ISO/TS 21219-23-2016 智能运输系统--通过运输协议专家组第二代(TPEG2)的交通和旅行信息--第23部分:道路和多通道路线(TPEG2-RMR) Intelligent transport systems -- Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2) --Part 23: Roads and multimodal routes (TP
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ISO/TS 21219-23-2016
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-16
- 下载次数:次
New mobility services like car sharing, car rental or park and ride as well as the integration of different transport modes by multimodal or off-board navigation are gaining increasing importance. Furthermore, the cooperative management of the transport infrastructure requires the provision of precise information and guidance on dedicated routes from a central knowledge base to a traveller’s mobile device.
Such use cases are addressed by the TPEG application defined in this document. The Road and Multimodal Routes (RMR) application enables the service provision for road routes as well as multimodal routes including more than one transport mode and parking. For example, an optimal multimodal route may include a drive by car to a train station with parking facility, a train connection to a station nearby the destination and a local public transport ride from the train station to the traveller’s destination.
The standardized delivery, via TPEG technology, of routing information has some potential benefits for the users of an RMR TPEG service, for instance:
— Enabling of specialized routing services like scenic routing or Eco routing;
— The best use of the overall transport network, i.e. not only the road network;
— Cost and time savings to traveller;
— Harmonization of in-car navigation and traffic management, e.g. routing advices by variable message signs;
— Personalized service provisioning, i.e. information services considering the specific characteristics of a user.
Some of the use cases above, in particular personalized service, may require a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication while others may apply a broadcast communication approach, e.g. city routing.
st edition
Intelligent transport systems - Traffic
and travel information (TTI) via
transport protocol experts group,
generation 2 (TPEG2) —
Part 23:
Roads and multimodal routes
Systèmes intelligents de transport — Informations sur le trafic et le
tourisme via le groupe expert du protocole de transport, génération 2
(TPEG2) —
Partie 23: Routes et routes multimodales (TPEG2-RMR)
Reference number
ISO/TS 21219-23:2016(E)
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