IEC 61076-2-010-2021 电气和电子设备用连接器--产品要求--第2-010部分:圆形连接器--根据IEC 61076-2-101、IEC 61076-2-109、IEC 61076-2-111和IEC 61076-2-113的匹配接口,具有外部或内部推拉锁定机构的连接器详细规范 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Product requirements – Part 2-010: Circul
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 61076-2-010-2021
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-06-17
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 61076-2 specifies circular connectors with a push-pull locking mechanism of a size derived from, and thus being compatible with M12 screw-locking connectors (free connectors with screw-locking according to IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 or IEC 61076-2-113 are compatible with push-pull fixed interfaces according to this document) and with mating interfaces according to IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 (except codings E in general and coding F for inner push-pull) or IEC 61076-2-113.
A fixed connector with push-pull locking according to this document is intermateable with a correspondingly coded free connector with M12 screw-locking according to any of the above mentioned standards.dition 1.0 2021-05
Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Product requirements –
Part 2-010: Circular connectors – Detail specification for connectors with outer
or inner push-pull locking mechanism, based on mating interfaces according to
IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 and IEC 61076-2-113
Connecteurs pour équipements électriques et électroniques – Exigences de
produit –
Partie 2-010: Connecteurs circul
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