IEC 60599-2015使用中的浸渍矿物油的电气设备--溶解和游离气体分析结果解释的导则Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment in service - Guidance on the interpretation of dissolved and free gases analysis
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 60599-2015
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-04-21
- 下载次数:次
This International Standard describes how the concentrations of dissolved gases or free
gases may be interpreted to diagnose the condition of oil-filled electrical equipment in service
and suggest future action.
This standard is applicable to electrical equipment filled with mineral insulating oil and
insulated with cellulosic paper or pressboard-based solid insulation. Information about
specific types of equipment such as transformers (power, instrument, industrial, railways,
distribution), reactors, bushings, switchgear and oil-filled cables is given only as an indication
in the application notes (see Annex A).
This standard may be applied, but only with caution, to other liquid-solid insulating systems.
In any case, the indications obtained should be viewed only as guidance and any resulting
action should be undertaken only with proper engineering judgment.dition 3.0 2015-09
Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment in service – Guidance on the interpretation
of dissolved and free gases analysis
Matériels électriques remplis d'huile minérale en service – Lignes directrices
pour l'interprétation de l'analyse des gaz dissous et des gaz libres
IEC 60599:2015-09(en-fr)
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