GB/T 19807-2005塑料管材和管件  聚乙烯管材和电熔管件 组合试件的制备Plastics pipes and fittings--Preparation of test piece assemblies between a polyethylene (PE) pipe and an electrofusion fitting GB/T 19807-2005塑料管材和管件  聚乙烯管材和电熔管件 组合试件的制备Plastics pipes and fittings--Preparation of test piece assemblies between a polyethylene (PE) pipe and an electrofusion fitting

GB/T 19807-2005塑料管材和管件 聚乙烯管材和电熔管件 组合试件的制备Plastics pipes and fittings--Preparation of test piece assemblies between a polyethylene (PE) pipe and an electrofusion fitting

  • 标准类别:[GB] 国家标准
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:GB/T 19807-2005
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2022-06-16
  • 下载次数:
