IEC 61987-15-2016 工业过程测量和控制--过程设备目录中的数据结构和元素--第15部分:用于电子数据交换的电平测量设备属性列表(LOPs) Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 15: Lists of properties (LOPs) for level measuring equipment for
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 61987-15-2016
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-09-22
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 61987 provides
• operating list of properties (OLOP) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for level measuring equipment, and
• device lists of properties (DLOPs) for the description of a range of level measuring equipment types. The structures of the OLOP and the DLOPs correspond to the general structures defined in IEC 61987-11 and agree with the fundamentals for the construction of LOPs defined in IEC 61987-10.
Aspects other than the OLOP, needed in different electronic data exchange processes 1 described in IEC 61987-10, will be published in IEC 61987-92 .
The locations of the libraries of properties and of blocks used in the LOPs concerned are listed in the Annexes C and D.dition 1.0 2016-11
Industrial-process measurement and control – Data structures and elements in
process equipment catalogues –
Part 15: Lists of properties (LOPs) for level measuring equipment for electronic
data exchange
Mesure et commande des processus industriels – éléments et structures de
données dans les catalogues d’équipements de processus –
Partie 15: Listes de propriétés (LOP) pour équipement de mesure de niveau pour
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