ASTM D7566-2018 含合成烃的航空涡轮燃料的规格 Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ASTM D7566-2018
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-07-23
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This specification covers the manufacture of aviation turbine fuel that consists of conventional and synthetic blending components. 1.2 This specification applies only at the point of batch origination, as follows: 1.2.1 Aviation turbine fuel manufactured, certified, and released to all the requirements of Table 1 of this specification (D7566), meets the requirements of Specification D1655 and shall be regarded as Specification D1655 turbine fuel. Duplicate testing is not necessary; the same data may be used for both D7566 and D1655 compliance. Once the fuel is released to this specification (D7566) the unique requirements of this specification are no longer applicable: any recertification shall be done in accordance with Table 1 of Specification D1655. 1.2.2 Field blending of synthesized paraffinic kerosine (SPK) blendstocks, as described in Annex A1 (FT SPK), Annex A2 (HEFA SPK), Annex A3 (SIP), Annex A4 synthesized paraffinic kerosine plus aromatics (SPK/A), or Annex A5 (ATJ) with D1655 fuel (which may on the whole or in part have originated as D7566 fuel) shall be considered batch origination in which case all of the requirements of Table 1 of this specification (D7566) apply and shall be evaluated. Short form conformance test programs commonly used to ensure transportation quality are not sufficient. The fuel shall be regarded as D1655 turbine fuel after certification and release as described in 1.2.1. 1.2.3 Once a fuel is redesignated as D1655 aviation turbine fuel, it can be handled in the same fashion as the equivalent refined D1655 aviation turbine fuel. 1.3 This specification defines the minimum property requirements for aviation turbine fuel that contain synthesized hydrocarbons and lists acceptable additives for use in civil operated engines and aircrafts. Specification D7566 is directed at civil applications, and maintained as such, but may be adopted for military, government, or other specialized
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