ASTM E272-2019 高强度铜基和镍铜合金铸件参考射线照片 Standard Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:ASTM E272-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-05-01
- 下载次数:次
1.1 These reference radiographs illustrate various categories, types, and severity levels of discontinuities occurring in high-strength copper-base, nickel-copper, and related alloy castings. The reference radiograph films are an adjunct to this document and must be purchased separately from ASTM International, if needed (see 2.3). Categories and severity levels for each discontinuity type represented by these reference radiographs are described in 1.2.
Note 1: The basis of application for these reference radiographs requires a prior purchaser supplier agreement of radiographic examination attributes and classification criterion described in Sections 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of this standard.
1.2 These reference radiographs consist of forty-five 5 by 7 in. (127 by 178 mm) nominal size reproductions (twenty made from 1 in. (25.4 mm) plate castings exposed with low voltage X-rays for thicknesses up to and including 2 in.) and twenty-five made from 3 in. (76 mm) plate castings exposed with 2 MV X-rays or Cobalt 60 isotope for thicknesses greater than 2 in. up to and including 6 in. Unless otherwise specified in a purchaser supplier agreement (see 1.1), each discontinuity category is for comparison only with production radiographs produced with radiation energy levels within the thic
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