ISO/TS 13399-305-2017 切削工具数据的表示和交换--第305部分:三维模型的创建和交换--钻孔用可调墨盒模块化加工系统 Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 305: Creation and exchange of 3D models — Modular tooling systems with adjustable cartridges for boring
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ISO/TS 13399-305-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-12
- 下载次数:次
This document specifies a concept for the design of tool items, for all kinds of modular tooling systems with adjustable cartridges for boring, together with the usage of the related properties and domains of values. This document specifies a common way of designing simplified models that contain the following: — definitions and identifications of the design features of modular tooling systems with adjustable cartridges for boring, with an association to the used properties; — definitions and identifications of the internal structure of the 3D model that represents the features and the properties of modular tooling systems with adjustable cartridges for boring. The following are outside the scope of this document: a) applications where these standard data may be stored or referenced; b) concept of 3D models for cutting tools; c) concept of 3D models for cutting items; d) concept of 3D models for other tool items not being described in the scope of this document; e) concept of 3D models for adaptive items; f) concept of 3D models for assembly items and auxiliary items.ion 2017-01 Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 305: Creation and exchange of 3D models — Modular tooling systems with adjustable cartridges for boring Représentation et échange des données relatives aux outils coupants — Partie 305: Création et échange des modèles 3D — Systèmes d’outils modulables avec cartouches réglables pour alésage Reference number ISO/TS 13399-305:2017(E) ? ISO 2017 ISO/TS
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