GA 84.5-2000边防管理违法、违规信息代码.第5部分:登轮工作人员违规、违章类别代码Code for the information of violated law and regulation under the frontier defence administration—Part 5:Code for working personals violation of rules and regulations on board GA 84.5-2000边防管理违法、违规信息代码.第5部分:登轮工作人员违规、违章类别代码Code for the information of violated law and regulation under the frontier defence administration—Part 5:Code for working personals violation of rules and regulations on board

GA 84.5-2000边防管理违法、违规信息代码.第5部分:登轮工作人员违规、违章类别代码Code for the information of violated law and regulation under the frontier defence administration—Part 5:Code for working personals violation of rules and regulations on board

  • 标准类别:[GA] 公安行业标准
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:GA 84.5-2000
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2022-10-30
  • 下载次数:
