice Approaech.的教材以及针对国际目标语文化的教材。对于对外汉语教学研究New York: McGraw- Hill, 1964.者而言,熟悉这三类教材及其包含的文化内容非常重要。第一类教[2]ByraM,M & Morgan,C.Teaching -and-leaming language- -and-材主要涉及学习者自身的文化。这种教科书权威性较强,极具特culue. Clavadon, UK: Mulilngual Mter,1994.色。第二类教材主要针对目标语文化。这类教材大多受商业化影[3]Hinkel ,Eli. Culture in Second Language Teaching and Leam-响,但随着材料的改革也发生了新的变化,例如关于EFL的教材ng第二语商教与学的文化因素.上海:上海外语教育出版杜.2005.多涉及提高种族性别和环境意识等诸多方面。第三类教材中的文[4]中国煤化工e in Language Teaching化指的是在说英语或非英语的国家中,英语并非作为第一或第二0xford:CNMHG种语言,而是作为国际通用语的文化。这种教材中的文化理论基础[5]kacnru, 1 aunun lunure anu agunentative witing in world是在国际环境中英语频繁地被那些不把它当成第-语言的说话者Englishes. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.所使用。[6]Cortazzi ,Martin & Jin, Lixian. Culture of leaming; Language四.总结classoom in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 1996.59
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