ASTM C1831/C1831M-2017 伽马辐射屏蔽物性能测试指南 Standard Guide for Gamma Radiation Shielding Performance Testing
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- 标准编号:ASTM C1831/C1831M-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-07-28
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This guide identifies appropriate test methods for determining the sufficiency of radiological shielding for hot cells and shielded enclosures. 1.2 After constructing or modifying radiological shielding, it is necessary to verify that shielding performance meets or exceeds the shielding performance requirements. This is typically accomplished using sealed test sources of much less activity than the design basis. This allows for modifications or correction of any discrepancies identified before the commissioning of the hot cell. 1.3 The guidance and practices recommended by this guide are applicable to both new and existing shielded facilities and enclosures for evaluating shielding suitability and locating the existence of shine paths or other shielding anomalies that result from design, manufacture, or construction. 1.4 Two types of testing may be performed. 1.4.1 Shielding performance verification testing provides evidence that the shielding configuration is sufficient for meeting established performance criteria and for identifying deficiencies in the shielding configuration or components that may not have been addressed during design. Test results are expected to demonstrate that shielding performance meets or exceeds design criteria, not match the dose rates predicted analytically. 1.4.2 Shielding performance verification testing identifies shielding deficiencies (hot spots) in the installed configuration relative to adjacent shielding but does not demonstrate compliance with any quantitative shielding performance requirement. 1.5 Performance testing should be specified and performed to assess shielding adequacy with sources in all critical locations. 1.6 Requirements for shielding performance testing should be clearly defined in design basis or procurement documentation. 1.7 This guide is not applicable to neutron radiation shielding performance evaluations. 1.8 Units—The
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