ASTM D7998-2019 拉伸载荷下用搭接剪切键测量温度对于粘合剂凝聚强度发展影响的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Effect of Temperature on the Cohesive Strength Development of Adhesives using Lap Shear Bonds under Tensile Loading
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ASTM D7998-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-09-01
- 下载次数:次
1.1 This test method concerns bonding and testing of wood adhesives and related adhesives using small scale tensile lap-shear samples in a manner that emphasizes transient cohesive strength as a function of bonding time and temperature.
1.2 Use of thin adherends enables bondlines to be rapidly heated to elevated temperatures and maintained at those temperatures for a range of times at a controlled pressure before testing.
1.3 Optional rapid forced air cooling of bonds after pressing and immediately before testing enables the effect of testing temperature on transient strength to be evaluated.
1.4 Bond overlap distance is specified to ensure that failure occurs in the bondline rather than in unbonded portions of adherend strips, and also to minimize the effect of shear stress non-uniformity along the overlap during tensile testing.
1.5 Standard wood or alternative non-standard materials must be of specified high quality and uniformity of structure and dimension to minimize variability of bonding and maximize stress transfer into the bonds during testing.
1.6 The effect of wood variability and type, or of the properties of alternative non-wood materials, on bond strength development may be explored using the method.
1.7 Optional hermetic sealing of bond overlaps d
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