IEC 62832-3-2020 工业过程测量、控制和自动化--数字工厂框架--第3部分:数字工厂在生产系统生命周期管理中的应用 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation – Digital Factory framework – Part 3: Application of Digital Factory for life cycle management of production systems
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 62832-3-2020
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-08
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 62832 specifies rules of the Digital Factory framework for managing information
of a production system throughout its life cycle. It also defines how information will be added,
deleted or changed in the DigitalFactory by the various activities during the life cycle of the
production system.
These rules include:
– rules to represent a production system with a DigitalFactory;
– rules to represent a PS asset or a role with a DFasset;
– rules to represent a relationship between PS assets with a DFassetLink;
– rules to represent a relationship between roles with a DFassetLink;
– rules to represent the hierarchy of PS assets in a production system;
– rules to check the compatibility between associated PS assets.
NOTE 1 "PS" and "DF" are used in IEC 62832 (all parts) as qualifiers, they are part of the concept names. See
IEC 62832-1:2020, Clause 3.
NOTE 2 Common rules are the base for the exchange of data between and within enterprises, between engineering tools, and between departments.dition 1.0 2020-10
Industrial-process measurement, control and automation – Digital Factory
framework –
Part 3: Application of Digital Factory for life cycle management of production
Mesure, commande et automation dans les processus industriels – Cadre de
l’usine numérique (Digital Factory) –
Partie 3: Application de l'usine numérique pour la gestion du cycle de vie de
systèmes de production
IEC 62832-3:
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