ISO/TS 20559-2020 图形符号--安全颜色和安全标志--开发和使用安全标志系统的指南 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Guidance for the development and use of a safety signing system
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ISO/TS 20559-2020
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-04
- 下载次数:次
This document serves to complement the basic standards for safety signs: the ISO 3864 series, ISO 7010, ISO 16069, ISO 23601 and ISO 17398, as well as ISO 45001. This document contains recommendations and explanations on the practical application of safety signs to form a system of communication intended to reduce risk.st edition 2020-08 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Guidance for the development and use of a safety signing system Symboles graphiques — Couleurs de sécurité et signaux de sécurité — Lignes directrices pour le développement et l'usage d'un système de signaux de sécurité Reference number ISO/TS 20559:2020(E) ? ISO 2020 ISO/TS 20559:2020(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCU
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