IEC 61207-2-2019 气体分析器性能表示--第2部分:利用高温电化学传感器测定气体中的氧 Expression of performance of gas analyzers – Part 2: Measuring oxygen in gas utilizing high-temperature electrochemical sensors
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 61207-2-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-05-01
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 61207 applies to all aspects of analyzers using high-temperature electro-
chemical sensors for the measurement of oxygen in gas.
It applies to in-situ and extractive analyzers and to analyzers installed indoors and outdoors.
The object of this part is:
– to specify the terminology and definitions related to the functional performance of gas
analyzers, utilizing a high-temperature electrochemical sensor, for the continuous
measurement of oxygen concentration in a sample of gas;
– to unify methods used in making and verifying statements on the functional performance of
such analyzers;
– to specify what tests are performed to determine the functional performance and how such
tests are carried out;
– to provide basic documents to support the application of internationally recognized quality
management standards.dition 2.0 2019-06
Expression of performance of gas analyzers –
Part 2: Measuring oxygen in gas utilizing high-temperature electrochemical
Expression des qualités de fonctionnement des analyseurs de gaz –
Partie 2: Mesure de l'oxygène contenu dans le gaz en utilisant des capteurs
électrochimiques à haute température
IEC 61207-2:2019-06(en-fr)
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