![IEC TS 62872-1-2019 工业过程测量、控制和自动化--第1部分:工业设施和智能电网之间的系统接口 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation – Part 1: system interface between industrial facilities and the smart grid](/d/biaozhun/05morepic/2da2f3256d1597b60fcd55c27cb277b9.jpg)
![IEC TS 62872-1-2019 工业过程测量、控制和自动化--第1部分:工业设施和智能电网之间的系统接口 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation – Part 1: system interface between industrial facilities and the smart grid](/d/biaozhun/05morepic/2da2f3256d1597b60fcd55c27cb277b9.jpg)
IEC TS 62872-1-2019 工业过程测量、控制和自动化--第1部分:工业设施和智能电网之间的系统接口 Industrial-process measurement, control and automation – Part 1: system interface between industrial facilities and the smart grid
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC TS 62872-1-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-13
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 62872 defines the interface, in terms of information flow, between industrial
facilities and the “smart grid”. It identifies, profiles and extends where required, the standards
needed to allow the exchange of the information needed to support the planning, management
and control of electric energy flow between the industrial facility and the smart grid.
The scope of this document specifically excludes the protocols needed for the direct control of
energy resources within a facility where the control and ultimate liability for such control is
delegated by the industrial facility to the external entity (e.g. distributed energy resource
(DER) control by the electrical grid operator).dition 1.0 2019-06
Industrial-process measurement, control and automation –
Part 1: system interface between industrial facilities and the smart grid
IEC TS 62872-1:2019-06(en)
Copyright ? 2019 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utili
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