BS ISO 16900-12-2016 呼吸保护装置 试验方法和试验设备 测定的体积平均的呼吸和呼吸压力峰值 Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures BS ISO 16900-12-2016 呼吸保护装置 试验方法和试验设备 测定的体积平均的呼吸和呼吸压力峰值 Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures

BS ISO 16900-12-2016 呼吸保护装置 试验方法和试验设备 测定的体积平均的呼吸和呼吸压力峰值 Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures

  • 标准类别:
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  • 标准编号:BS ISO 16900-12-2016
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2023-05-18
  • 下载次数:
