ASTM D2170/D2170M-2018 沥青动力粘度试验方法 Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts
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- 标准编号:ASTM D2170/D2170M-2018
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-08-09
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This test method covers procedures for the determination of kinematic viscosity of liquid asphalts, road oils, and distillation residues of liquid asphalts all at 60 °C [140 °F] and of liquid asphalt binders at 135 °C [275 °F] (see table note, 11.1) in the range from 6 to 100 000 mm2/s [cSt].
1.2 Results of this test method can be used to calculate viscosity when the density of the test material at the test temperature is known or can be determined. See Annex A1 for the method of calculation.
Note 1: This test method is suitable for use at other temperatures and at lower kinematic viscosities, but the precision is based on determinations on liquid asphalts and road oils at 60 °C [140 °F] and on asphalt binders at 135 °C [275 °F] only in the viscosity range from 30 to 6000 mm2/s [cSt].
Note 2: Modified asphalt binders or asphalt binders that have been conditioned or recovered are typically non-Newtonian under the conditions of this test. The viscosity determined from this method is under the assumption that asphalt binders behave as Newtonian fluids under the conditions of this test. When the flow is non-Newtonian in a capillary tube, the shear rate determined by this method may be invalid. The presence of non-Newtonian behavior for the test conditions
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