ASTM D1600-2018 有关塑料缩略语的术语 Standard Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to Plastics
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- 标准编号:ASTM D1600-2018
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-09-23
- 下载次数:次
1.1 The purpose of this terminology is to provide uniform contractions of terms relating to plastics. Abbreviated terminology has evolved through widespread common usage. This compilation has been prepared to avoid both the occurrence of more than one abbreviated term for a given plastics term and multiple meanings for abbreviated terms. 1.2 The scope of these abbreviated terms includes plastics terms pertaining to composition and relating to type or kind according to mode of preparation or principle distinguishing characteristics. Also included are abbreviated terms for terms relating to copolymers, blends and alloys of plastics, and additives such as plasticizers, fillers, etc. Note 1: A code relating to the composition of rubbers is given in Practice D1418. 1.3 No attempt is made here to systematize formally a shorthand terminology for polymers. Terminology, including nomenclature, codes, symbols, and formula designations for use in scientific literature in the field of natural and synthetic polymers, are being studied and standardized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.2 1.4 These abbreviated terms are by no means all-inclusive of plastics terminology. They represent, in general, those terms that have come into established use. Since it is recognized that abbreviated terms serve no useful purpose unless they are generally accepted and used, no attempt has been made to establish a rigorous code for devising standard abbreviated terms. This would result in awkward departures from established usage of existing and accepted abbreviated terms and lead to cumbersome combinations in the future, which would not be likely to receive widespread acceptance. The abbreviated terms now in use have grown naturally out of the need for convenient, readily comprehended shorthand for long chemical names. This process can be expected to continue along the natural lines of least resistance and will serve as a basis for fu
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