IEC 62714-2-2015 用于工业自动化系统工程的数据交换格式--自动化标记语言--第2部分:角色类别库 Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering - Automation markup language - Part 2: Role class libraries
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 62714-2-2015
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-01
- 下载次数:次
The IEC 62714 series specifies an engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems.
This part of IEC 62714 specifies normative as well as informative AML role class libraries for the modelling of engineering information for the exchange between engineering tools in the plant automation area by means of AML. Moreover, it presents additional user defined libraries as an example. Its provisions apply to the export/import applications of related tools.
This part of IEC 62714 does not define details of the data exchange procedure or implementation requirements for the import/export tools.dition 1.0 2015-03
Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems
engineering – Automation markup language –
Part 2: Role class libraries
Format d'échange de données techniques pour une utilisation dans l'ingénierie
des systèmes d'automatisation industrielle – Automation markup language –
Partie 2: Bibliothèques de classes de r?les
IEC 62714-2:2015-03(en-fr)
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