首页 > 标准下载>IEC 61196-6-2-2020 同轴通信电缆--第6-2部分:75-4型CATV电缆的详细说明 Coaxial communication cables – Part 6-2: Detail specification for 75-4 type CATV drop cables免费下载
IEC 61196-6-2-2020 同轴通信电缆--第6-2部分:75-4型CATV电缆的详细说明 Coaxial communication cables – Part 6-2: Detail specification for 75-4 type CATV drop cables IEC 61196-6-2-2020 同轴通信电缆--第6-2部分:75-4型CATV电缆的详细说明 Coaxial communication cables – Part 6-2: Detail specification for 75-4 type CATV drop cables

IEC 61196-6-2-2020 同轴通信电缆--第6-2部分:75-4型CATV电缆的详细说明 Coaxial communication cables – Part 6-2: Detail specification for 75-4 type CATV drop cables

  • 标准类别:
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  • 标准编号:IEC 61196-6-2-2020
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2023-07-26
  • 下载次数:

This part of IEC 61196 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-4 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance & control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coaxes (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz.
This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1 and IEC 61196-6. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type.dition 2.0 2020-05 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Coaxial communication cables – Part 6-2: Detail specification for 75-4 type CATV drop cables IEC 61196-6-2:2020-05(en) THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright ? 2020 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani
