ASTM D6032/D6032M-2017 岩芯的岩石质量指标测定方法 Standard Test Method for Determining Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of Rock Core
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- 标准编号:ASTM D6032/D6032M-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-07-23
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the rock quality designation (RQD) as a standard parameter in drill core logging of a core sample in addition to the commonly obtained core recovery value (Practice D2113); however there may be some variations between different disciplines, such as mining and civil projects. 1.2 This standard does not cover any RQD determinations made by other borehole methods (such as acoustic or optical televiewer) and which may not give the same data or results as on the actual core sample(s). 1.3 There are many drilling and lithologic variations that could affect the RQD results. This standard provides examples of many common and some unusual situations that the user of this standard needs to understand to use this standard and cannot expect it to be all inclusive for all drilling and logging scenarios. The intent is to provide a baseline of examples for the user to take ownership and watch for similar, additional or unique geological and procedural issues in their specific drilling programs. 1.4 This standard uses the original calculation methods by D.U. Deere to determine an RQD value and does not cover other calculation or analysis methods; such as Monte Carlo. 1.5 The RQD in this test method only denotes the percentage of intact and sound rock in a core interval, defined by the test program, and only of the rock mass in the direction of the drill hole axis, at a specific location. A core interval is typically a core run but can be a lithological unit or any other interval of core sample relevant to the project. 1.6 RQD was originally introduced for use with conventional drilling of N-size core with diameter of 54.7 mm (2.155 in.). However, this test method covers all types of core barrels and core sizes from BQ to PQ, which are normally acceptable for measuring determining RQD as long as proper drilling techniques are used that do not cause excess core breakage or poor recovery, o
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