AS 1892.1-2018 便携式梯子--第1部分:性能和几何要求 Portable ladders - Performance and geometric requirements
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:AS 1892.1-2018
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-05-08
- 下载次数:次
This Standard sets out requirements for the design and manufacture of portable ladders
from various materials and combinations of materials, such as metal, plastic, reinforced
plastic, other composites, ceramics, timber and engineered wood.
The Standard provides two duty ratings for industrial ladders and domestic ladders, which
are assigned minimum load ratings.
The Standard provides two stability ratings; for stability and higher stability, which may
relate to industrial ladders and domestic ladders. Any such stabilizing device or devices
shall be an integral part of the ladder and shall not be removable.
The Stoodord coven single and multiple-section ladders, multipurpose ladders, combination
ladders and those special-purpose ladders defined in Claore 1.5 and in other ladders that
can be set up in confrguntioo equivalent to the foregoing ladders.
The Standard does not fully cover ladder accessories. Examples of accessories not coverd
may include, but are Oct limited to, ladder leveller,, ladder mobilizers. standoff devices,
ladder jacks. ladder strops, hooks, carton, shelves, safety gate. that my be installed on, or
and in conjunction with ladders.
NOTE: Access- should eon lessen the pert a and mot requirement; of Idder to which
they are coached.
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