ASTM C140/C140M-2017 混凝土砌块与相关砌块取样及测试的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ASTM C140/C140M-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-06-15
- 下载次数:次
1.1 These test methods provide various testing procedures commonly used for evaluating characteristics of concrete masonry units and related concrete units. Methods are provided for sampling, measurement of dimensions, compressive strength, absorption, unit weight (density), moisture content, flexural load, and ballast weight. Not all methods are applicable to all unit types, however. 1.2 Specific testing and reporting procedures are included in annexes to these test methods for the following specific unit types: Annex A1—Concrete masonry units (Specifications C90, C129) Annex A2—Concrete and calcium silicate brick (Specifications C55, C73, C1634) Annex A3—Segmental retaining wall units (Specification C1372) Annex A4—Concrete interlocking paving units (Specification C936/C936M) Annex A5—Concrete grid paving units (Specification C1319) Annex A6—Concrete roof pavers (Specification C1491) Annex A7—Dry-cast articulating concrete block (Specification D6684) 1.3 The test procedures included in these test methods are also applicable to other types of units not referenced in these test methods, but specific testing and reporting requirements for those units are not included. 1.4 These test methods include the following sections: Section Scope 1 Referenced Documents 2 Terminology 3 Significance and Use 4 Sampling 5 Measurement of Dimensions 6 Compressive Strength 7 Absorption 8 Calculations
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