AS 4276.21-2019水质--方法21:大肠杆菌和大肠菌类细菌的计数--使用酶水解底物的最大可能数法(MPN) (ISO 9308-2:2012, MOD)Water microbiology--Method 21: Examination for coliforms and Escherichia coli--Determination of most probable number (MPN) using enzyme hydrolysable substrates (ISO 9308-2:2
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:AS 4276.21-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-04-17
- 下载次数:次
This part of ISO 9308 specifies a method for the enumeration of E. coli and coliform bacteria in water. The method is based on the growth of target organisms in a liquid medium and calculation of the "Most Probable Number" (MPN) of organisms by reference to MPN tables. This method can be applied to all types of water, including those containing an appreciable amount of suspended matter and high background counts of heterotrophic bacteria. However, it must not be used for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in marine water.
When using for the enumeration of E. coli in marine waters, a 1-10 dilution in sterile water is typically
required, although the method has been shown to work well with some marine waters that have a lower than normal concentration of salts. In the absence of data to support the use of the method without dilution, a 1-> 10 dilution is used.
This method relies upon the detection of E. coli based upon expression of the enzyme 3-D-glucuronidase and consequently does not detect many of the enterohaemorhagic strains of E. coli, which do not typically express this enzyme. Additionally, there are a small number of other E. coli strains that do not express (3-D-glucuronidase.
The choice of tests used in the detection and confirmation of the coliform group of bacteria, including E. coli, can be regarded as part of a continuous sequence. The extent of confirmation with a particular sample depends partly on the nature of the water and partly on the reasons for the examination. The test described in this part of ISO 9308 provides a confirmed result with no requirement for further confirmation of positive wells.
NOTE While this method describes the use of an enumeration device that is commercially available, the medium described here can also be used in a standard MPN format.AS 4276.21:2019
Australian Standard?
Water microbiology
Method 21: Examination for coliforms and
Escherichia coil-Determination of most
probable number (MPN) using enzyme
hydrolysable substrates (ISO 9308-2:2012, MOD)
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee FT-020, Water
Microbiology, to supersede AS 4276.21-2005, Water microbiology, Method 2l:
Examination for colifawns and Escherichia coli-Determination of most probable number
(A,IPN) using enzyme hydrolysable
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