![IEC 60076-15-2015 电力变压器--第15部分:充气电力变压器 Power transformers – Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers](/d/biaozhun/04morepic/ba031d6504db04ead978dadc8bb9d2b9.jpg)
![IEC 60076-15-2015 电力变压器--第15部分:充气电力变压器 Power transformers – Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers](/d/biaozhun/04morepic/ba031d6504db04ead978dadc8bb9d2b9.jpg)
IEC 60076-15-2015 电力变压器--第15部分:充气电力变压器 Power transformers – Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 60076-15-2015
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-07-16
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 60076 applies to three-phase and single-phase gas-filled power transformers
(including auto-transformers) with the exception of certain categories of small and special
transformers such as:
– single-phase transformers with rated power less than 1 kVA and three-phase transformers
less than 5 kVA;
– transformers, which have no windings with rated voltage higher than 1 000 V;
– instrument transformers;
– traction transformers mounted on rolling stock;
– starting transformers;
– testing transformers;
– welding transformers.
When IEC standards do not exist for such categories of transformers (in particular transformer
having no winding exceeding 1 000 V for industrial applications), this part of IEC 60076 may
still be applicable either as a whole or in part. This standard does not address the requirements
that would make a transformer suitable for mounting in a position accessible to the general
public. For those categories of power transformers and reactors which have their own IEC
standards, this part is applicable only to the extent in which it is specifically called up by
cross-reference in the other standard. Such standards exist for:
– reactors in general (IEC 60076-6);
– self-protected transformers (IEC 60076-13);
– transformers for wind turbine applications (IEC 60076-16);
– traction transformers and traction reactors (IEC 60310);
– converter transformers for industrial applications (IEC 61378-1);
– converter transformers for HVDC applications (IEC 61378-2).
At several places in this part it is specified or recommended that an 'agreement' should be
reached concerning alternative or additional technical solutions or procedures. Such
agreement is made between the manufacturer and the purchaser. The matters should
preferably be raised at an early stage and the agreements included in the contract
NOTE This standard can be applicable to the gas parts of a transformer in which an insulating gas is used with an insulating liquid.dition 2.0 2015-04
Power transformers –
Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers
Transformateurs de puissance –
Partie 15: Transformateurs de puissance à isolation gazeuse
IEC 60076-15:2015-04(en-fr)
Copyright ? 2015 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publ
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