IEC 61347-2-7-2021 灯具控制装置--第2-7部分:安全服务(ESSS)提供的应急照明电子控制装置(独立)电源的特殊要求 Lamp controlgear – Part 2-7: Particular requirements for electric source for safety services (ESSS) supplied electronic controlgear for emergency lighting (self-contained)
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 61347-2-7-2021
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-07-03
- 下载次数:38次
This part of IEC 61347 specifies particular safety requirements for electric source for safety services (ESSS) supplied electronic controlgear for maintained and non-maintained emergency lighting purposes.
It includes specific requirements for electronic controlgear and control units for self-contained luminaires for emergency lighting as specified in IEC 60598-2-22.
It is intended for controlgear for fluorescent lamps, and other lamp types for example incandescent lamps, high pressure discharge lamps and LEDs. This standard document covers the emergency mode operation of a controlgear. For controlgear with a combination of normal and emergency lighting operation, the normal lighting operation aspects are covered by the appropriate Part 2 of the IEC 61347 series. DC supplied electronic controlgear for emergency lighting may can (or may not) include batteries the electric source for safety services (ESSS). This document does not apply to d.c. supplied electronic controlgear for emergency lighting, which are intended for connection to a centralised centralized emergency power supply system. A centralized centralized emergency power system could be a central battery system.
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