ASTM D8187-2018 标准湿度室试验结果说明指南 Standard Guide for Interpretation of Standard Humidity Cell Test Results
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ASTM D8187-2018
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-07-22
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This kinetic test guide covers interpretation and cooperative management of a standard laboratory weathering procedure, Test Method D5744. The guide suggests strategies for analysis and interpretation of data produced by Test Method D5744 on mining waste rock, metallurgical processing wastes, and ores. 1.1.1 Cooperative management of the testing involves agreement of stakeholders in defining the objectives of the testing, analytical requirements, planning the initial estimate of duration of the testing, and discussion of the results at decision points to determine if the testing period needs to be extended and the disposition of the residues. 1.2 The humidity cell test (HCT) enhances reaction product transport in the aqueous leach of a solid material sample of specified mass. Standard conditions allow comparison of the relative reactivity of materials during interpretation of results. 1.3 The HCT measures rates of weathering product mass release. Soluble weathering products are mobilized by a fixed-volume aqueous leach that is performed and collected weekly. Leachate samples are analyzed for pH, alkalinity/acidity, specific conductance, sulfates, and other selected analytes which may be regulated in the environmental drainage at a particular mining or metallurgical processing site. 1.4 This guide covers the interpretation of standard humidity cell tests conducted to obtain results for the following objectives: Guide and Objective Sections A – Confirmation of Static Testing Results 5 – 6 B – Evaluation of Reactivity and Leachate Quality for Segregating Mine, Processing Waste, or Ore 7 – 8 C – Evaluation o
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