ASTM E3057-2019 用带先进技术分析技术的定向火焰温度计测量热通量的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using Directional Flame Thermometers with Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
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- 标准编号:ASTM E3057-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-08-22
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This test method describes the continuous measurement of the hemispherical heat flux to one or both surfaces of an uncooled sensor called a “Directional Flame Thermometer” (DFT).
1.2 DFTs consist of two heavily oxidized, Inconel 600 plates with mineral insulated, metal-sheathed (MIMS) thermocouples (TCs, type K) attached to the unexposed faces and a layer of ceramic fiber insulation placed between the plates.
1.3 Post-test calculations of the net heat flux can be made using several methods. The most accurate method uses an inverse heat conduction code. Nonlinear inverse heat conduction analysis uses a thermal model of the DFT with temperature dependent thermal properties along with the two plate temperature measurement histories. The code provides transient heat flux on both exposed faces, temperature histories within the DFT as well as statistical information on the quality of the analysis.
1.4 A second method uses a transient energy balance on the DFT sensing surface and insulation, which uses the same temperature measurements as in the inverse calculations to estimate the net heat flux.
1.5 A third method uses Inverse Filter Functions (IFFs) to provide a near real time estimate of the net flux. The heat flux history for the “front face” (either surface exposed to the heat source) of a DFT can be calculated in real-time using a convolution type of digital filter algorithm.
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